Pounced.org offline due to controversial sex-trafficking bill
Similar to Craiglist's decision to shut down its personal ads section, Dallas-Fort Worth-hosted furry dating service Pounced.org is down, pending interpretation of the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA), which passed the U.S. Senate Wednesday.
FOSTA is intended to assist victims of sex trafficking, by allowing them to sue websites that facilitated their abuse. This gives previously undue liability to the platform for actions and content of third-party users; so Pounced.org is shutting down as a preventive measure while Kelar, the site's founder, seeks legal counsel.
The website, launched 15 years ago this month, hosted more than 13,000 ads from furries seeking friends, dates, or casual encounters within the fandom. Visitors are now directed to criticism of the bill from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital rights organization.
Update 03/26/18: The message on Pounced.org has been updated. Users can now read a much more in-depth explanation of the motivation for the shut-down, and concerns over the meaning of the bill:
We don't promote prostitution or sex trafficking. We're a personals site for the furry community, our goal was to allow members of our community to have a personals site dedicated solely to the community, and we've tried to serve our community well.
The problem is, with limited resources and a small volunteer staff, our risk for operating the site has now significantly increased. Now if someone posts an ad looking to exchange sex for something to pounced.org, and we don't catch it, is that facilitating prostitution? Is it enough to simply re-train our volunteer staff and update our terms of service?
The update also comes with an assurance that an individual's user data will be somehow made available to that person, before member data is destroyed.
Update 05/03/18: An announcement was made confirming the shut-down as permanent, with the site itself likely going offline July 1, 2018.

About the author
Equivamp (Kile Onasi) — read stories — contact (login required)a team lead (production/manufacturing) and Zebra Pegasus from Kansas, interested in paleoanthropology, spider man and star wars
A furry website is temporarily closed, maybe permanently, due to new restrictions on free speech. It's almost like free speech is an important principle for the furry fandom, especially given it's mostly non-physical nature. If only someone had brought that sort of fact to people's attention earlier.
Of course, Pounced is primarily about meeting people. However all sites where you can communicate with one another can be used for those purposes. In the grand scheme of things, furry sites are small fish. There is potentially the risk that other furry sites will need to cut down on allowing user communication if the risk becomes too great, especially since we know there is a sexual side to the fandom which does translate to real life. Or, maybe furry sites will just no longer operate out of the US.
Edit: Yeah, technically not a restriction in the same sense of being prevented from saying something. Going after hosts of speech is pernicious in a different sense. By putting them at risk, they will then restrict what can be said or what opportunities there are to say something which is then leading to a shrinking of the area for free speech.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
It seems a little bit aggrandizing to imply that if only furries had better heeded your article about why furry websites should allow legal cartoon child pornography and anti-semitic manifestos or else society will collapse, then the U.S. Senate wouldn't have passed this bill that has to my understanding been in the works since the previous U.S. Presidency. Particularly considering (and this is obviously marred by selection bias) I have seen nothing but criticism for it from the furry fandom, pre-dating it even affecting a furry website.
But I do agree that the bill is harmful, and not just because it makes it legally dangerous for website hosts, but because it is literally dangerous for the very people it's designed to protect.
Some background into this bill: According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in 75% of cases where they receive reports of child sex trafficking from the general public, the personals website Backpage.com is involved. Obviously, any such service can be abused, but a PSI report claimed that Backpage was deliberately concealing evidence of child sex trafficking, and making it more difficult for authorities to spot, by removing words like "young" or "little girl", but publishing the rest of the ad. In 2015, the PSI subpoenaed the website, and they ignored it, citing the First Amendment, leading to the Senate finding the website in contempt of Congress.
It seems the lawmakers saw an obstacle into resolving a case, and are overlooking the restriction of freedoms and the other consequences from this method of overcoming the obstacle, which I fear could be dire. Backpage shut down its adult content section, and ads for sex with children moved into the dating section instead. And if they go elsewhere entirely, investigators will have to catch them scattered on the winds instead.
The bill also endangers non-trafficked people who sell sex. If they no longer have access to online resources, they have to resort to more dangerous work soliciting on the street. Their ability to share information (such as bad or dangerous customers) could also be shuttered.
We wouldn't have changed the passage of the bill but it would be nice to have people recognise the importance of the principle before it is taken away.
