Horrific car accident takes the life of a Furry Raider
On June 6th, 2017, on a bridge in Charleston, South Carolina a furry who went by the fursona name Xzavior Wolf died during a car accident. After the initial crash, he had left the car and as a result was crushed between vehicles due to another vehicle hitting the current wreckage.
The incident is a stark reminder of the fragility of life, and that it can be taken in an instant. It is usually during these times that we reflect upon their life, and celebrate what they brought to the table. However, this is where things get a bit awkward and complicated. For the one who had lost their life that night happened to be a part of an infamous organization within the fandom that had ties with the closure of a convention a few months prior and reworked Nazi symbology.
Xzavior, was indeed, a member of the Furry Raiders. And so when the news of their death was confirmed by the group on Twitter, the reactions were as divided and controversial as the organization in which he was affiliated.
Reactions in the Fandom
While those in the Furry Raiders, and other philosophically alt-right organizations mourned and shared condolences, they were not alone in their respectful tones. One example of a person overcoming their disagreements to show sympathy for the loss is BoilerRoo, who is known for having a character with an anti-fascist stint. They even starred in propaganda punching a nazi furry who looks similar to the Raider leader’s constructed fursona. However, in the end, they put aside the vast disagreement with their political philosophy to wish them condolences for their loss.
Of course not everyone believed that empathy is a proper way to respond to those that showed patronage to a an organization that shows none in life. Others took the Bill Mahar v. Jerry Farwell approach. One particularly harsh tweet questioned: "Who would win in a fight? A greasy Nazifur or the new Buick Lacrosse?" Tweets such as this have brought up rowdy debate on hypocrisy on both sides. Those in the alt-right wing point out that such jokes about the deaths of minorities would be considered heinous by those making this joke and so are showing that those on the other side of the aisle are not against low brow humor, but only favor it when it meshes with their politic. Those on the left counter with the argument that the deceased had made jokes about the holocaust and other tragedies and therefore they should expect equal treatment in kind.
Reflections upon a tragedy
Personally, I find it tragic on many levels. A life cut short is always the loss of potential. While a person may have had poor world-view in the moment of their death, there was always opportunity to turn away from that in time. Particularly the youthful, vulnerable, and angry could easily turn away from such feelings as they mature. But the capacity for any chance at redemption here was lost.
In addition to that, on most obituaries we would tend to discuss the things the fur created in life. We would talk about what their contributions were to the fandom at large. Whether it be the webcomic they poured their life into, the convention they toiled to get off the ground, or simply being a supportive friend who backed the talents of others; there should be something here.
Unfortunately, the only thing visible here to talk about is that they joined the Furry Raiders and that they had died. The controversy over the reaction to their death is the only thing they at this point that they will be remembered for in the fandom. And in the end, I would hope that we would wish to be remembered for more than just an armband and the way we died.

About the author
Sonious (Tantroo McNally) — read stories — contact (login required)a project coordinator and Kangaroo from CheektRoowaga, NY, interested in video games, current events, politics, writing and finance
"But the capacity for any chance at redemption here was lost...
And in the end, I would hope that we would wish to be remembered for more than just an armband and the way we died."
If we are to take any lesson from this, it should be that every day of life is one which should be cherished and used for good. We only have so much time for redemption. Being edgy and controversial is fun when you are young, but edgy, controversial personaities are a dime a dozen. Living a life of kindness and love is harder, but more rewarding in the end, for all of us and society as a whole.
Shorter - Inernet trolls are real people who die. Whatever they posted makes a legacy. Some people might use it for inappropriate trolling about them. The dead person's friends might use that to justify the same trolling he was doing and the cycle continues. Stop living on the internet and don't be a troll.
I saw it happen, the deceased guy posted stuff about "niggers" and a few people who didn't like him used it to inappropriately mock a death. They can't get at him any more so it only harms family/friends. Trolls gonna troll so it's also not a good time for those friends to jump on a soapbox about how it's OK to post "niggers". I saw one who just couldn't back down from making it a big deal, until his own words got to be so shameful that he had to lock his account. And others of his friends are pretending that "leftists" are attacking a dead guy as if that's a formal group who sanctions anything that happens anywhere on the internet.
Now all I know about the dead guy is that he was a Furry Raider and posted "niggers". There's an obituary somewhere and that's the appropriate thing to share about him. That's what his friends could have done to be mature about this. Or it could be useful to learn about art he did or contribution to running meets or whatever, the kind of thing a furry obit could share, but I haven't seen any.
It's shameful of people to mock him, and to use that to defend hate speech and fake pretense like trolls and "leftists" are the same thing. It also seems pretty shallow of his friends to post little more than calling him a furry member of their group. A person is more than their hobby or some bad facts about them, but you wouldn't know it in this case.
I don't think there's anything furry about the circumstances of his death and I don't think linking him to a despised group contributes anything. So personally it makes me think this is not a worthwhile story for furry news. Pretty much ditto the last paragraphs of the article but I would just leave it up to his friends to find more worthwhile stuff to say if they want to get around to it. Considering their history I don't expect it.
He was a furry, he died, and was well enough known. That makes the article worthwhile IMO. As for the focus on him being a Raider...they're a hot topic right now so it's going to be relevant. For better or worse his involvement with them will be his legacy. He was clearly proud of being one, so if that's how he wants to be remembered so be it.
I may not like the Raiders, but the loss of a life is the loss of a life. and that is a tragedy
What's the intent of the article? Is it the death of a person in the fandom, the reaction to the death, or larger commentary on the ongoing strife related to Raiders?
I can't really say it's about the death except maybe tangentially, because the article only mentions his name, when and how he died, and that he was a member of the Furry Raiders. Would he have been notable if he was not a member?
All in all, not sure how to take this one.
I'm going to ignore the Furry Raider connection for the moment, and focus more on the accident. There's some more details in a Post and Courier article on the accident.
In short, a Buick died on the bridge after dark and Xzadfor's car ran into it (he was a passenger there). He was able to get out, and I'm assuming the car having road flares that he was getting, when a Subaru squished him by accident.
The blame... well, I kinda wonder why the driver of the Mitsubishi Xzadfor was in ran into the broken-down Buick.
The investigation is ongoing and it's pointless to speculate.
Believe me, the comment was going to be a lot longer due to questions.
It hasn't actually been a "left" vs "alt right" thing from what I've seen.
I think Flayrah articles about people passing has much better form when it at least includes reflections on the person from people who actually knew them.
Most of the people I've seen commenting on this, particularly those saying, "oh see we have to be careful how we will be remembered!" didn't know the person even tangentially. Seems they're all just commenting on it to get their faces known, even people I consider my friends have been talking at length about this kid's "legacy". Even in this article you do it, Sonious. Did you even know this guy existed before you saw people talking about his death?
Sure the fact that this "controversy" exists would have been noteworthy of an article here, but you didn't include any statements from his actual friends, but you didn't even link to or reference the statement released by the Raiders, let alone any individuals who knew him, and I think it's a reasonable guess that you didn't approach any for comment either.
He did link to the statement from the Furry Raiders. It's there right under the heading about reactions from the fandom.
I didn't know this guy other than the negative controversy about him. But that's the point sorta. If someone is known to unaffiliated third parties only for negative associations, and then dies, they've lost a chance to be known for good and it can never be recovered. That adds tragedy on top of tragedy.
So he gave more weight to his own opinion on the negative associations he/other people are gonna have for a guy he/other people have never known in a story about the person than what people who actually knew him will remember him for?
We have no choice but to do so. It would be different if his chosen association was habitat for humanity or some group saving vets or starving children. If that were the case, and if that's what he was metaphorically wearing on his sleeve, then that's what we would know him for.
One's public reputation is not defined by their personal relationships with like-minded fellows. It is defined by what you do or fail to do at a societal level.
While I can understand your critique, I will note that I knew the deceased here as well as any of the others I wrote about before:
The issue here is that I can only see what is visible. Like it or dislike it, most of us are only known by one another through our engagement on the internet. Usually the distance and anonymity can be a comfort, but it is in that comfort one has to be cautious. Because it is through that engagement in how people will remember you. So if you drop N-bombs or make holocaust jokes, then well that's how people will remember you. Which may seem unfair, but I feel the response of victims of genocide will tell you, it's more respectful than some are given.
The leaders of the Raiders live in the Colorado area while their member lives in South Carolina. So it is fair to say that their opinion would be just as obfuscated by geographical distance as my own. They too would merely be reacting to their actions on the internet.
So the question is who actually knew him? Probably the ones in the car with him at the time. And obviously the one who made the connection that Mr. Freeman was indeed the one who had the fursona of Xzavior Wolf. If they would like to say a few words they may. I expect them to box my ears a bit, kind of surprised they have not yet.
My style in obits has been more "review of life" than the standard fair, so "journalistic" would be a bit of a stretch on the style here. It starts off that way because the facts were needed at the start to know the events surrounding it.
By "knew him" I wasn't trying to mean "knew him in person, not just online".
In my opinion, you had a responsibility to approach these people, or at least find already-existing public statements by them, if they existed. Or hell, even invite them to comment in the article itself...instead of in the comments after someone complains. (And I don't think linking to them in passing really counts if you devoted an entire section to your own; in the other obits you linked you directly quoted people or included art.)
You spend almost no time talking about him or his life, just the responses of the fandom's many grandstanders. Which is a fine article to write; just, like, own it man. And also maybe don't devote a whole section of it to you doing the same thing.
There's a couple things at work here.
The first issue is, why is this story relevant to the readers of this site, none of whom probably knew this guy and all of whom are simply members of the furry community? Well, it is only relevant in the same way that a story about the passing of a Convention volunteer or chairperson is relevant. Like, for example, the person involved in MFF who died in a car accident on the way back from the con. Basically, those people have some presence in the furry community due to their deeds in the community, and so their passing has some interest to us. In the case of those involved in facilitating a con, we think of their deeds as good for the community. We really don't know them personally though, so we have little knowledge about how good they truly were in other areas. We simply know that they had a positive reputation in the general furry community due to their deeds in the community. This same reasoning would apply to someone who passed and all the community knows about them is their association with something that is a big and controversial issue in the community. Whatever your personal opinion of the furry raiders, they are a controversial group and I think the facts would show that they do not enjoy a good reputation in the community.
