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Stars Pyre dead at age 19, apparent Suicide.

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Stars' Pyre (aka Kevin Hogue) at age 19, died from massive trama sustained in a fall from one of the UC Berkeley campus buildings on April 4, 2002. Police are so far ruling the death a suicide.
Local news reports may be found at these links...

A memorial website has been set up, and some words written by Stars' were found as a very strong note to us all in these times of hardness and difficulty.

Stars' posted mostly at as a griffin, to a few furry newsgroups from time to time, and was on some of the fursuiting lists.

Various memorial services are currently being planned, but no firm details were available at the time this article was posted.



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I'll be holding a memorial service on Furrymuck at 7:00pm Pacific Time (== 10:00pm Pacific Time) on Thursday, 11 April in the Remembrance Gardens [taxi, rg]. If you know him well, and can speak about him, please contact me (Chip_Unicorn) on Furrymuck.

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