Ursa Major Awards open for nominations of 2022 works
The annual Ursa Major Awards have opened for nominations for the best furry works published during 2022. Visit UMA's nominations webpage to enter your nominations. The nominations period "will continue until the end of 11 February 2023.
The nomination categories this year are:
- Best Anthropomorphic Motion Picture
- Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Short Work
- Best Anthropomorphic Dramatic Series
- Best Anthropomorphic Novel
- Best Anthropomorphic Short Fiction
- Best Anthropomorphic Other Literary Work
- Best Anthropomorphic Non Fiction Work
- Best Anthropomorphic Graphic Story
- Best Anthropomorphic Comic Strip
- Best Anthropomorphic Magazine
- Best Anthropomorphic Published Illustration
- Best Anthropomorphic Game
- Best Anthropomorphic Website
- Best Anthropomorphic Fursuit (or "Costume (Fursuit)")
- Best Anthropomorphic Music *NEW*
The music category is a new addition, and was announced at Ursa's twitter on January 20. It isn't listed as a catagory on the HTML page, but will be available on the form.
Information on 2022 Nomination Process
If you are looking for examples of furry works for most of the categories, ursamajorawards.org website includes their Recommended Anthropomorphics List (RAL) of 2022 works with items for most of the above categories with two exceptions:
1) the RAL 2022 has no music category, but most of that RAL's Miscellany category are music works.
2) the RAL 2022 has no fursuits listed, so look at recent Ursa tweets for examples of 2022 fursuits and list of the finalists of 2021 works, for ideas on formatting a fursuit nomination.
Fursuit nominations will require a link to one good photo taken in 2022, where it was taken, and who made it.
You may select content that is not listed in UMA's recommended list as long as it was published in 2022.
You may also only nominate work for categories you are familiar with, and leave the rest without entries. "You are permitted to come back and modify your choices until the close of the nominations."
As a reminder, in 2020, non-fiction work and fursuits were removed from the voting stage (of 2019 works) due to insufficient number of nominations. So if you want, please look at Flayrah's archives for articles published in 2022 and nominate one (or more) of our 2022 pieces.

About the author
EarthFurst — read stories — contact (login required)a Labrador Retriever from Vancouver, Canada, interested in furry and activism etc.
I did an article on short animations here: https://www.flayrah.com/8847/fur-your-consideration-quick-review-11-short-dramat...
On Non-Fiction I have an excel sheet of some items that I can list here, ranking in sort of order that I think its reception was made in the fandom (excluding Flayrah articles):
1) Furries are Leading the War Against a Book Banning Mayor: https://www.thedailybeast.com/furry-panic-is-the-latest-dumb-gop-attack-on-publi...
2) How an Urban Myth about Litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point: https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2022/nov/04/joe-rogan-school-litter-boxes-ki...
3) Furries speak out about alleged Portland Shooter:
4) Fired by Starbucks, Union Organizer Now Wears His Fursuit to Rallies: https://www.vice.com/en/article/4awzmm/fired-by-starbucks-union-organizer-now-we...
5) [Furry Author] Furry fandom, aesthetics, and the potential in new objects of fannish interest
6) Pursuit of the fursuit; The joys of being furry and making friends: https://www.sunjournal.com/2022/01/30/pursuit-of-the-fursuit-the-joys-of-being-f...
On video games I did a couple of reviews in 2022 on the actual games themselves. Tunic is probably one of my new all time favorites, and if I were a kid it is one that I would definitely had spent more time with like I did with Sonic games back in the day. Yes it is beating out Sonic, which is good but not Tunic good. Have a Klonoa review to get out the door before nominations close, will probably not be able to review Sonic by the time nominations come around, it's quite a meaty game.
Reviews actually done:
* Tunic - https://www.flayrah.com/8655/tunic-heros-adventure-reforged
* TMNT Shredder's Revenge - https://www.flayrah.com/8784/shredder%E2%80%99s-revenge-turtle-brawlers-remain-t...
I hope volume3 of Interns comic by Jackaloo gets enough nominations to advance to the voting stage of Ursa Mayor Awards.
Comic is included at Ursa's RAL (Recommended Anthropomorphics List) https://ursamajorawards.org/ReadList.htm#Graphic
"Interns vol 3, by Jackaloo. (FurAffinity; pages 60 to 93)"
so I think it has a chance.
(Interns v3 page60 at https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45443063/ )
If you like the comic, I hope you will consider nominating Interns for "Graphic Story" category of latest Ursa awards.
nomination page: https://ursamajorawards.org/nominations.htm
(maybe nomination text of: "Interns vol 3, by Jackaloo. (FurAffinity; pages 60 to 93)")
Nominations period "will continue until the end of 11 February 2023".