So again, this type of article will likely have relevance to us furies if we either have someone who passed and was known for a good thing in the community, or someone who has passed and is known for something that is at least perceived by a majority of the community as being negative. That's really the only thing that is of import to the average reader in my opinion. So this type of article wouldn't be of too much use to the average reader of this site if instead of focusing on one of those two larger themes, it simply noted that a furry person died and they had loving fiends and family. Furry people are dying all the time, and most will have at least some friends and family.
Again, I think this is only "news" because of the negative controversy, in the same way it would only be news if he had helped found or run a convention. So thats why I think it makes sense that the story focuses on the furry controversy info - that is the only thing that is news for furries. I'm sure there will be local obituaries for him that will discuss the non-furry aspect of his life and he will probably have a loving funeral by his family, who probably have no knowledge about any of the furry raider stuff or any controversies he was involved in. But that type of story would have no relevance to the general furry public who only knows that he was a member of the furry raiders and said some bad things.
So that's why I don't think it's fair to demand Sonious investigate this guy's personal life and relationships before posting this article, because that stuff isn't really relevant to a furry news site. What is relevant is what is discussed in the article. And at the end of the day, that's why I agreed it is tragic, because among most of our community, he will just be known for his armband and how he died.
I don't disagree that the article should have been written, just that he was out of line for including his opinion on some guy's death, prioritizing his own navel-gazing over people actually involved with the person. If he hadn't included his "reflections" and stuck with "X passed away, here's who he was, here's what happened, here's a related event that happened because of it", I would also have had no issue, but he did include it, and participated in the same "controversy" he's trying to detail here, so I did take issue.
It's not fair to think someone writing a news story has a "due diligence" responsibility? okay.
I don't think "due diligence" is the critique you have here, otherwise you would have called me out on it in earlier obits because I had just as many interviews with the friends of the deceased in those as this.
I think the "neutrality" thing, which is more what separates this obit from the others. It was something I had to think a lot about before I had published. However in the end I felt this was kind of the point. The fallen didn't live his life neutrally, so I think it'd be more a disservice to respond to a life like that with a sense of neutrality. It is more honorable to be genuine since he was being genuine, if but controversial, in life.
Well I think you are arguing two distinct things. On the one hand, you are arguing that Sonious should have done "due diligence" in gathering more personal information about this individual from friends and family to include in the article. On the other hand, you are arguing that Sonious shouldn't have included his own opinion on this person's faults and those of his associates.
Regarding the first issue, I already addressed that I think but let's go down that road for a moment and assume that Sonious went and interviewed people in this guy's home neighborhood to learn more about him as a person. Again, I would question why that would be important to the average furry reader, but assume for the moment he did that and learned that this guy was accused by his neighbors of some heinous crime, or that he had been expelled from school, or was a drug addict? If the idea is that we want a fuller picture of him as a human, well now Sonious needs to publish this additional information about him to give the more full picture. It's just as likely that he could learn such terrible things about this individual that he could learn that he had loving friends and family. So my point is, in this instance, I don't think any of that is relevant enough to say Sonious didn't do his proper due diligence by not discovering such information, which wouldn't really be relevant to furry news. It might be different if he was a major public figure or person in a position of authority, but I don't think such non-furry info is all that important here.
To the second point, I suppose it depends on whether you think Flayrah is a news site that should allow for opinion/punditry type commentary or should only present facts. That's really up to the management and the readers who provide the traffic and dictate what they want, so I suppose it's essentially a market decision. In that context, I don't think one can say it is "wrong" as the market would dictate whether that was acceptable or not.
I'm not arguing two things as much as I'm arguing one thing and my suggested solution is different depending what he wanted out of the article. To wit: 1. If he wanted to write a news piece about the death, it should have focused more on the person himself (for example, did you know he studied culinary arts? If all you knew about him was from this article you wouldn't!) or been a brief detailing of facts, and 2. If he wanted to make it an article about the reaction/controversy/Tweetstorm that occurred in light of his death, he shouldn't have included so much of his own opinion at the expense of the opinions of people who knew him personally (not necessarily in-person, but personally).
Why are those things not relevant, but some nobody on Twitter joking that he can't take a Subaru to the ass is suddenly of note?
Um, hi Cody, nice to meet you, I'm Equivamp and I am part of the readership/"market" here. Have been for like six years now. I'll let you in on a secret about how we "dictate what we want" here: we gripe in the comment sections! Hence why my original comment was a general one about Flayrah articles about people passing.
If what you got from my comments was that I'm against people posting opinion here period you've really got the wrong guy.
I still think what you are requesting in (1) is not really furry news. A story about someone who has died is really only relevant to the furry readership to the extent that the person did or did not do things of some import or relevance within the community. If I wanted to read about this individual's personal life outside of their furry-related activities, I would go find a normal obituary in their local paper or attend their funeral. Those are the places where people are going to simply discuss their personal life outside of furrydom. However, I just don't see how that is news to the general furry community. I'm not saying that that information is totally uninteresting, and I would suspect that if someone was interested enough in this person's life beyond their furry activities they could scour the internet to find this info. But for a site like this, it seems like whatever is being put forth should have some "newsworthy" value for furries.
Consider for example the articles put forth by the mainstream press about the accident that caused the person's death. Those articles operate on a similar question of "newsworthiness," but just for the general public. I read four different articles (which are linked here) to see if any of them talked about anything other than the way that the individual died. The only thing included other than the facts about his death was a comment that he was an Ohio person who moved to SC.
None of the people who wrote those articles went and interviewed his friends and family to learn of his personal life or whether he was, for example, in culinary school. In other words, the only things that were newsworthy to the mainstream press were: (i) a certain type of accident occurred on this bridge, (ii) one man died, (iii) his name, and (iv) that he was a transplant to that area. So we would ask the same question, what is newsworthy to furry news? In this situation, the only thing beyond the mainstream press's reporting that is newsworthy to furry news is that this individual was in fact a furry and was involved in a group that is controversial in the furry community. Whether he was also in culinary school, or where he went to high school, or who he was dating, or where he worked, or... as I noted above, any negative information that might be learned about his non-furry life through a more in depth investigation... information like this is not generally furry news. So that's why I'm not understanding why you are saying it needs to be in a furry news article.
For your point (2), as indicated, I do think the controversy is the only real furry news here. The article presents the controversy and presents the reactions of Furry raiders and their allies, and those who are against furry raiders. Some of those reactions are offensive, and the article notes the offensive nature of those responses, but a reader could make their own decision about the reactions as the links are provided in the article. The article then ends with a section of Sonious putting forth his views on how the person's death was tragic due to the fact that we (i.e. furries on the internet) will only remember him for his negative association and the manner of his death.
Again, if he had also been known in our community for organizing a convention or being a talented artist or writer who's work was beloved, or setting up a furmeet, or helping furs who were in trouble, then that's what would be in the article. Or, if he was such a dedicated worker with habitat for humanity for example, and he raised money for them in a fursuit, or he promoted them at furry events or on his FA page, that would be in the article.
However, the biggest thing furry-related that we know about this individual was that he was a member of the furry raiders. That's it. You are saying Sonious should not have included so much of his opinion of this individual and should have instead gotten opinions of those close to him. I don't really understand why that should be on Sonious. He is the one writing this article. If those people want to write an article, they certainly have that power, and they could say whatever they want about him. I think Sonious' opinions were fairly nuanced here. He didn't go into all of this individual's troubling statements, which certainly would have been possible.
For example, out of curiosity, I went through this person's Twitter feed and yes, he did throw around the N word, indicated he had issues with black people, talked about his shotgun being shoved up someone's behind and the trigger being pulled, and mentioned that he hated all of humanity and wished for all humans to be eradicated.
There were also a few tweets where he seemed to indicate that Foxler had something big planned that would affect the furry community (e.g. "I know Foxler's true intentions" "ya'll will care soon" "I know what is to come").
I really have no idea what he was referring to there, but to be honest it is at least a little bit threatening. Now, to be fair, if you go to his most recent tweets he does indicate some kind of apology for his outbursts:
But this is my point. I'm sure if you went and did a more in depth expose on this individual, you would find a lot more... His twitter feed actually probably is relevant to furries since he is mostly talking about the furry raiders and having it out with people over that, but I think based on what is in those tweets, I don't think a more personal investigation into his life would cast him in a particularly good light. So I don't think Sonious' brief article with a short statement about the tragedy of being remembered for an armband and the way one died was really unfair to this person, and I think general discussions about redemption within the community are also appropriate in that regard.
I only skimmed all that but the fact other news sites only reported on his passing and not on his life is my literal point, if you're gonna do it then do it right. You're talking both sides of your mouth here, saying he didn't make a story about his life at the same time as saying he did and that I'm being unfair for criticizing it.
You mention if he'd been known for organizing a convention, well the guy only came into anyone's attention really because he was involved with an attempt by the Raiders to start a convention and hide their involvement until after it took place in an attempt to change peoples' minds about them (which is what those "threatening" Tweets were about). I'm not sure that it's still a plan but there's definitely furry-related stuff to report on this guy, more furry related than Sonious inflating how much he will "remember" this guy to report on his "legacy" in his own mind so that we will all know his super-important opinion on something that will never actually affect him.
Unlike you, I am not going to vote "1 star" on your replies simply because I disagree with your opinion. And no, it is not talking both sides of my mouth where I referred to the news articles only commenting on the facts of his death because, as I said, that is the only thing that is newsworthy to the average public. That is what I went over in my response that you say you didn't actually read all of. For the furry public, the only thing that is newsworthy beyond the circumstances of his death is his involvement in furry controversies. So it is certainly logical that an article on a furry news site would then focus on that controversy, and people are likely to put forth their opinions on that. That's just the difference between a general news article and a furry news article. We are interested in the furry connection that is related to his death, and in this case, the furry connection is his involvement in a controversial group and people's opinions about that group.
If you have some inside information about this guy's plans for a furry raider lead convention then you could just put that out there in your response to the article. I don't know how you expect anyone else to know that when you just acknowledged that this person and the furry raiders were keeping it a secret intentionally... But even so, you are saying that it may have never come to fruition, so i'm not sure if it is all that newsworthy that he may have been involved with planning a furry raider lead convention but never got beyond the planning stage?
But yea, if you have this information and can give some sourcing on it, then you should provide it and you could ask Sonious to update his article. I just don't think it helps to complain about Sonious not finding out secret information about this guy's involvement in a potential furry raider con. And if you have any other secret info about this individual's involvement in the community, you should bring that to Sonious' attention as well?