I think it's often the case that lawmakers see an obstacle and then work to remove that obstacle without paying attention to the wider effects of their decisions. There are probably several reasons for that, many of which are probably in this nice summary of unintended consequences: https://www.fs.blog/2018/02/unintended-consequences/ It's not for no reason that the saying goes "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Also, because who doesn't like taking extra swipes at politicians...
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Thanks Equivamp. Non-trafficked people who sell sex aren't murdering anyone, hate groups are, hm what could the difference be.
It's like there are children who need to be sat down and talked to about differences between community policies, or broad sweeping government acts. Telling hate groups to go away and recruit somewhere else, or putting people in jail. Wearing earplugs and saying "stop yelling in my ear" and refusing service to unwanted customers, or actual punishment. Quality control, or getting spammed without limits. Moderation, or censorship. American politics, and whatever they do about cartoon child pornography and anti-semitic manifestos where they live.
It'll be a lot trickier running any kind of U.S.-based social network under these circumstances, let alone whether it's sex- or relationship-oriented. After all, any general-purpose groups communication, advertisement or messaging system may be used for the kind of communication targeted by this legislation, which previously they were not liable for.
Any good moderator also knows that matters of user conduct are seldom black and white - indeed, it is the cases where you try to make the right call but it goes wrong which are likely to be the most troublesome; if you have suspicions but allow activity to continue, that could be viewed as facilitation. It's almost better not to moderate at all. Users also seldom welcome intrusion into their private messages, let alone revealing personal real-life information to staff to identify a bona fide relationship.
I suspect this is, in part, aimed at those services which have sought to use end-to-end encryption. If you provide a service which you can't decrypt to monitor communications for prostitution or sex trafficking, it doesn't seem too much of a leap to view that as a form of facilitation - and if it's been brought to your attention that this might be happening, does that not make it knowing facilitation?
Of course, for once, those sites which aren't based in the USA might have an easier time of it. If anything this will drive more services overseas - perhaps to Europe, because after all they're already at risk of violating EU law if they take personal data out of the EU. Besides, it's cheaper.
Furry dating by Yiffcoin on Tor
Anon stole the Yiffcoin idea ;) Now he wants to implement a blockchain based, ID verifying, Furcoin using, secure art wallet thing. http://www.furaffinity.net/journals/otterscoj/
Vice/motherboard covered Pounced and FOSTA. http://motherboard.vice.com/amp/en_us/article/8xk8m4/furry-dating-site-pounced-i...
Furrycoin is already a listing on deadcoins.
Important question: does this mean those creepy flash ads on e621 will go away (and we can get back to the regularly scheduled creepy Bad Dragon ads, as God intended)?
I'm not too sure what happened exactly, was it that some bad things happened without moderation?
Regardless, I am sad to see a website like this as a wholen get shut down. Hope it's not permanent. Like WTF. Why not target all ugly human dating sites then?
Sorry if I made a mistake here. I don't know much about the website but I might of heard about it before a bit.
I was also curious about the status of furry dating sites and recently figured out that society in general finds it bad, which isn't very surprising because society in general is just this low. I recently found out some videos on YouTube promoting such sites had a lot of dislikes. I know this sounds a little off topic but sometimes I stretched one subject this far out I guess. XD
Human dating sites are are impacted. As noted Craigslist had to shut down its personals sections.
To the old people in the room, imagine if the newspaper that printed classifieds were responsible for the outcome of said classifieds. This is what many of these sites are trying to mitigate against. It's not worth the risk to those that hold such sites to risk being sued if an individual uses such sites to harm others.
In essence it would require the site owner to have the ad poster's personal information and to do a background check on them, and to have them sign a responsibility waiver that would cause any and all lawsuits coming from their interactions with those that respond to their ads as their responsibility.
Obviously that's a lot of effort for a site that probably doesn't make any money off the actions of its users. For a place like e Harmony or other services where you have to pay to be a member, it may be something they can deal with more readily.
Keep in mind, people promoting most of the furry dating sites out there might be booed because these websites are usually just dead-end scams where you pay to wade through a sea of robots.
Maybe, though there was a popular Youtube video viewing it filled with hate, and it might of had over a million views, and there was a comment under one of the dating promoting videos saying quality memes with high votes, and kinda with negative furry dating comments with more thumbs up.
I did heard about the scam issue here and there, but it's hard to tell to see if that's what the hate is a lot.
Maybe they just hated it due to the incredibly tacky (yet ironically accurate in terms of the site's model) flash ads depicting a female fur running away from a sex-crazed male who never catches her.
