ConiFur Hotel Closing
ConiFur NorthWest
Fife, WA
October 4th-6th
ConiFur Hotel Closing
We have been just informed by the sales department at the Best Western Executive Inn located in Fife, WA, that they will be closing down effectively July 31st.
Unfortunately this means that our event scheduled to happen in the first weekend in October is in jeopardy. We are in communications with the hotel now and trying to arrange an alternative venue for our event. We are not sure what the result will be at this time, but we should know shortly and will announce it to the membership and public just as soon as possible.
If you are making reservations, we ask that you wait until an announcement is made regarding this. The 1-800 number for the front desk at the Fife location is turning away customers due to the reasons given. However, the national reservation center is unaware of the closure and is still actively taking reservations for dates that may turn out unavailable.
We apologize for the incovenience this may cause. We are doing everything possible to rectify the situation and will keep you folks informed as soon as we know anything.
Thank you.
Dan Canaan
Flinthoof Ponypal
ConiFur NorthWest

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Flinthoof (Dan Canaan) — read stories — contact (login required)MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT MINT
Good luck guys. I look forward to hearing about the new venue soon!
You and me both! I'm going to work with the Best Western and see how they can work us into another facility. That's the nice things about hotel contracts, they bind the hotels as well as the convention.
All I'm worried about, is being able to get to wherever the new location is going to be. Not to mention getting reservations for everyone who had had reservations at BW.
I'm not sure whether or not to be glad I procrastinated so much on reserving a hotel room. Should I be glad that I won't have the hassle of switching now, or fearful that my place may not be secure in whichever new hotel there is? It makes my head hurt.
Smile! The world could use another happy person.
Ouch. Just ouch. Good lucks guys.
Sorry to hear about that guys. :/ Hope everything works out. If you can find a new hotel soon, feel free to send fliers to us here at CACE so we can help you publicize your new location.
Jeff Novotny
Chair, CACE
We are working now with the Best Western to obtain credible information on what is happening. I don't want to see any rumors started, so what you read here is the honest truth as we know it. ConiFur has always had a policy of being open to the public and I will stand by that in the future.
I talked to the hotel today (7/24) and was told they should have more information on 7/31 regarding what will happen once the current leasor of the property has their lease expire. The hotel property owner wants to continue, but this is all dependant upon finding another management group in time, keeping all dates, etc.
So, in the mean time, we just ask that you hold off on reservations until after July 31st. By then we'll have a more definative answer. ConiFur *will* continue for this year, but we're not sure what the venue will be.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the folks who run the convention at:
Dan Canaan
Flinthoof Ponypal
ConiFur NorthWest
Many people already *have* hotel reservations though.
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