Hey, we already had our fill of complaints about the star system last month. Try again next year. He was literally, literally not involved in any controversy detailed in this article. Joined the Raiders after any controversy they had and was dead for the "controversy" of people making tasteless jokes and other people going "ew why would you do that" and then people trying to make it into a left vs right thing.
It's...not inside information. I already said he came to peoples' attention because of it, as it was made public. If it hadn't nobody would have known he was a Raider or even...existed. It's public info that honestly Sonious probably knew seeing as he's said he "knew" the guy. And my criticism isn't even that he chose not to include that specific information, it's that he, again, prioritized his own opinion on something/someone he has no connection to over that of people who do, for better or worse of those peoples' views. His own opinion is given its own section roughly equal in length to the entirety of the discussion of others' views. If you're gonna defend him on the basis of relevancy explain to me how his grandstanding is more "relevant" to this story than the section above it?
Like all other obits on this site we are reacting through the words and reaction to the death through the community itself. Each were put on an equal playing field.
Are there people in life that panned the behaviors of Gene Catlow, Spike Nico, or Lemonade Coyote? Sure, if someone exists there's probably someone out there who doesn't care for someone. However, at the time of their death they were not all that vocal from my recollection. Do they exist? More than likely.
The only other more controversial death I can think of was around Starblade, at least he left us with "F*ck you, I'm a dragon."
And, like it or not, myself writing an obit of anyone is an opinion that there was something worth writing about. There are probably dozens of furries that die without even an utterance or newsbyte here. I find this unfortunate but there are reasons: a person may not have their furry identity tied to their human one (this could easily happen to myself ironically at this point), they kept their circle of friends small enough so that the news of their passing doesn't expand out past that circle (but a tree that falls without others around indeed still makes a mournful sound), or the person and their friends purposefully keep it to themselves for wishes of privacy.
Inaction, however, is still an action. I'm surprised that the debate hasn't come along of "Why write about some lives lost, but not of this other one?" Things like that.
In the end though I will give thought on your critique of: 'the last section should be relegated to the comment section.' I will take that into consideration in the future. Thanks.
Putting it in the comments would have left a better taste in my mouth I guess, yeah. I have no reason to be this upset about this anyway. Sorry.
Speaking of Starblade, this comment didn't age well unfortunately, with the Jon Dargis homicide happening the year after and then the more recent Fullerton triple homicide.
Oh? There was one before the Fullerton one? I wasn't aware of that.
(Unfortunately I didn't suspect at the time it was made that that record would last forever)
The little-known furry connection was the topic of a piece I did. There was a short one here too. I think it was treated with silence because nobody wants to be connected to that. Which can make problems worse, such as causing contributing factors to be downplayed and ignored in the build up to future horrible things. The worst things happen behind turned backs.
The "all media is National Enquirer" propaganda is on full blast right now for the Fullerton story. Some people said such stuff to my face, but then they could only do an "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" thing when I debated that Vice got an Ursa nomination for their great coverage of the gas attack at MFF. They were like "I bet nobody read that" (lots did???) I was contacted today by that Vice journalist asking for assistance about Fullerton, which will be a story whether furs speak honestly or treat it like something to hide.
Calling everything "fake news" is how fake news won at least in the short term. It's good times for anti-intellectualism.
In addition, no the only reason I knew the guy was because of the Raiders announcing his death the controversy stemmed on my feed based upon that death.
We don't all know everything, we only all know some things.
I was expecting this article to raise some brow-beating, ironically I thought it would have been from the Raiders themselves more than anything.
But to be a bit fair, the last statement could apply to someone only being known on making punchlines about people fighting and losing against automobiles as well.
Kind of is depressing how life is so fragile. Ever since I've witnessed people around me lose parents, I've lived to the tune of "treat others as if they'll die tomorrow". If a friend died tomorrow, I'd feel pretty terrible if the words that they took to their graves from my mouth were in bad taste. And I also always try to live as if I'll be dead tomorrow, because regret really sucks when nothing can be done about it. Ohhh I dunno. I'm only a teenager.
Oh, and the guy was a furry raider? Ok.
I'm 76, and I've tried to live by this philosophy. I'll probably never know how well I've succeeded; that's for others to say after I'm dead.
Fred Patten
The toughest part is that people have to constantly manage a good reputation because there might be that one moment where I die unexpectedly right after an uncommon argument. First impressions might be lasting impressions, but last impressions are the ones in history books, right?
Please find my response to the article and the comments at the link below.
Now, Peri, you know I have always been supportive of you, and invited you to join in at any time, so please attend when I say this; you need to go away now and never come back. You're a terrible person and I shouldn't have been nice to you.
Also, after complaining that this article has nothing to say about this guy other than he was a. young and b. a Furry Raider, you say literally nothing about him other than he was a. young, and b. a Furry Raider. God, you suck.
Its interesting how she both admits that he was an out of control individual who hated all of humanity and was bad enough with his racist comments that he was almost banned by the raiders, and yet she also says he was some great hope of the world who was the defender of the innocent and crushed under the heels of some nameless, faceless "SJW." It seems more like Perri's response was purely a pro raiders rant and didn't do much to explain why this particular individual was misunderstood or not properly represented.
Reading Perri's posts and behavior since the big RMFC thing kept reminding me about something, but I only just now found what I was thinking about: http://thoughtcatalog.com/shahida-arabi/2016/06/20-diversion-tactics-highly-mani...
Well the "Nonsensical conversations from hell" part is sure right.
1) I know I don't have to talk to you because you'll talk anyway.
2) According to science statistically significant number of furries have experienced bullying in their life times, but somehow a statistically significant number of furries are not misanthropic to join the Raiders.
3) Good lord this quote...
White kids are also exposed to a lot of other things as well (and I guess you're okay that black kids are exposed to it? *scratches head*). And like with all those things, proper parenting is a great way to prevent things from being misconstrued. Or when you first find out it's a word not fit for your consumption. This happened to me with a particular word for transexual (the one that ends with an "E" sound) as I was never informed it was offensive slang until I had used it among those who were trans* in the mid-2000s. I apologized and never used it again, and this was despite me getting some real anger in response to the word, I knew I had created the anger through my ignorance and so I wasn't ignorant of it anymore.
Did you ever speak to your member directly as to why as a white guy that that looks bad? Why not question this BEFORE his death? I thought you guys were really looking out for one another here... Were you worried he or your colleagues would accuse you of being a SJW if you questioned that language?
4) You started your article asking why I didn't ask for a statement and then said "I wouldn't have given you a statement".
So glad I didn't waste my time then?
6) So the furry raiders are a group that speaks to "old furs" now? I mean it speaks to you, we know this, but trust me when I say some of those SJWs you gripe about are about as old as you correct? Xydexx and Mister F for instance have twitter feeds almost obsessive over ousting Nazi furs and they are both at least 10 years older than myself.
Most of the furries I look upon are older than myself, and always have been. I don't have a furry Amino. The divide is not in the age, it is in the philosophy, and it's two principals in furry that can run counter to one another.
a) Furries tend to believe in freedom of expression, sometimes in spite of 'decency' (I mean we draw porn of cartoons for crying outs loud)
b) Socially furries tend to try and wish to include a diversity of people from varying backgrounds.
Sometimes A and B run counter to one another, and that is where things can get messy, but in time and with a lot of effort it can be possible for both to co-exist. But both sides need to be patient with one another that mistakes will be made. However, if mistakes are made and there is no wish to correct, then that is when consequences occur.
In the end I'm glad we agree that there was lost potential here.
3) Yes, it bothers me that gansta rap and thug culture exist at all. Their function is basically to make black people comfortable being lower class, which holds them back from even trying to climb out of a bad situation. It's probably the most harmful thing in pop culture, though hardly the only harmful thing that gets a free pass. And of course, when it causes harm outside the black community, no one wants to hear about that either.
The fact remains that, as a mod on the internet, I had no immediate way of telling what color Xzavier was in real life. Therefore it was much more difficult for me to judge his use of the N word than for those who just assume out of prejudice that all Furry Raiders are white.
Did I speak to him about his actions? No, I never spoke to him directly at all that I recall. I just monitored group activity, which is my job as a mod. I had no personal feeling for him, and still don't. But other people in the group did. And, their reactions to him were extreme and notable. So I noted them. Indeed, there would have to have been something positive going on with this guy for the mods to have held back on banning him. I've seem Raiders get banned for far lesser offenses.
But yes, others in the group did talk to him about his language before his death. I said as much, that he had friends now who would chase after him and show him that letting trolls get the better of him was not the way to go. And that's all his outbursts were, responses to bullying trolls whose behavior will never be called into question, because they are your new rulers, whether you choose to face it or not.
Was I worried about being called an SJW for questioning his language? Nope. The rules in The Furry Raiders are pretty much the same as in the old fandom. We're a multi-racial group. Any use of a racial slur as an insult earns a strike, whether on a Raider site or anywhere else on the net. Each strike earns some kind of discipline along with a good talking to.
You remember how things used to be, don't you, Sonious? Back when Furry was the community famous for being tolerant and inclusive. It's only been, what? A year or two. Like we didn't have more than 20 years experience maintaining a multi-racial habitat before a bunch of jackasses decided we needed bigoted SJW's to tell us how to do it.
4) No, Sonious. I didn't say I wouldn't give you a statement. I gave you a statement whether you wanted one or not. But I put it on my own site first, just in case you might have wanted to indulge in some creative editing. Nobody should ever give a direct statement to a Furry news site ever again without it first being backed up somewhere else in its original form.
5) No, we don't speak for greymuzzles, that's another thing entirely. Our purpose is to preserve the old pre-SJW fandom's atmosphere of inclusiveness and support of individuality. Basically we just want to be allowed to go on being what we were. And Xydexx can kiss my tail if he wants to be on the Burned Fur side of this new attempt to hi-jack the fandom. Just proves my long standing point that he was never any better than a Burned Fur himself.
Yeah, I know, there are a lot of older furs supporting this SJW crap. And just about every one of them has a history with Burned Fur or Crush, Yiff, Destroy. But this time they get to attack the fandom under a cloak of legitimacy, because people don't understand what SJW's are really all about. And the old trolls don't care either way, just as long as they finally get to come out on top of the people they've wanted to destroy for decades.
A & B) Honestly, Sonious, sometimes I can't tell if you're just really naïve, or deliberately hiding a sinister agenda. But I like to give you the benefit of the doubt that you genuinely do not know what you're involved in.