That advert was from Pounced.org? It was very tasteless.
Turns out it was FurFling, the one that is almost certainly a scam (or at least a robot convention) (which kind of ruins my earlier joke comment, but whatever).
The FurFling ads, however, are all incredibly tasteless (and also are so badly done they give off an "uncanny" creepiness regardless of content), and should all go away even if they weren't for a scam.
"Why not target all ugly human dating sites then?"
Dude... shut the fuck up. Peoples' freedom of speech and the ability to conduct business are at risk, and you see it as yet another platform to demand that people stop looking at you funny for wanting to fuck animals? Take it outside.
And this is why I'm a misanthropic and someone who cringes at common romance.
Why does everyone simply take for granted that Pounced was shut down for a law that isn't even in effect yet, and more importantly, one that states quite clearly that if anything illegal had been going on, that the law allows penalties for such actions and activities which occurred before the law is enacted?
While it is entirely possible that Pounced.org simply followed the propaganda campaign against the legislation that Craigslist and others are using (or that they bought into it), I feel there is something else going on, especially given my own involvement in issues which ARE of importance here: the actual exploitation of minors by Pounced because they do not have sufficient measures to prevent minors from using the site.
No one here has even read the Act or the laws which it changes, have they? This FOSTA act is not about free speech, it is about websites taking proper precautions to ensure their resources are not used to exploit minors and traffic people for sex.
The ONLY thing Pounced needs to fear from this law is that they have allowed so many minors onto the site and have violated the law by not offering parents information on how to filter the content. This is required of all sites which provide adult content, by the law which ironically, this FOSTA act strengthens.
Don't be fooled by the EFF link. EFF is an organization which takes people's money, no more. They are simply telling people lies about this legislation and taking their money. Read the act. It's all of two pages.
I think people will soon find out that Pounced.org was shut down because they allow and even encourage the exploitation of minors. I know because I turned them into the FBI and other agencies for it after one too many times they ignored my reports of minors using the site and responded with "prove it."
What about the fact that the site was deleted, not taken down? Every bit of information is gone, the site was deleted completely. This is very suspicious.
I've read FOSTA and the other laws and I agree something else is going on here. This FOSTA does not affect Pounced. Pounced is a personal's site. The only reason Craigslist shut down their personsals (in the USA only by the way) is because they do not properly moderate the site and in fact mismanage it for personal and political reasons by admins - according to numerous accounts that is. So, is Pounced jumping on some bandwagon, or is something more sinister going on.
Something people may not know but which the grapevine will soon provide proof of: someone offered to buy Pounced two months ago, the offer was never responded to because Celer refused to respond except by Telegram. Also, at least one user reported Pounced to law enforcement, specifically Wolfpac for failing to take down ads from obvious minors. Given how many ads from minors there are and how extreme some of them are (13 years old! I saw two myself!), its not a stretch to believe that either Pounced was afraid of getting in legal trouble because they don't do enough to keep minors off the site. This is especially true when examining the laws that are being changed. Other parts of the law state that sites like Pounced must provide information and links for parents to filter adult content. This FOSTA now means that Wolfpac can get in legal trouble for not preventing minors from being exploited.
Awful suspicious. And if not, it certainly was down right rude. That data is all gone. If they deleted it from the site, are they going to also delete it from their servers? What about all the people asking for their ads and messages? If this was really about the legislation, why not just set the whole site to read only? Why delete it.
There are too many unanswered questions.
Hi, anon. Yes, I'm familiar with the bill. In fact, here's an excerpt from a comment of mine just a few above yours:
I think most people who criticize the bill aren't criticizing its intent, but its effects.
I can't really comment on these allegations about Pounced; I'm not especially familiar with the community and I try not to make a habit of taking drive-by accusations from aggressive anons at 100% face value. I do understand there has been at least one instance where an arrest was made of a furry sleeping with a 17 year old met through Pounced who'd lied about her age, but the culpability of the website itself isn't something I can speak to.
I think this might be as good a place as any to drop a note of caution about all statistics you can find about trafficking or Backpage.com. While debunking itself is accused of murky politics (especially by opponents with vested interest themselves) there's a lot of common sense criticism about what you might call an industry of inflating numbers and causing panic. Same as if we were talking about marijuana use being accused of heinous affects that don't exist.
This topic is the tip of where furry meets counterculture. For that, it makes sense to look towards the SF Bay area - silicon valley's relationship with furry should need no introduction - and here's some data about it being a "hotbed" of furry subculture.
