2019 Ursa Major Award Nominations open until the end of February 14th
Nominations for the 2019 Ursa Major Awards are now open and will close at midnight on February 15th.
To submit your nominations in any of thirteen categories, everyone must first go to the nominations page to enroll for a key.
The categories are:
- Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture
- Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series
- Best Anthropomorphic Novel
- Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction
- Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work
- Best Anthropomorphic Non-Fiction Work
- Best Anthropomorphic Graphic Story
- Best Anthropomorphic Comic Strip
- Best Anthropomorphic Magazine
- Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration
- Best Anthropomorphic Game
- Best Anthropomorphic Website
- Best Anthropomorphic Costume (Fursuit)
Please note that the Fursuit category requires all of the following: a link to a good photo taken in 2019, where it was taken, and who made it.
If a nominee in the other categories is not listed in the Recommended List, please supply a link to it. It never hurts to supply a link if you are unsure if it is in the list.
Be sure to get have your voice heard prior to the deadline before February 15th and nominate your favorite items today!

About the author
Goldfur (Bernard Doove) — read stories — contact (login required)a chakat from Cranbourne (Melbourne), Australia, interested in science fiction and bushwalking
I am an amateur artist and author of many anthropomorphic works. I have been involved with the furry fandom for about two decades, but I've basically been a furry fan all my life.
Boy, the one category I actually can be relied upon to vote enthusiastically in, movies, is kind of a "blah" this year. I mean, I picked Cats as my favorite furry movie of the year, but, I mean, it was a movie that just got me somehow, and, no, it doesn't deserve an award for that, Toy Story 4, Avengers 4 and HTTYD 3 aren't really "furry enough" for me to confidently vote for, I was genuinely surprised when people asked about Detective Pikachu not making my top ten because I had all but forgotten it existed (and this is a movie I wrote multiple articles for ), and, you know, fuck Arctic Dogs.
Also, looking at the recommended list, holy shit, The LEGO Movie 2 was this year; I literally forgot that one existed, and it's at best in the "not really furry" category above and, also, Jesus, those four are all sequels, aren't they?
You seen this one yet? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVBQD2etF5k
I mean, way better timing then Bitter Lake, anyway.
Hope people do participate on promoting their favorite content. I haven't had much time to consume furry content this year.
Apparently some of my friends are nominating me for the fursuit category, I'm flattered and that'd be totally rad and a great boost for my small maker :3
I'm a different furry with different opinions.
Debut Album out now go stream it plz
It's not entirely clear to me whether the 15th is included, and what timezone "midnight" is being calculated to start with. Of course, the best time to nominate is "right now", but in the future it might be best to specify something like "24:00 UTC-8 on the 14th" if that's actually what is intended, as otherwise people are bound to be disappointed.
Apologies for the lack of clarity. The nominations are open until the end of Saturday 15th in the last timezone in the world. For some of you, it will be Sunday by that time but it would not be fair to people in Hawaii for example if it closed earlier.
Disappointed with Ursa's "2019 Recommended Anthropomorphics list"
(but if they don't know about a furry item and no one tells them... they can't add it)
additional suggested nomination for latest Ursa awards:
#FursuitFriday 2020 Charity Calendar, by various (Artwork Tee, calendar, shipped August)
Suggest calendar be nominated in "Other Literary Work" category
(since latest calendar to be listed in Ursa Recommended list was back in 2016 in
"Recommended Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work" category.
https://ursamajorawards.org/RL2016.htm#Other )
Flayrah piece: https://www.flayrah.com/7643/look-out-firefighters-fursuiters-arrive-charity-cal...
Another furry thing missing from Ursa 2019 list: Flayrah.
for "Magazine" category (category it was in Ursa's 2018 list)
"Flayrah, edited by Sonious, GreenReaper, and Dronon. (Internet; January 1 to December 31)"
(editor order based on Flayrah homepage > number of Recent contributors > Editing )
EDIT: nomination fields apparently limited to 150 characters ... so keep that in mind if you have a lot of text to type in.
Recommendations for the list are always open until nominations start in mid January at which time they are closed for that year. It is not up to the committee members to add anything that they feel should have been on the list. In an effort to be completely unbiased, we neither add nor delete to the recommendations. Any personal items on the list such as my own novels are as a result of a reader putting in a recommendation. Because the Ursa Major Awards are a popular vote, doing anything else could be seen as unduly influencing the nomination process.
That said, I agree that these items deserved to be on the Recommended List for 2019.
Thought of another 2019 work:
Tuca & Bertie, on Netflix (Created by Lisa Hanawalt; Season 1 episode 1-10, May 3)
if you nominate, suggest this be nominated in "Dramatic Short Work or Series" category.