Managing A & B was never a problem for Furry Fandom. We had freedom, we fought for it, we valued it, it had us on the verge of total mainstream success. But some people just couldn't stand to see that happen. So, at the very last minute, they sold us out to what has now been legally defined as a domestic terrorist group.
Are you really naïve enough to think these ANTIFA SJW's are about A & B? No, they are Cultural Marxists. They do not create anything. Their purpose is the destruction of society itself. They are indoctrinated to infiltrate and destroy anything they can get their hands on. And you have only to look at the destruction they've achieved every place else they've been to see what the future holds for pro-SJW Furry Fandom.
Don't want to take my word for it, do your own friggen research. It's not like you can take a turn on the internet without running into this crap.
Furry Fandom has let its doom in by the front door. Pardon me if I don't care to hang around for the train wreck.
This whole "SJW" discussion always fascinates me. People like to throw that around constantly referring to some evil boogeyman. But they rarely say who these "SJW" are and what exactly are they doing. Instead we get general statements about "ruining x" or "discriminating" or whatever. I for one would like to know who exactly are these people and what precisely have they done? And I think you ought to give specifics. No generalizations please.
She's just gonna tell you to look up videos of them "saying anti-white things and getting owned for their stupidity"on YouTube like the last six times people have asked what the hell she's talking about.
Well, if you really want to know, it's easy enough to give you some research material.
SJW's are the product of 2 things. One, Cultural Marxism being taught in schools. And two, snowflake education policies for Millennials.
Here's the lowdown on Cultural Marxism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTmNWY0ZPfM
Here's the lowdown on SJW's. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvYSPxvrq5s&t=25s
How they operate. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1b1nb1kH-Y&t=1s
SJW's in their most extreme form are Antifa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=td-lor1xQ3I&t=185s
Antifa is a domestic terrorist group. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuJjMFlWBA4&t=11s
Antifa invades Furry Fandom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeIkcBsN4uw&t=9s
Furs join The Furry Raiders for shelter because they're scared. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1z-ThqJeDg&t=1035s
Out of pure curiosity, I watched that first video that you linked. There were troubling signs from the get go. First of all, the "notes" underneath the video claim that the video is meant to expose an "international intelligentsia" whose purpose is to "eradicate European racial groups." These are two key terms because "international intelligentsia" is usually a derogatory reference to Jews, and the concept of eradication of European racial groups (i.e. white ethnic groups) is an obvious claim that is oft repeated by white supremacist organizations. These organizations tend to claim that America "was," in times past, some perfect white paradise and that other ethnic groups have somehow destroyed that, usually via immigration of Jews, people from Latin America, the Middle East, or Asia. (Interestingly, the white supremacists usually do not address the way that African Americans were forced into America as slaves, since that might upset their concept of America is a whites only utopia, or they will otherwise claim that slavery was somehow forced upon America.)
So yea, there were some worrying signs from the start. After I watched the video, those worrying signs were reinforced. The video focuses on several Jewish men who were forced to flee Europe due to the rise of Hitler. It refers to these men as a "rat pack," using a highly derogatory term that is often used by anti-semites to refer to Jews. Indeed, the reference to Jews as "rats" was popularized in Nazi propaganda films such as the 1940 "documentary" The Eternal Jew, which was produced by order of Hitler himself. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eternal_Jew_(1940_film). It was kind of interesting how the video you have linked Peri in many ways mirrors the themes that were presented in The Eternal Jew. Jews are presented as "parasitic" people who infiltrated a nostalgic, utopian white, German society with their "international agenda" that undermined and sought to destroy German social and cultural norms. Similarly, the video you have linked presents these particular Jewish individuals as parasites who infiltrated various American institutions and spread their "disease" of thought throughout American society. They are "blamed" for the Sexual Revolution (which I am not certain why anyone is hung up about the sexual revolution??), the Civil Rights Movement (really???), and the LGBTQ movement (again, really???). This last sentence could create a whole new, lengthy topic for discussion but again, this is typical in white supremacist ideology, Jews are often presented as being behind "agitation" of African Americans and other groups.
As if to really hit this concept home, the video later displays a statement claiming that the disciples of these Jewish men have taught supposedly gullible American children to "give preference to marginalized minority groups" and make them into "the oppressors" of white people. All the while, the video plays a chilling, almost horror movie-like sound track that sounds like it came straight out of The Ring. Then we are told that these Jewish men's influence has taken complete control of all American colleges, the media and Hollywood. Our friendly narrator then informs us that these Jewish men's disciples have instituted "political correctness" as law in some way, and that they got the term from Mao Zedong, who is claimed to be their "buddy"???? Of course, we are never told how it is claimed that these men have any "buddy" relationship to Mao Zedong.
Finally, our friendly narrator tells us that all youthful rebellious acts, including drugs, sex and children not listening to their parents is all part of the conspiracy from these Jewish individuals as a means of undermining the Constitution. We are told that they have won, taken over America and converted the country into some kind of "Marxist" hellscape. Again, it seems to me that the purpose of this propaganda video is not too different from the propaganda videos like The Eternal Jew, which presented Germany in a similar light and urged the people to "fight back" and re-take their country.
Regarding your second video, pretty much no specifics are provided. That is just a lengthy rant video where the person makes various generic claims about what "SJWs" are doing, such as making everyone believe that they deserve trophies...
The third video appears to focus on complaints about a Marvel executive donating money to a Donald Trump charity. Now, given that numerous exposes have been written about how money donated to Trump charities often finds its way into the Trump family bank accounts, it is not a huge surprise that people would be upset about that. However, the narrator appears to be mostly outraged that people on twitter are expressing their displeasure with this executive's possible support of Trump. Why exactly is it some huge outrage that people are expressing their opinions about Trump and this Marvel executive on Twitter? Isn't that freedom of speech? The Raiders and others of similar thought process constantly complain that their freedoms are being attacked, and yet you link a video where the purpose appears to be an assault on the freedom of random individuals on twitter to express their displeasure with Trump and people associated with him. You don't see the obvious hypocrisy there?
Regarding your fourth video, it once again presents a generic commentary on alleged "antifa" tactics. No evidence linking these alleged tactics to a larger movement within the U.S. is presented, and no list of names of individuals who favor such tactics is provided either. In fact, the narrator spends a significant amount of his rant complaining about people protesting the ideology of white intellectual superiority over other ethnic groups.
Regarding your fifth video, it's just a video noting that Chris Christie (the governor with 15% approval rating by his constituents) has listed "antifa" as a domestic terrorist group. Okay? What does that have to do with a larger discussion of supposed "SJWs"? Are you implying that all of the SJWs (who again, you have not named) are also terrorists? Some more specifics would be good.
Your sixth video is just some random youtuber complaining about antifa. No new evidence is supplied regarding "antifa invading the furry fandom." Again, tell us the names of the invaders and explain exactly what they are doing to the fandom, using specifics. No more general statements.
Your seventh video is just a furry raider talking about their own personal views regarding the furry raiders. Again, this doesn't provide any factual evidence or specifics about what "SJWs" are, who they are, and what they are doing.
As I mentioned earlier, I think you need to provide real evidence backing up the claims you make. You need to do some independent thinking of your own and not just link to other people's conspiracy videos or rants. Give us the names of the SJWs and tell us their crimes so that we can discuss that. General statements of ideology and theory will not do anything, particularly when they are presented in propaganda-style videos that indicate links to international Jewish conspiracies.
Well, all I can say is, you're very good at missing the point. If you think the point of the first video is "This is what Jewish people are like," you're on the wrong track before you even get started. I'm not even sure all the people involved were Jewish. Honestly, the question of were they anything but Marxists never entered my consciousness. The fact that you look at something like that before evaluating the work of undeniably real people in history says a lot about your own state of racism.
But, if you don't like this video, there are plenty of other videos on the same subject, not all of them suggesting deliberately sinister intentions. Still, you will not find a lot of denial out there that the work of these people is directly influential on the current disaster of Communist thugs and SJW's being churned out on assembly lines from American educational institutions.
And, if you like the idea of Communist thugs being churned out by American institutions, then you need to be praising these people. You need to know your history and give credit where credit is due.
Second video. Genetic claims? Psychological conditioning is not genetic. I chose a rant because it gives you the important points in a concise fashion. But of course that one video is not meant to shape your conclusion on the subject. All these videos are just meant to introduce important factors. To be truly knowledgeable on any subject you have to do your own research, assuming that you really want to know what's going on in your world. And if you're not interested in answers, please don't bother people with questions.
Third video. Let's see. If you wouldn't consider disabled veterans as a worthwhile charity, just because Donald Trump was raising money for it, what charity would you think was worthwhile? Say Donald Trump came to Anthrocon to raise money for Seeing Eye Dogs Of America. And Uncle Kage gave him a thousand dollars for that charity. Would you then have to force Uncle Kage to resign?
That's a fanciful situation, of course. On the for real side of things what you're saying is America's disabled vets take a back seat to your Trump hate. You don't care who's suffering. If Trump is trying to get help for them, you'd like them all to die where they sit.
The 4th video is just the straight up dope on Antifa. If you want more information or verification look it up. It's not hard to find. Not that there isn't more information in the next couple of videos, which are basically to show that Antifa is officially designated a domestic terrorist organization, and that this terrorist organization has compatriots at work in your fandom, at this site, on this page.
And the last video is just there so you can meet one of the people you're being asked to hate as some kind of nasty evil Nazi by the Antifa Furs in your midst. I mean, he's really terrifying, isn't he? Did you ever see such a scary person? Did you ever see anyone so worthy of being hated, being persecuted, having to look over his shoulder at cons for fear of who might see him as a Nazi and want to punch him?
But of course you see him as a Nazi, because you're well versed in what a Nazi is. You know Nazis have nothing but love for transsexuals in fursuits. You're not going to say, “Hold up, I need to ponder that a minute.”
No, no need to pause when you've got the word of the all knowing and infallible Deo Taz Devil, Patch Packrat and Equivamp for good measure, assuring you, “That's a Nazi. That's what you're supposed to punch.”
And if you buy that, congratulations. You are now the good little fur who obeys orders and never questions. You have become a true Nazi. And that timid little raccoon you want to punch so bad, he becomes the Jew in this pathetic allegory.
Just a little guy who never did nothing to nobody, being harassed, threatened, falsely portrayed and someday perhaps even having to fear for his life. All because of a bunch of big bullies who feel themselves in positions of authority, while being totally devoid of conscience.