Here's a piece I did that relates to it. Furry events there can cross over with subcultural circus theater, avant-cabaret, burlesque, comedy and music, and other subculture like Burning Man.
There's been great support here for furry kink events. I co founded one by invite of a BDSM club and have dated sex workers like one who worked at the unionized Lusty Lady club.
This stuff is under pressure to exist, and where it does it can bring healthy safer support for people involved. It's everywhere of course, but in other places where it's driven underground it makes things worse. (As an aside, no it's not comparable to complaint about the community moderating itself by excluding hate speech, hate is the opposite value, moderation is a sign of health too.)
To the extent that furry represents DIYness and outsiderness as a self made community, members whose interest aligns with kink deserve tolerance for it. They're just as much fans into books and art as anyone else in it. They're also a reason it has independence and isn't a corporate run mickey mouse club, and might deserve a special thanks for that. A piece about that -
Speaking of Pounced I see this as part of a scary larger agenda. Soapboxing, but their closing appears to be collateral damage from a real attack in the larger culture. I have no idea who these critics are or where they're coming from with insinuations about sinister activity on the site. Unless we get names and evidence to give it substance, it may even be evidence of a loaded topic used as a wedge to drive in a repressive agenda. As far as I know, Pounced has been a staple of the community forever, run by nonprofit generosity, apart from all other personals sites here. (Linked above, a piece looking at other sites being scammy was one of the first expose type articles I did back in 2013.) Unless anyone wants to come forward with evidence of suspicions for a more complicated story, the whole community should be upset about Pounced taking a hit against what it represents. I've been getting tons of comments from furries telling about meeting, making friends and getting married to others met on the site.
It's almost as if real life is not generally safe and makes it easier for abusive relationships to grow. The government should step up its game and put laws in place that control being outside when it's raining. Rain is dangerous no doubt, statistically speaking.
One of the most dangerously abusive relationships, though, is with the government itself. It feels as if they function at their barest minimum enough to avoid a coup d'état.
I perfectly understand the decision of the website owner. You do enough work as is for non-profit, and "society" repays you by increasing your liability to the level of "what other people do in their homes that you don't control or supervise". What The Fuck.
This will be the century in which rights and liberties will diminish instead of slowly grow. The excuse is always one of the following: child abuse, drugs, pornography, or terrorism.
Your comments are irrelevant because they are based on an assumption, and one which cannot be supported at that.
This law did not take Pounced down. Pounced was deleted from the server and replaced with a link to someone's opinion about the effects of the legislation on legitimate sex workers.
This legislation is not to blame, it is not unfair, it does not harm the community. The only thing that harms the community is the behavior of Pounced admins in allowing trolls to ruin the site, minors to have ads and be exploited, and not fixing problems that have been outlined since 2005 or earlier.
Why don't you leave the commenting to informed people instead of just opening your mouth to impress everyone with the words that come out? There are a lot of people who are deeply upset at Pounced, who WERE deeply upset at Pounced for a long time, even before this happened.
Pounced is NOT A VICTIM, Pounced is guilty!
You people all think furries can do no wrong, that the laws are out there just to opress and repress you. Bullshit. Pounced was a joke site that no one cared about. They banned anyone who complained about how badly the site was run, they let trolls be admins, and Wolfpac, who was put in charge of the site when Celer (Kelar) went on to more lucrative projects, has run it into the ground even worse than Tango did when he was running it with Google ads as an income stream.
Also, there is no "furry community." Get over yourself. And that was the biggest problem with Pounced - being used by non-furries and other people who were not there for what Pounced was intended to be used for - to find romantic relations.
I'm glad to see Pounced is gone. I hope to see some of those assholes in jail where they belong for their part in the exploitation of young people. And given your ignorance of the reality of what Pounced was, you and anyone else so naiive as to believe what Pounced says about this shutdown are absolutely culpable (that means to blame) for the exploitation of minors through Pounced.
Maybe there should be a law to make the whole "furry community" legally liable for the exploitation of minors, instead of just the websites which facilitate people doing so.
And on that note, shame on everyone here for ignoring the real issue here: the sexual exploitation of minors.
Please. You can't even decide what your beef with Pounced.org is. "People were upset at Pounced because trolls were admins" is nowhere approaching "Pounced admins should be in jail for child sex trafficking", especially when the reason for the latter is, "they asked for proof when I told them they were guilty of it", and you think their involvement in sex trafficking is a smaller problem than, er, people using it for things other than romantic endeavors.