(since BoJack Horseman latest Listing (in 2018 List)
was in "Recommended Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series")
Another 2019 work:
DuckTales (2017 reboot) (Directed by Tanner Johnson, Jason Zurek, Matthew Humphreys and Jason Reicher; Episodes 30 to 47, March 9 to Sept 12)
if you nominate, suggest nominating in "Dramatic Short Work or Series" category.
(since DuckTales latest Listing (in 2018 List)
was in "Recommended Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series")
(directors sorted by number of episodes (credits source Wikipedia)
Tanner Johnson: 7 ep (30,32,35,39,42,45, co-director ep47)
Jason Zurek: 6 ep (31, 34, 38, co-director ep40, 44, & co-director ep47)
Matthew Humphresys: 6 ep (33, 36, 37, 41, 43, & 46)
Jason Reicher: 1 ep (co-director ep40) )
Another 2019 work.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 (Directed by Chris Renaud, June 7)
(for "Motion Picture" category)
(Starting to add these to https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/User:EarthFurst/2019_works )
Another 2019 work.
More than 100 Kemono Mascots Participated in, "StarMan!!" -Amatsuki- /JMoF Movie (Studio 643; www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSbROxnJ0GM ; Jan 13)
if you nominate, suggested nominating for "Dramatic Short Work or Series" category. (short work)
(100+ fursuiters)
Another 2019 work.
Final Space (on Netflix etc; created by Olan Rogers; directed by Ben Bjelajac, Anne Walker Farrell & Yoriaki Mochizuki; season 2; June 24 to Sept 23)
if you nominate, suggest nomination be in "Dramatic Short Work or Series" category.
(since Final Space latest Listing (in 2018 List)
was in "Recommended Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work or Series")
(directors sorted by number of episodes (credits source Wikipedia)
Ben Bjelajac : 5 episodes
Anne Walker Farrell: 4 ep
Yoriaki Mochizuki : 4 ep)
Another 2019 work.
Unnatural, by Mirka Andolfo. (Image Comics, trade paperback 2&3; April&Sept) imagecomics.com/comics/series/unnatural (reminds me of Handmaid's Tale)
for "Other Literary Work" category. (which includes "comic collections")
Unnatural, by Mirka Andolfo. (Image Comics, issues 6 to 12) https://imagecomics.com/comics/series/unnatural (reminds me of The Handmaid's Tale)
for "Graphic Story" category (which includes "comic books")
(made text shorter so would fit into nomination fields)
(this one a longshot because is rated Mature ... but reminds me of Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale so suggesting it anyway)
Another 2019 work.
Moonstruck, by Grace Ellis, Shae Beagle, etc. (Image Comics, Vol. 2: Some Enchanted Evening OGN trade paperback; March 13)
if you nominate, suggest nomination be in "Other Literary Work" category (since it includes "graphic novels")
(cute mythical LGBT creatures: werewolves, centaur(s), minotaur, etc)
EDIT: publisher link https://imagecomics.com/comics/releases/moonstruck-vol-2-some-enchanted-evening-... (which probably won't fit into nomination field)
As always I left this super-late and probably forgot something. I spend limited time looking at work - at least as a consumer - and Brexit was an extra distraction this year; so alas, some categories are light or non-existent.
Short Work or Series:
Graphic Story
Comic Strip
(It's hard to pick the difference as many "comics" are done in a full-page coloured style historically more common to Sunday strips. Ultimately those having dedicated websites got "comic strip", as did the one looking most like a comic to me.)
Should've nominated Trust Me last year. Maybe I did. Tempted by The Mouse Hole, but I didn't want two comics by the same artist, even if it's Pikachu.
Short Fiction
Non Fiction
Didn't really trust my own picks on the last one so I largely went by rating. I'm sure if I trawled the newsbytes I'd have found more, but they tend to be on sites that wouldn't really benefit from the extra attention of a fan award (although they might have made good picks for the Recommended list).
Lol, Condom Crusader and the Feral Peril is nominated now? Nothing against it; I loved it. Kitsuneyoukai's condom work is awesome and that villain was hot. I just find it amusing.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
It probably won't reach the voting stage, given it's one of the more competitive categories; but I did mention the Awards to Kit, who passed it onto his Discord group. So, who knows? If you don't try, you don't win. And what's better than wholesome stories promoting safe sex, disease control, the liberty of oppressed minorities, policing, or strong female role models? ;-)
Nominate Furry Times for Ursa Major. Just think how many people it will piss off, what other reason do you need!!!
Well, they would, except Nominations closed about a week ago...
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