So now you know who the SJW's in close proximity are, you know what they're doing, and who they're doing it too. I'm sure you're just going to come back at me with more of this “That's not evidence.” stuff. I'd just like to remind you, that was pretty much the reaction of The United States when the Jews tried to tell us about The Holocaust. But, I know, comparisons to The Holocaust are only valid when they pad out your denial that there is anything even remotely suspicious going on here.
Because you asked I gave you 7 starting points. If you care, start. If you don't, don't. But if you start, don't come back to me. I'm not your teacher. You are your teacher. Your mind exists to seek out information, to process it, to question it, to verify it, and to eventually draw your own conclusions. Do not be the good little fur who follows. Be the strong little fur with a mind that thinks for itself.
You got me. My goal in my years in the fandom is just to get you all to punch transsexual fursuiters. Especially this one.
The narrator explicitly stated that the key men he was talking about were Jews who had fled Germany once Hitler took over. Whether you want to believe that the narrator doesn't care if they are Jewish is up to you. I presented the evidence, you can ignore it if you wish but I think you should seriously think about what you have involved yourself in.
Think about this: if it didn't matter that these men were Jewish, then why did the narrator make a point of bringing that up? He could have just talked about them without mentioning their Jewish heritage. Think for a moment about that. Seriously reflect on it. Why was this narrator so insistent on letting everyone know that the men he was about to spend half an hour connecting to numerous conspiracies were Jewish?
Then, think about why is it that the narrator goes out of his way to call them a "rat pack," using terminology that is clearly anti-semetic when used to speak of Jewish people? Listen to the way he says "rat pack." Listen to the way his tone of voice drips with derision and hatred.
Look at the images that he flashes on the screen throughout the video. I couldn't have possibly counted the number. He must have flashed thousands of images throughout the video. The images flash by quickly, without giving any particular narrative or direction. Have you ever seen a video before where someone just flashes thousands of images quickly on the screen while playing a scary sound track? Think about that. No, you haven't outside of propaganda films and brainwashing techniques. Think.
Then think about those thousands of images he flashed across the screen. The vast majority of them were of white people who either represented some kind of June Cleaver suburban bliss or white people being "corrupted" by these Jewish men, either through sexual deviance or drugs or some other evil of this person's opinion. If this video is not about white nationalism, why is it that the only time the video shows African Americans the moment when the narrator decries what he believes to be the evils of the civil rights movement? On top of that, why does he believe that the civil rights movement was a conspiracy by these Jewish men and not simply the efforts of African Americans to achieve equal rights? Do you really think like this narrator that the Civil Rights movement was a conspiracy by exiled German Jews? Think.
I asked you to provide evidence about what SJWs are. You provided me with several propaganda style videos that either present white supremacy ideology or just rant about the narrator's gripes with certain ideas or concepts. These videos don't present any standard platform or organized movement which could be labeled as "SJW." If you don't have that, then shouldn't you just admit that this SJW term you are throwing around is just a meaningless catchall term that you just hurl at people who you don't like or disagree with?
I'd love to see what your definition of racism since being Jewish is a religion, not a race. and communism, marxism, etc are all either economic or political ideologies, not race.
Are you insinuating that Cody is racist against white people?
given that uncle kage isn't a fan of trump, he'd resign before giving the money.
that makes no sense given that nazis exterminated the lgbt community. Do you even history?
From what I could see this conflict between the extreme side of A and the extreme side of B has always sort of been bubbling under the surface. It's a combination of America's political climate, which this whole political dialog you're engaging is is not furry related, it's more an internet debate that has extended into mainstream, and also injected itself into furry fandom.
Twitter, for the most part, has become the furry social network of choice, even to the point where people rarely post FurAffinity journals anymore.
And since FA no longer has control over 'call out' style attacks, furries are purging themselves after being artificially held back from doing so in an open forum, so I think of it more as (hopefully) a temporary purge of emotions that were held back for about a decade by FurAffinity's own moderation team.
It's ironic that you're arguing the fandom is LESS free, it's in fact MORE free as the 'call out' rule of FurAffinity has been rendered useless by Twitter, and so this is more, from my perspective, a result of this.
Well that depends on your concept of freedom. You see, what you're describing is Anarchy. And, yes, Anarchy can seem like a very free situation, if you're either a big bully or someone who can hold his own in a scrap. And on the internet, everything is a war of words. So I can hold my own in a scrap. I could probably adjust to it just fine if I wanted to. But I don't. I don't see one thing about that idea that's appealing. So if that's where the fandom is moving, I'm not moving there with it.
No great loss, I'm sure some people are thinking. And that's probably true. I don't expect what I do to be of any use at all to the new blood coming in. Like you say, it's going to be all Twitter. Short attention span theater all the way. I can't imagine a world in which I would be more useless.
Wow, Perri, where'd you learn this? Ever take, like, a Black studies class? Or have Black friends? Or go outside and interact with people in person? Too busy burning pictures of your e-girlfriend's avatar on Second Life and churning out contradictory, paranoid ramblings just as fast as your fingers will type?
When you sent me that video and asked me what I thought of it, I told you I'd get back to you on it. I never got back to you on it because all I saw was "it's JEWS' FAULT the Holocaust happened!" and I was hoping against hope that you were thick-skulled enough for it to have been a mistake...guess I can't think that now if you genuinely believe in that anti-Semitic, white nationalist conspiracy theory, I guess I can't anymore. What a total coincidence you just fit in so well with the (primarily young 20-something, btw) Raiders. ;)
Edit: Also have to agree with Crossie in that your "response" to this article is essentially just restating it with added racism and more of the same "furry fandom is DOOOMED!!!" dribble it seems you've been writing for years.
Uh, no, I have never taken a Cultural Marxist Black Studies class. Thank you very much. I live in Baltimore. I have been the only white kid in an all black school. I've lived with and shared cultures with black people all my life. I've even been in a relationship with a black person.
Also, for your information, my fingers don't type very fast. And, if you had an S.O. like mine, you'd be burning their picture too.
I don't remember what video you're talking about, and I can't find it in my journal. But, basically you're saying that, because I was fool enough to respect your opinion and ask you for your thoughts on if something was true or not, you jump to the conclusion that I believe the video and am some kind of holocaust denier or something. Maybe you should have skipped Black Studies and taken a course in intellectual discussion.
Yes, I think I read that article you linked above a long time ago, back when I was first hearing of Cultural Marxism and didn't want to believe it either. I totally dismissed it on the basis of that article. Crazy stuff, couldn't be true. But here we are a few years later, and we see kids marching out of schools with Communist flags. I'm sitting here right now, to my utter astonishment, talking to a self-professed Anarcho-Communist, produced by the American education system, telling me Cultural Marxism isn't real.
Back in 2003 when that article was written, I'm sure it did sound like a conspiracy theory. It probably seemed laughable back then. Nobody's laughing now. We have no other explanation for your existence. If you've got a less sinister explanation for why we suddenly have all these Communist flags in our faces, you need to do a paper on that one.
You and Crossie are full of it. I don't mind legitimate criticism, but I don't recall Sonious saying much about Xzavior having artistic ambitions, having a fursuit in the works, things he'd been involved in recently, how he was regarded in the group, or what potential he might have had. The bulk of Sonious' final section is him lamenting that he had no such information to work with. And I find it hard to believe that either of you missed that. So your criticism is not constructive. It's just a bold faced lie made for spite.
My benefit of the doubt is stretched to its limit. Excuse me while I ball up any respect I've been trying to maintain for either of you and put it out with the garbage where it belongs.
As with my ex, there comes a point where it becomes obvious the good I was hoping would surface in nasty people was never there to begin with. It was just my own foolish wishful thinking, based on an antiquated philosophy that there is good in everyone. And, yes, in that respect, I am a well proven idiot.
You only think that public schools "produced" me (by which I assume you mean introduced me to or convinced me of a thing) because you think it would support your crackpot idea if it were. Not based on evidence or even asking me who--I believe the academic term is --"radicalized" me. (Your fallacious belief that all communism = marxism and marxism = "cultural marxism" is another example of your gaps in logical reasoning.)
The irony though, is that you're here talking to us about some scary cabal of Jews preying upon and converting people, meanwhile you yourself are a textbook example of radicalization. Seriously. For starters, you're the target demographic: a lonely white permaNEET with poor social skills and a lot of anger, longing to feel special and important and more easily swayed by persuasive storytelling than facts or figures. On this site alone we've watched you devolve from Hey, I feel a kinship with these people you don't like to I've now officially joined this group to I'm a leader of this group now, by the way I'm also a white nationalist anti-Semite, please watch these videos on the topic while I talk about how nasty and evil you all are.
Jeez, and I thought that by talking to Raiders you said we wouldn't find stuff like that.
Does the one single Black person you've dated during your time in Baltimore know you're a white nationalist now?
(And if spitting white nationalist rhetoric in my face after repeatedly insisting you weren't one of those is your idea of "maintaining respect", all the better. I prefer snakes with rattles.)
So you're using you poor experience with one black individual to paint your perspectives on the entire race? That's a bit unfair to those that aren't your ex. I know similarly that there are individuals who have experienced furry through the lens of on bad furry and so they would view the rest of us through that lens. I guess it's a normal human condition of generality, but it is important to point out that it is still a projection.
I mean, if you first poor relationship was with a white guy would you see whites in the same lens? I mean, there are some white people out there whom are pretty abusive with the way they treat others as well. My guess is you're probably surrounding yourself with some in this Raider's group without even realizing it.
In your own words:
So in this instance how are we supposed to trust your judgement when you tell us "Well these Raiders guy's they're just misunderstood and they're actually good people", while in another breath telling us you essentially have a poor batting average with determining who is actually good or being exploitative?
You may be one whom is vulnerable to exploitation, but if you are don't get angry when we don't follow your advise on who is trustworthy and has the best interest of others in mind.
I'm sorry people took advantage, and continue to take advantage of you.
Wretched comment-puke of "some of my friends are black". Links antisemitic conspiracy propaganda. And talks about other people's education. LMAO. Perri, stop popping pills, throw your computer in the garbage and go get a real friend in real life who can talk you out of this shitty corner you painted yourself into.
Perri, you say a lot of things. Your last rant (I won't credit it with the title of article) about me said I was a "terrorist" in a "terrorist organization". Those are incredibly damaging and outlandish accusations to hurl so freely. When you wrote that rant, and all the others that followed, you never contacted me to discuss any part of the events.
