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The cats in the 'Cats' movie will be motion capture creations; was that the right choice?

Edited by GreenReaper as of Wed 10 Apr 2019 - 15:54
Your rating: None Average: 1 (3 votes)
Yes. Motion capture
15% (21 votes)
No. Full animation
62% (85 votes)
No. Stage-style costumes
23% (31 votes)
Votes: 137


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Okay so I looked this up, and saw that they're only doing motion capture to add fur to them (as opposed to the use of motion capture in something like Monster House). Which doesn't sound great to me, especially if they're just computer-generating stage-style costumes, but they could get really wacky with it. It wouldn't be the first time this movie's surprised me.

Speaking of which, when I was looking this up I found out Idris Elba is going to be in it now? And that's just delightful.

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Nothing sounds great to you, not least this.
But why would a man make a difference to you, you flip-flop like a switch!

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If we are talking about the British-American musical fantasy comedy-drama film based on the musical of the same name then YES.

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I for one look forward to idris elba being turned into a giant cat by CG... assuming the CG is good, of course.

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Just as long as they base it on motion capture of actual cats. After all, they're going to be that size.

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No it will be furfags...

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You need some of cat size. Know any?

Well, I'll be...

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Well, putting the damn poll in the newshole (that's what it's called!) certainly does increase the vote count.

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I don't think there's much reason to do a poll on y'all's feelings about the live action Lion King ... partially because I can read the room, but partially because at one point, y'all thought it was what you wanted.

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Might as well share this Tweet I found funny earlier today:

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I didn't. I would've avoided watching any of the trailers too but one was shown before HTTYD3.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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I personally H8 motion capture.


Because it is cheating. You are not creating art from scratch (there is a cat pun in there somewhere), but applying an effect to a live action performance. This is tracing real life, not drawing from imagination and skill.

Well, I'll be...

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Why does it need to be from scratch? You can't really think it takes no skill or imagination to work with motion capture. People should use the techniques that are appropriate for the result they want. There's nothing wrong with "tracing real life."

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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Unfortunately motion capture is standard. It is incredibly hard to get fluid movement in 3D CGI without it looking awkward. This is something even the most talented struggle with.

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Jin Roh The Wolf Brigade was animated from scratch, the animators were THAT talented. Using reference is fine, but resorting to motion capture because you cannot animate to save your life only means one thing: you are a poor animator.

Well, I'll be...

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