I guess when it comes to music would you rather voters nominate singles or albums?
Most of the items in the RAL indicate albums, but assessing an album is a bit different than assessing a single song on its own.
"Ambedo, by Leme Meek. Song/single. Mar 22."
( https://lememeek.bandcamp.com/track/ambedo )
is included at https://ursamajorawards.org/ReadList.htm#Misc
and I hope it makes into the top 5 nominations for Music category.
Oh cool, nominations still open:
also rooting for
"Chimera, by d.notive. album, Jan 28."
( https://dnotive.bandcamp.com/album/chimera )
also in Misc category
https://ursamajorawards.org/ReadList.htm#Misc (oops, Ursa List typo-ed as d.native)
and can go in Music category of nominations.
Is dreamy music and reminds me of the 1980s.
Ursas still accepting nominations: (here's some works i hope get into top5 nominees)
(for anyone awake and having difficulty with longer List at https://ursamajorawards.org/ReadList.htm )
Motion picture
1) Chickenhare and the Hamster of Darkness
2) Turning Red
(The Bad Guys also good)
Dramatic short work
1) Horns (Directed by FattyDragonite; December 9): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo5N0KoisR4
2) Cool Times: Grand Tour (Directed by Adam Bohorquez; December 15) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSQ4q50ipPg
3) Egg (Directed by Elizabeth Hisel; September 13) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3M3gn4zR_Sg
(still trying to figure out other shorts works i most want to nominate)
4) Emaho! (Directed by TheRoguez; April 15): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MexrvHeF_b4
5) Hello and Goodbye (Directed by Jordan Jeter; May 16): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZR7XIZvuMOY
(tough category, lots to choose from)
Dramatic series
1) "The Owl House (Created by Dana Terrace; season 2 episode 11 to season 3 episode 1)" (cancelled by Disney)
2) "Dead End: Paranormal Park (Directed by Liz Whitaker, Season 1 & Season 2)" (apparently cancelled)
3) "Tuca & Bertie (Created by Lisa Hanawalt; Season 3)"
4) HouseBroken (Directed by Eric Koening, and Tom King; season 2)
Other literary work:
1) Circles: Volume 4, by Steve Domanski and Andrew French. (Fenris Publishing, collection, Febuary 21)
2) Wynd Book Two: The Secret of the Wings, by James Tynion iv, Michael Dialynas, and Andworld Design. (Boom! Studios, TP collection, Feb 9)
3) A Howl: An Indigenous Anthology of Wolves, Werewolves, and Rougarou, edited by Elizabeth LePensée. (Native Realities Publishing, anthology, July)
4) Usagi Yojimbo Origins, by Stan Sakai. (IDW Publishing, trade paperback collection; volume 2 to 4)
1) How furries fought back against a mayor who demanded the library remove its LGBTQ books, by LGBTQ Nation. (LGBTQ Nation, article; Febuary 3)
Graphic story:
1) Interns vol 3, by Jackaloo. (FurAffinity; pages 60 to 93)
Comic Strip
1) The Pigpen, by Hugo "Clipey" Aguilar and Andrew "Aethan" French. (Twitter; January 2 to December 18) https://twitter.com/ThePigpenComic
2) Gab Shiba, by Cross and Zurdo. (Furaffinity; number 206 to 227) https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/gabshiba/
3) Duncan and Eddie (also here), by Chevril. (Twitter; January 1 to December 26) https://e621.net/posts/3101415?pool_id=25262
Fursuit (Ursa List had nothing in fursuiter category):
1) Tellos. Maker: twitter.com/TemplaCreations , owner: twitter.com/Tellos_ . A photo https://twitter.com/UrsaMajorAwards/status/1618223113254359042
2) Avocado Snek. Maker: twitter.com/CreativeMochi and twitter.com/transfurence . Owner: twitter.com/AvocadoSnek . Photo tweet: https://twitter.com/Avocad
3) Kodagi - https://twitter.com/UrsaMajorAwards/status/1618221756422197251
(couldn't find full info on other suits before sleeptime)
1) Ambedo, by Leme Meek. Song/single. Mar 22. https://lememeek.bandcamp.com/track/ambedo
2) Chimera, by d.notive. album, Jan 28. https://dnotive.bandcamp.com/album/chimera
3) WHEN I LOOK AT U, by GOJII. song/single, April 1. https://gojii.bandcamp.com/album/when-i-look-at-u-single
4) Little Seed, by Werewolf Boyfriend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOaWcptYstk
5) The Chicken || Bo Burnham Animatic [INSIDE] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv1sR7RS_Fw
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