I have not been in the furry fandom for as long as some people, that is true. But after 12 years I don't think anyone will buy your bologna that I am some sort of new invader bent on destroying the fandom. I have roots in this community, and people know me. Artists know I am generous, friends know I am kind, and con attendees know I love to host a good party.
I do create. In 2005 I joined the fandom and since then I have made half a dozen fursuits, countless paintings and drawings, and one joint furry comic project.
Perri, I am a millwright keeping machinery running to produce metals needed for infrastructure and manufacturing. My work very literally supports society as most of our materials are used in American bridge building projects. Every time you drive over a bridge, I want you to think of me and my brothers in the steel industry holding you up. I build things, I repair things, I play my small part in keeping the wheels of industry and society running. I volunteer regularly and often to support my local community. You continue telling people that I, and those you lump in with me, are out to destroy society which is blatantly false.
Maybe if you had bothered to speak to me (like real journalists with ethics do) you would have known months ago before you took up this smear campaign that I am not some destructive collossus.
I had heard of his passing, I sent a few condolences in private and avoided any public discussion. I found it distasteful of people trying to politicize his death, either trying to garner sympathy by loudly flourishing it about or even more distastefully making a joke about his passing.
I did not care for Xzavior while he was alive due to his loud racist and antisemetic comments, but that doesn't negate the fact that it is sad he died and that his family is mourning him.
I think Xydexx had a good point on something though, to be careful with how we treat others and to take care avoiding hate speech because life is fragile and those could be what we end up being remembered for. I know I can be quite hotheaded myself and I would not like to be remembered for hasty words spoken in anger much less racist slurs.
Sorry I am new to Flayrah, this comment was meant to be on the article as a whole, not directed as a reply to any person.
I'm not new to Flayrah at all, and I still do that.
Dear Deo,
2 posts, entirely directed at me, and one excuse trying to say the previous 2 are not off topic. I will say this for you. You can be funny.
I don't recall doing a rant on you. I don't think I've ever addressed you as a solo topic to any extent. The only thing I can think of that you might be referring to was a link I put in the Furry Raiders group to an article that shows Antifa has now been officially listed as a domestic terrorist group, and that, if you endorse Antifa, you support a domestic terrorist organization. There was no editorializing with it. It was just stating a fact. And if you don't like that fact, all you have to do is denounce Antifa.
Anyway, it's not like I don't know you quite well. Your hate mongering tweets are in my face every day, whether I want them to be or not. And I did listen to every word of your interview with Furry Days. I have spent considerable time with you, whether you knew I was there or not.
And I will say this about you, Deo. There are a lot of Archie Bunker types in this world who are in some respects lovable in their personal life, in spite of being totally whacked in their prejudicial perspectives. Maybe you're such a person. Maybe you honestly think you're doing good by painting people as Nazis when they're not. Maybe you're a really good person who just doesn't know any better.
But, to the people who continue to suffer because of the prejudice you continue to perpetuate, you're scum. Actually, you've gone beyond scum. You've become the Furry Fandom's equivalent of Big Brother.
That, of course, has nothing to do with how good a person you might be in real life. Life on the internet is very cut off from reality. There's always this temptation to think nothing you do on the internet can possibly effect the real world. Never mind that you effectively destroyed an entire convention with one tweet, and set in motion a precedent which has not only already done serious financial damage to other conventions, but will in all likelihood cost us many more conventions in the future.
You remain blissfully detached from all that. In your mind you have no responsibility for this ever growing precarious rift in the fandom. All you care about is that people who disagree with you are Nazis, and Nazis have no right to complain about being attacked. I'm sure you're totally mystified as to why anyone would hate you for that.
Part of me wants to feel sorry for you. After all, it's difficult to tell what a nice fur you might have been before being indoctrinated into this hateful cult of Communism. But on the other hand, it's not like anything we say is going to un-indoctrinate you. And even if we could red pill you, that would not undo the damage you've already done.
We can never go back to the way we were. There is no future for Furry Fandom as we knew it. You have won. You have set Furry Fandom on the road to ruin, as surely as your kind has done to the gamer and comic book fandoms. And as you eventually stand surveying the ruins, I hope you take a sense of pride in the destruction. Because, if you don't, it will all have been for nothing.
As for me, I have no further interest in The Furry Community, beyond defending your victims. As soon as I'm no longer needed to speak for the speechless I'm out of here. But in the meantime, if you'd like to open some kind of debate in my journal, you're welcome to.
In fact, if you like, you may compile a list of questions which you can send to perri_rhoades@yahoo.com . I will then create an entry to answer the questions, and we can carry on discussion in the comment section. If you're up for the challenge I'll look forward to hearing from you.
*whirls finger around ears* cuckoo, cuckoo...
Man have you placed yourself upon quite a pedestal: "Speak for the speechless?" And you called the words I spoke to Fox Miller insulting... at least I believe him to be charismatic enough to speak for himself and his organization and not that they are helpless children without your presence.
There is this thing called perspective. If I died tomorrow, the fandom would still exist, it would still be growing. Flayrah may be in some trouble but even it would carry on. That's the thing about an actual community, every individual is expendable in the end of the day, otherwise we as a species would die.
But because we as animals need to have reasons to live, and we know we will die. Because of this some of us go forth with the fear we will die without a "legacy". No one wants to BELIEVE they are expendable, that they will be forgotten. But here is the thing, we've had dozens of Presidents in the US and people probably know no more than 10 on average.
Everyone, no matter how important they believe themselves to be, will ultimately be swallowed by time.
2 centuries from now, Youtube will be probably be gone, most of the crap we've put on the internet will either be evaporated into the ether or under a pile of centuries worth of newer content that the residents of the era will be far more interested in than some insignificant furry fracas from 2016. Hell, in 10 years there's be so many youngsters in this fandom that a majority probably won't even remember what the heck Rocky Mountian Fur Con even was a thing.
Just as the youngsters of these days don't know about, nor care, about the Burned Furs crap. In fact, as Nuka pointed out in his presentation, most younger furries hardly see ANY REASON to keep themselves being a furry a secret anymore.
And while I could selfishly go, "@*#&$ youngsters, I'm still in the damn furry closet and they're just announcing it to their classmates like it's nothing, they will NEVER know how hard it was back in my day."
But you know what saying something like that would make me? A selfish prick. Why should the younger have to be cursed with the bullshit I had to deal with? I should be glad that they don't have to deal with the inconvenience experienced by myself, and I should also hope that those younger than themselves continue to improve the atmosphere, and dissolution of the fears that were experience by our older generations.
But no, let's focus on the conflict of the moment. As if the generation under us will give a shit as you're leading yourself to believe. Because as you said, if you can't focus on the conflict then you have no purpose.
Well I have some bad news for you, this conflict is not as bad as you're being led to believe. Those kids you are being led by, they just want to get a rise out of people, and once they grow tied of it, they'll just go on to the next thing, and then what will you have?
Only the righteous indignation that would qualify you to star as the ship in Bucky O'Hare, but unfortunately that is all.
At lease I will die accepting that I will be forgotten in time. As will every AntiFa, every Furry Raider, and every furry.
But the fandom will live on.
If Foxler could speak for himself in text, and if there were any Raiders who could produce anything more substantial than a tweet, they wouldn't have asked me to speek for them.
And you're still denying Foxler his chosen name, jumping the fence of his preferred pronouns to rob him of his preferred noun. That was and still is a horendously unethical act on your part. You think Foxler can put a difficult concept like that into print? You're not very observant of the quality of his tweets.
And what's with this pedistal crap? I'm a writer. I took a writing job. They're not paying me anything for it, but there are some people in the group I've become very fond of. And I don't like seeing them being wronged by the fandom I used to give my defensive writing skills to. It inspires me. And when I'm inspired the words just come out. You're a writer. I would hope you know how that feels.
As for the future. Good Lord, dude. The Commies are taking over. The first thing they're going to do is rewrite history. None of this is ever going to have happened. I'm getting a head start on them. I'm erasing myself right now. I'm going to make sure everything of mine is gone so they never have to trip over me again.
Ah, but, don't worry, pal. You'll have a place in the future. You've got what it takes to be a good little Commie fur. You know how to get with the program and write what they expect you to write. You'll do well.
Me, I suck at that. And I'm old anyway. I want to retire and be totally forgotten. I'm really looking forward to never having been here. And I know most everyone here is looking forward to that too. So, let's here it for the future of The Communist Furry Fandom. One fandom, under Deo. In Patch Packrat we trust. Oh, it's going to suck so good. And you know everyone's going to love it, because we all know what happens to people who don't love their place in a Communist situation.
Sleep well, comrades. It's been a blast.
"If Foxler could speak for himself in text, and if there were any Raiders who could produce anything more substantial than a tweet, they wouldn't have asked me to speek for them.
And you're still denying Foxler his chosen name, jumping the fence of his preferred pronouns to rob him of his preferred noun. That was and still is a horendously unethical act on your part. You think Foxler can put a difficult concept like that into print? You're not very observant of the quality of his tweets."
You don't seem to think too highly of these guys. I feel sorry for them now.
When a furry decides to name himself Fox Hitler, I think it is perfectly ok for others to deny them that.
His name is made from Fox & Miller. The one or two times he referred to himself as Fox Hitler was just to make fun of the people who were calling him that, because at the time he couldn't imagine anyone being stupid enough to take that stuff seriously. He failed to take into account that, in Furry Fandom, all drama is serious business.
Yet I call him Fox Miller and you act as if I put him in a gas chamber...
Uh, you're the one who said he would buy Foxler a ticket to Auschwitz.
Oh, and in an interesting aside to that conversation we were having where you were saying you didn't believe Foxler didn't know what a Nazi was. Last night I was talking to Foxler over Skype when Equivamp came in The Furry Raiders Skype chat. And he asked me if I thought she was there to troll. I said she was probably there just to observe. And that as Communists go she's unusually open-minded. To which Foxler replied, "I don't know what a Communist is."
I'm sure by now he knows what a Nazi is, only because of a need to figure out what people were accusing him of. But in regard to all other matters political, his state of ignorance due to disinterest remains the same.
As had as it may be for us to accept, being as we are writers who deal constantly with the state of the world, some people just don't give a flip about history and politics.
But, anyway, the fact remains, Foxler's name is made from Fox and Miller, but the name is Foxler. It is proper to address him as Mr. Foxler. To insist that he must change his name to Mr. Miller violates some serious laws of human conduct. A nice roo shouldn't want to go that far down Totalitarian Road to where he is insisting that all names he doesn't like must be changed to suit him.