Regardless of whether anyone "cared" (lol) about the website, the bill (now a law) is, yes, harmful, and is, yes, repressive. Maybe you could take a look into what sex workers have said about it for themselves - a quick Google search would help.
As for how it can harm the community, well, let's just negate your personal, heart-rending rage at this particular website, and go into scenarios you might be able to see a little clearer:
People sell sex at furry conventions. Even in cases where it isn't sold, furries use the Internet to plan and coordinate sexual encounters at furry conventions, and since attending a convention costs money, it could be interpreted that way legally. Do you see the problem that puts websites in? The fact no actual trafficking is involved doesn't matter; any facilitation of sex work can already get you in trouble for "trafficking", like driving your consenting wife to a motel.
I asked for names and data and got rumor. Anon will be upset to read my article tomorrow about Pounced being instrumental in the founding of an international furry con.
Hey great, a little more detail from anon.
We get a story about detecting what they think are minors on the site, supported by looking at user stats and deducting that there's too many at age 18. Useful but a bit weak? And contacting one who appears to be 13. Good, thats helpful and concerning! Then it shifts from "admin asked me to prove they are underage" to "admin is trafficking minors."
Is it really surprising such a leap hasn't been well received? Then there are citations to "that woman in colorado" and "pandaguy(?)" Come on anon, not even a link? Isn't this stretching a bit?
I get tips like this from time to time, it usually works out well by first dealing really carefully with admins, then maybe the community, before just firing off tons of emails to media and linking some admins personal AD account. Wow was that necessary?
Most recently there was an explicit account run by a minor with 800 members - we got it completely shut down this week just by community pressure. This was an especially positive resolution to another case of minors in an explicit chat. https://twitter.com/DogpatchPress/status/952550456118493184?s=19
People cant easily detect this stuff, it's not their fault and thats the scary thing about this law.
"Sold it to me two months ago"
And there we go. That's the reason behind this stupid angstfest.
Someone wants to buy their way into popularity.
Please tell me you're joking with all this anon?
Just highlighting a standout comment:
Oh man, that reminds me – it's been a while since we heard from Grubbs Grizzly, hasn't it? Looks like his advice column is still going; I guess the common term yiff was a little too common to be included in his last response.
Oh, hell, he's got one of those creepy FurFling ads on his site (one of the "SFW" variety, but still creepy as shit).
Also, my favorite one of all time was the kid asking how he can be more popular, and Grubbs' answer was "have you tried bringing your mom to furmeets?"
Holy cow.
Just what furry needs, Anon (asshole version, not me) being a gatekeeper.
I'm really tired of people deciding furry years ago is so much better than furry now. I've been a furry since the early 90s. That's well over 25 years. It's the same as it ever was. Maybe a little better.
This idiot either wasn't a furry years ago, or he wasn't really invited to any real furry events to be around furries. But the furry he thinks he experienced certainly wasn't what the fandom was about. I mean seriously. It started with us getting off to Robin Hood. (Or Maid Marion, depending)
Or Simba and Nala if you were in Russia! ;-)
But yeah; if anything we're living in something of a Golden Age, given such wide availability of content and events, the development of the fursuit industry, etc.
Things have improved significantly since the turn of the century; even in the last decade, the number of conventions has roughly quadrupled, reaching far corners of the globe.
Of course, that also means this mythical website might be viable despite excluding whole groups of people. Maybe it'll keep him occupied, and thus help keep the fandom a better place for us all.
Why are you deleting comments equivamp?
Do you always delete comments from people who don't agree with your ignorant line of thought? Do you wish your readers to remain as ignorant as you are about the facts?
Why are you protecting people who prey on minors either actively or by "reckless disregard?"
I don't have the ability to delete comments. Your comments might be getting censored by the spam filter. If that's the case, you should ping GreenReaper about that, because I don't have control of that end, either. Alternatively you can always contact me on Twitter directly.
Meanwhile, it appears that both submissions uploaded by the throwaway account you linked above have disabled comments entirely. Cheers.
The only comments deleted recently were spam comments, and all of them were on stories other than this.
Your comments are, however, being rated fairly poorly by readers - at a guess, because they sound kinda like crazy obsessive ranting, and have not been presented with substantiating evidence. If this happens enough, they will fold, although they are still accessible. If you make lots of poorly-rated comments, they'll all be more susceptible to folding.