Now, if Foxler was doing that stuff, I could make the argument that he's not educated enough in the ways of politics to understand why trying to dictate a person's very name is a violation of human rights. But I can't make that excuse for you. I don't believe for one minute you don't know how wrong that is. It's just that, in this case, you don't mind being wrong.
If you had thrown the name change out just as a bit of advice, I might have said it was good advice. But you threw it out as a demand, and you backed it up with a threat of sending him to Auschwitz.
At the very least I'd have to say that wasn't very nice. And, if you really want to discourage Nazi-like tendencies, employing them to get your way seems seriously ill-advised.
He claims to have zero historical knowledge regarding matters of discrimination and oppression, yet simultaneously claims to lead a group of furries to protect them from societal discrimination and oppression? If we assumed for a moment that he was not a very well practiced liar, this would be incredibly irresponsible both on his part and yours. You fully admit that your leader is ignorant of key issues upon which your group is allegedly based. This is an admission that your group is nothing more than a cult of personality.
This if a very good point. Either he is a dumb guy, or he lies a lot. Both make him seem unfit to lead.
Perri keep making these guys look worse. How is she still their PR person?
They need to find someone who will talk them up, not down.
I was not asked to promote Foxler or make him look good. The group asked me simply to get the truth out. And the truth is Foxler is not nearly as spectacular as Deo and Patch would like the world to believe. He's just an average fur of his times, suffering the ill effects of America's internationally low rated educational system.
Give Foxler a computer problem to solve, and he performs at a spectacularly professional level which earns him an income that allows him to be generous. Unfortunately, the price he pays for being that good at one thing is that he knows very little about other things.
That's just the truth of the man, and it's all you're going to get out of him. He's never going to be the charismatic leader you want him to be. He's never going to be in the least scary. And nobody is ever going to look justified punching him or kicking him down the street.
Sorry, I wasn't hired to create or propagate myths. They just said they were tired of people talking s--t about them and they wanted to be seen for who they really are.
You guys are kind of like the news media busting into a convention, desperate to find something shocking to boost ratings. But all you find are people shopping at dealer's tables.
Sorry guys. If there was something interesting going on with The Raiders I'd tell you. But there's just nothing happening in there that's even worth writing about.
I feel sorry this guy more and more. You're just going to pull them into more fights, negging them all the while.
Shut up.
There can't be any worse indictment of a group's intelligence than picking Terri Maxwell as their PR person. It's like having jabba the hut represent a modeling agency.
You misunderstand the purpose of The Raiders. Foxler is not terribly aware of social discrimination and oppression in the political sense. What he knows, and wants his group to preserve, is the tolerance and freedom of expression the old Furry Fandom was famous for. These things he understands well.
One of the main principles of the old fandom he wants to preserve is "Freedom From Politics." He did not come to Furry Fandom to get a political education. He came here to enjoy the fandom for anthropomorphic characters. And, indeed, in many a Furry club on Second Life there remains in force strict no politics policies.
The Furry Raiders, in contrast to AltFurry, is for the most part a no politics zone. There is only the classic Furry notion that putting on a Furry avatar divests one of all human attributes that could be used to inspire prejudice. There are no white Raiders, no black Raiders, no Jewish Raiders, etc.. There are only Furry Raiders.
That is the concept the fandom itself taught to Foxler, as the fandom has been his main focus most of his life. And it's not a concept so complicated that one would need to go to school to learn it. In fact, we're all quite astonished at how many people in the fandom have suddenly forgotten it.
However, these new-fangled concepts being pushed in the fandom do require one to go to school to learn them, because prejudice and policies that encourage segregation and limitations on freedom of expression do not come naturally to furs. They are, to put it bluntly, strictly political.
And when it comes to matters political, someone like Foxler will just zone out. He can't see the reasoning behind why someone shouldn't be allowed to express an idea, even if the idea is unpopular. He doesn't know anything about how that concept extends beyond the fandom into the real world. He just knows that the freedom to express one's self, and to have such expression defended, is basic to being a Furry. It's one of the things The Furry Community used to pride itself on.
So, the only thing Foxler knows about societal discrimination and oppression is that that's what's being done to him. He probably doesn't know the words to express it, but he knows people are crossing the line and trying to limit freedoms they have no right to limit, and he feels no obligation to let them get away with it.
So, the more people try to force him to change his name, the more proudly he flaunts it. And the more people rag on his armband, the more he wears it. He probably doesn't know how to express what that's called, but I do. It's called "Rebellion against tyranny." And, according to traditional American ideology, rebellion against tyranny is not only a right, it's a responsibility.
So, as uneducated as Foxler may be in the terminology of politics and history, he has a good sense of human decency. When considering a situation, he doesn't think what would be fair according to this philosophy or that. He merely thinks, would I feel that fair if it was done to me.
This forces us to question, do all these people with their so called higher learning really understand the concept of social discrimination and oppression? And if so, why are they promoting oppression and discrimination? Why are they spreading lies and making scapegoats out of furs who aren't doing anything but trying to enjoy being furs?
Ask yourself, why are you thinking there's a cult of personality around a fur who's remarkably inarticulate, has very few ideas to share, asks nothing of the people in his group except that they treat each other decently, and has no goals of conquest? Can you seriously set such a person beside Hitler, Kennedy and others who define the term "Cult Of Personality?"
Think about it historically. Who always needs scapegoats?
Well the "problem" for Mr. Fox Miller is that he, and the rest of you, live in the real world. The real world is complex and requires knowledge to navigate properly. Saying that your leader is having problems dealing with the real world because he is dumb and/or ignorant, and refuses to educate himself for whatever reason is just not an excuse. That's lazy at best. If he doesn't understand something he can pick up a book or a newspaper and read just like the rest of us. Saying that he has involved himself in offensive or deplorable things because he is just a dumb person is stupid. And you are silly to follow someone who you openly admit is dumb and ignorant and unwilling to learn.
Yes, that is how a cult of personality works. All of your faith in Mr. Miller is based upon your affection towards him as some kind of charismatic personality. You have now admitted multiple times that he has no real knowledge or skills that are particularly relevant to leading a group of people on a philosophical journey. You have said that all he has is his capabilities with computers which allows him to be employed, and his personal charms. Nothing more. No knowledge to impart. No understanding of how the world works or history, which would equip him with the ability to shepherd a flock through a tough world. Instead, you say he has a job and is charismatic. For this, you have sold your soul to be at his side. That is the hallmark of a cult of personality.
Obviously, you have demonstrated that you are capable of looking at history. Look at the story of "David Koresch," another so-called charismatic leader who was very uneducated. He dropped out of high school and went on to lead a group of people to their deaths, all the way claiming that they were being oppressed by tyrannical authorities. Also, he changed his name just like Mr. Fox Miller. Except instead of referencing Hitler he referenced ancient leaders. Like your leader, he was dumb but was able to bind people to him through his personality. That's how a cult of personality works.
You claim that there are no politics in your group, but that is an obvious blatant lie. You yourself linked several completely political videos to me in defense of the Raiders. In one video featuring the raider in the fursuit, he goes on and on about how conservative ideologies are under siege and that's part of his reason for being a Raider. Numerous Raiders, including your dear leader have stated their support for alt-right political ideology. You clearly support it, which is why you linked those videos to me. You are all about politics. You live it and breathe it, as do all of your fellow Raiders.
You claim also that the only thing your leader knows of discrimination is "what's been done to him." So he has zero knowledge of the suffering of any person outside of himself? Okay, you just admitted that he has no empathy whatsoever. Do you understand that not having empathy for other's suffering is the definition of a psycopath? You just said it. All he knows is his own struggles. His own pain. The world outside of his consciousness is of no consequence. Everything and everyone around him is simply a meaningless tool for him to use to improve his situation. That is a psycopath.
You say that the more people try to teach him right from wrong, and try to show him how to experience empathy, the more he will lash out and become more destructive. To be honest, I fear for you and the other members of the cult. Some day he is going to go so out of control that he will ask you to do something truly devastating to all of you, and you will do it because by then, the cult of personality will be all that you know.
You want to see a cult? These commenters at Flayrah, the self-admitted Communists, people who can never smile or take a joke, people who hate people they don't know just because somebody told them to, and deliberately avoid looking for any evidence to the contrary. People who become adept at not seeing things that are right in front of their faces. They're under the influence of a cult. And you probably are too. Because you don't read what I write. You read what you've been conditioned to see.
Unfortunately, I'm not a professional deprogrammer. There are people here that I care about, in spite of how badly they've hurt my feelings, but there's nothing I can do to stop this bunch of lemmings from marching off a cliff if that's what they're determined to do. And if you're determined to follow them, well, that's a shame. But still, nothing I can do about it.
But maybe there's something you can do for yourself. Ask yourself, being as I'm 55 years old and been around the block a few times, why is it that everything I say must be instantly dismissed without investigation or due consideration? Ask yourself why is it that you read several paragraphs about how harmless somebody is, and come away being more scared of them than ever.
Ask yourself, who was it that impressed upon you that you should never think for yourself, that you must always belong to a group, and you must go along with whatever that group is pushing. Even if what that group is pushing is intellectually dishonest and morally unethical. Who set it in your mind that it was ok to persecute people in ways you wouldn't want to be persecuted yourself?
When you can face the fact that you are in a group of Communist/Fascist bullies, backing them up in their efforts to persecute innocent people, maybe you can escape from this cult. But I don't think I'm going to put any money on it.
Do you wanna see a cult?

By the way, a recent video was released by one of your (ex)members, also named colt today:
I'm thinking there is going to be some foreshadowing here... I mean, when your Colt realized when your cult was a cult...
How long until you see it too?
A foreshadowing of more trolls entering the group just to pull crap like this for LOLs? Or to gather illegal screen caps for Patch Packrat? I dare say you're right. But, if people want to be stupid, my ban hammer can always use a good workout. It's not like anybody's going to miss a troll.
So we both have no humor and do everything to laugh out loud?
It's a pun of a horse, my goodness, calm down.
I don't work with Patch on anything, we are independent organizations believe it or not. He can see this as well as anyone and is an adult enough to grab his own screen caps if he wants them.
Whoop whoop here come the internet police! LMAO
"Illegal Screenshots" sounds like something with memetic material/potential.