Take a step back, lose the "everyone's against me" paranoia, and understand you need more than wild unsupported accusations of malfeasance to sway the crowd here. It's not enough to say "soon the grapevine will provide proof" - you must provide it; and it might help if you could point to this "lot of people who are deeply upset", too. Because right now it's just one guy with no name.
Edit: ...who is still raw about a site full of personal data not being sold to them, good catch anon2.
Boozy Badger weighs in on the pounced.org shutdown... InkedFur.com’s Furry Friday: FOSTA Parents Suck – Pounced.org and the Sex Trafficking Shutdown.
Like the part where he says to not talk about pounced in past tense, then goes to present tense and makes a joke about specificity, and then talks about in past tense again.
This article already has more padding than when he talked about the Adult Diaper groups ;P
So the Fed has struck, apparently they were thirsty for BackPage.com
Apparently that website was the driving force behind this bill, as I had come to find from this November 2017 CBS article: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/backpage-website-investigation-sex-trafficking-pros...
Yesterday the site was taken off line pending criminal charges.
I'd been casually aware of this for a while, it's extremely political beyond just protecting people, and may harm people it supposedly protects. This is an excellent article about it (Pounced gets a mention): https://www.engadget.com/amp/2018/03/30/congress-just-legalized-sex-censorship-w... More info - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backpage
For a while Backpage was a financial backbone for independent journalism of its corporate owner - It's named for the racy ads in back of free alt weekly papers. That kind of ad was a money maker online when newspaper business has been in a long slow collapse with other classified ad money going to Craigslist. Incidentally, that kind of journalism shares a few countercultural roots with furry (alt weekly newspapers > underground comix.)
It's no mistake this happened just at the time when the US president has a scandal in the news about having an affair with a porn star, and while he's been pushing a long attack at any media that doesn't just lick his boots. Post-truth-think-of-the-children politics.
"Whenever there is *actual* censorship, the free speech warriors are conspicuously silent." - https://twitter.com/InnerPartisan/status/983029691752878080
Yeah, I actually talk about Backpage in this very comment section. :P
Given the quality of comments that had occurred on other article, I've kind of been dazedly reading them as of late, and haven't read them as thoroughly as I used to, honestly.
Anon has more dating site ideas. http://www.furaffinity.net/journal/8686577/
Blockchain tech is hot so how many things can be awkwardly merged with it? Ok, anon says it can help verify ID for a new dating site. Nice thought about encouraging people to provide real info when it can be encrypted for privacy, but how will making it less open discourage people from adding fake info? Maybe it could involve a credit card account?
A gem.
Pay sites that already exist don't have a good record of gaining a critical mass of users. When a free site refused to sell and they say the users they wanted were lazy, in a fandom founded in volunteering, good luck :P
I updated the article to include the announcement that the shutdown is permanent.
Looks like they have a typo on the new cover page:
It's sad, but there are alternatives. Facebook is starting to offer a dating service - what could possibly go wrong there?
General public outcry about personal information, data sharing, privacy and Facebook's involvement in those issues.
Facebook: Now would be a really good time to start a dating service and collect more personal information from people!
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
Thanks to corruption government, more and more people will be depressed now.
Thank god falling in love with "fictional" characters can be a thing.
I just hope society in general won't expect me to have a "human girl". If so, well... at least I am an introvert too. :)
Check out the update on the pounced.org wikifur link.
Hey equivamp! why do you not believe that my mate and I are in talks to buy pounced.org? you are free to contact me at any time for verification. that site is where my mate and i met and we intend to do EVERYTHING we can do to save it. so please stop deleting our updates... THANKS!!! Please have some respect for 2 furies who are trying to save a piece of their history!!!
You may have mistaken Flayrah's comments section for the Talk page of Pounced.org on WikiFur (see also page history comments). Equivamp is a contributor to both sites; but if you want to discuss an issue with a WikiFur article, the appropriate place is there.
pounced.us is up and running!!! under construction and it will be until on or after july first, so we can focus on buying the original website pounced.org. we are saving as much of the old site as possible in case the acquisition fall's through. our last ditch effort will be a hostile take-over or a lawsuit to sue for ownership of the site. feel free to contact with us with any questions!!!
Pounced.us is now up and running, to place ad's email administrations Email. Twitter account of pounced.us is also up and running. Ad's are currently being posted.
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