This is exactly what happens with a cult of personality. Because there is no larger intellectual underpining connecting people to the group, and only the dear leader's personality, once someone has a falling out with him they will leave the group and the exit will be very stressful. But at least Colt will be free now to make normal friends in the furry community. His future is no longer bound to Mr. Miller's.
you see text, not faces. how do you know I'm not smiling or laughing at a joke someone told me as I type this?
because you're 55 years old, living with your mother supposedly taking care of her who believes that african american studies is a cultural marxist thing because you had a problem with one African American male (presumably while living in the 'great' state of texas or while you were going to college in the 'Socialist Republic' of California).
You're patently ridiculous, Perri. You can't even see how racist and anti-Semitic your stances are. You openly link to people talking about the "worldwide jewish conspiracy" and then try to back track when people call you out on it.
You claim to want nothing to do the furry fandom then yell and cry about it, you are the livin "old man yells at clouds" meme.
Stop. Just stop. Go take care of your mother or talk to your boyfriend in Kansas.
If you're going to do this, Perri, would you at least have the decency to have better comebacks than "I know you are, but what am I?"
(Have no idea where this will thread, so for context this is in reply to the CodyFox #73 followed by Anon(visitor) #74.)
Also, I mean, are you doing the anonymous thing because you said you were leaving forever last time, and you somehow think anonymously posting instead of logging in somehow counts as keeping that promise?
For one I don't think you know what he wants as much as he'll just let you say whatever you think he wants just for enjoyment on watching you squirm, because he loves the power he has over you.
He doesn't care if you're a good monkey who will jump through the hoops as long as you're jumping.
For two, it seems odd that a group the strives for an a-political fandom would choose to wear an armband that has similar ties to one of the most provocative and heinous political movements in human history, and then "joke" about said affiliation.
If you don't want things getting political, drop the politics, it's simple. You're the one bringing back the McCarthy-istic accusation of everyone but the Raiders being communist.
Which is ironic coming from a group whom became famous as a result of trying to "own the means of production" of a furry convention by trying to equally distribute rooms and destributing it among those that came to the 'Raider State' to acquire their hand out, eh comrade?
Like I said, Roo. You'll do well.
I hope you do well as well, frankly.
I lost access to my Skype in 2014, anyone on Skype claiming to be me is impersonating me
Ah, well, I'm glad I mentioned it then. Someone was definitely in there last night using your name. I'll pass the word along that it's an imposter.
I just learned that you can connect Telegram chats to Skype. I was in the Telegram chat, if the Raiders connect them then that's probably what happened.
The quote in which I had said what you claim I stated that I would send Mr. Miller to Auschwitz as follow (from my Youtube video talking to Fox Miller about his organization):
It's kind of insulting that I have to explain to a fellow writer about context, and metaphorical v. literal interpretation.
My meaning here, as I explained to you in the response to this reply was sending him to the museum that exists in 2017. Not the metaphorical sense of sending someone to a concentration camp which is what you are purposefully interpreting it as. Sure the latter reading helps you feel better to read it in a radical sense instead of a sense in that: "Hey, he says he is poorly educated, let's arrange a field trip (to freakin' Europe which most people would probably die for) to go see history in the flesh."
To go there is a damned honor, to see a place such as that in the flesh, to see history in person. But instead you chose to interpret it as a fate as bad as those who originally made the ground hollowed.
Either you're a horrible writer who can't interpret words properly, or you're doing this purposefully for which ever propagandist stint you wish to present.
Please at least tell me you're getting a blow job for all your trouble of selling your integrity to some guy who wouldn't stick his neck out for you as you are for him. At least give me that reassurance.
You've can stop writing now. I'm not reading anymore.
I don't believe this for two seconds. we've covered this crap before, you and I. Even if he took the GED test, as he claims, he would have to study even the most basics of history. Even if he didn't, as you claim, you still would have spoonfed him your definition of a Communist.
Please for the love of all that is holy be intellectually honest.
replying to myself since I can't edit.
furthermore, Perri, since his first middle and last name are known (just like other people, eh ;) ) it'd be appropriate to call him Lee or Mr. Miller.
I don't ask anyone to call me Miss Fox. that'd be dumb.
Perri, you don't have to be an Antifa Communist to not like the Furry Raiders; I'm a goddamn middle of the road centrist who was very happy to vote for Clinton and a bit perplexed with the whole Sanders and his vaguely socialist stance thing, and only liked him when he got in line behind her. And I also actually liked W., for fuck's sake. But even setting aside the really, really, really shitty politics, they're also just frankly annoying assholes who are known for pulling unfunny "pranks" that just disrupt other people's fun and are, I can't state this nearly enough, not fucking funny.
And for crying out loud, you're the one who started this fight on a dead Furry Raider's obituary. Are you fucking kidding me? You're pissing on this kid's grave; show some goddamn respect.
And another thing; they're a disruptive troll organization, and yet ... they aren't disruptively trolling us.
Perri, you have no real power at all with them, either, do you?
You spelled "speak" wrong.
I know. I did that on purpose, just so I could call you a grammar Nazi. ^_^
Spelling isn't grammar.
If you could even write a substantial tweet, you wouldn't be flooding this place with diarrhea.
You are a terrible writer and a worse person.
God damn, could you imagine if Spicer said something "Well if Trump were smart enough to speak more than in just tweets he wouldn't have hired me."
I guess I'd applaud him for being honest on one hand. On the other hand, if one feels they must volunteer under the direction of an idiot, then well, what would that make the volunteer?
Of all the weird, sad things you've said, that's the weird-saddest.
One was directed at you thus why the comment clearly begins with "Perri" as to address you. The second comment was intended to be a reply to the article itself and I even said I was sorry for accidentally tagging you.
You wrote a rant posted to the Furry Times titled "The Fandom that Feared Itself". (1) In which you claim my actions "did turn out to be a terrorist attack" on Anthrocon. Which is absurd and a vile lie. You claim "Antifa Communists", "Communist terrorist group" and "SJWs" are responsible for a terrorist attack upon the furry fandom. You also name me as some sort of leader "the first name on her list of Communist furs was the infamous Deo, fired the shot that eventually killed RMFC."
So yes, you have repeatedly called me a terrorist and not in some passable way refferring offhandedly to a generalized antifa but by name and hosted on a so called news site. I do not take being slandered as a terrorist lightly, and you calling me so is completely vile.
As for your claim that I "fired the shot that killed RMFC"; what about the convicted child rapist and his best friend the Sovereign Citizen who impersonated a lawyer to mail illegal threats to my home? (2) See, when I talked to Sorin the con chairman he said it was the fact that two board members went rogue and mailed illegal threats behind the backs of the other board members that killed RMFC. The catalyst was these men writing this letter, not the fact that I posted the letter online publicly. Normal people blame the people who send illegal threats, not the person receiving the threats. RMFC had a myriad of other troubles at the time, but that letter was the final straw and reason the con sadly closed.
Antifa has been around since the 1920s, you seem caught up on specifically Berkeley and the one man with a bike lock as being the defining moment. Should I define all American gun owners by the actions of Dylan Roof? Or should I define all conservatives by the actions of Timothy McVeigh? Doing so is completely dishonest to gun owners and conservatives. Similarly defining Antifa by one man in Berkeley is dishonest.
Antifa is not a group with leaders or heirarchy. Antifa does look scary. Do you know why? For decades we have toed off with Aryan Brotherhood, Hammerskins, Sons of Odin, New American Nazi Party, and the KKK. We wear masks so they do not identify us and attack our families. We wear masks as an intimidation tactic against Nazis and to show a unified front. We wear masks so that if the police show up and inevitably gas the wrong group our lungs are better protected.
When I was in Antifa I defended historically Jewish neighborhoods from Hammerskins who wanted to march through with Nazi flags, break windows, and intimidate people. Antifa would mobilize, get there first, and stand our ground so that the neonazi group could not tromp through the neighborhood. Is this what you are so terrified of? People wearing masks stopping neonazis from attacking Jewish homes and businesses? Wring your hands Perri, because I won't denounce them. I do not regret stopping neonazis from parading in Jewish neighborhoods.
You obviously do not know me at all. You called me a terrorist. You have spent no time with me, you never once approached me to talk. You slunk off and wrote horrific things about me and had the sheer audacity to peddle it as news.
And hate mongering tweets? Which ones, citation is very much needed for my so called hate. I am going to assume you are referring to my tweets where I show the world what your Furry Raiders and AltFurry say by posting their own direct words from their public posts or chat logs? (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) Because pointing out their shitty behavior does not count as me being hateful.
"Prejudicial perspectives"? I don't like people who attack others on the basis of racial, religious, or LGBT status. I have not called anyone "a nazi" who did not support Nazi ideology or join a group whose leadership espoused Nazi ideology. I don't go around calling people Nazis unless they do shit like this (17), or say this (18), or state for themselves that they are Nazis.
Your friends in the Raiders and AltFurry told me to kill myself, they sent me threats one of which was "Nigger bitch I will rape you to death [my address]", when my grandfather died three weeks ago they gleefully sent me messages one was "One less kike!"
Who, again here is scum? Because this viciousness and depravity is something I have never done. You all should be appalled and ashamed of yourselves and the actions of those in your group. Further vilifying me does not lesson the millstone of guilt that hangs around their necks.
Actually, good people are good online and off. Which is why I don't say things remotely as bad as the group you chose to join and defend. And of course I know it affects the real world. Your idiot friends have mailed things to my home, physically through the US Postal service.
Also, nope, your friends in the Raiders and AltFurry got caught red handed damaging conventions. You can't blame me for their actions of calling the hotel with threats and calling the hotel to report that Califur was harboring pedophile rings. Absolutely do not blame me for the actions of your group, have some decency to at least own up when they were blatantly caught. Stop lying Perri.
You can't even say that the two groups, Furry Raiders and AltFurry, are separate entities because they are both compromised of the same bulk of membership between the two. That including most of Furry Raiders listed as being in leadership positions.
Shows again how little you know me and how unaware and ignorant you are of this situation. How can I be detached when I received death threats? Or when Foxler himself and others spread my home address with the intent to incite others to harm me? How blind are you that you cannot see that this was massively disruptive to my life? I enjoyed being unknown.
All I care about? I have a family to take care of! Your group not only threatened me, but the people who live with me, people who rely on me to survive. I care about my family, I care about my community, I care about my work, and I care about my fandom. I have not attacked these people in the magnitude and seriousness as they have done to me. I never told anyone to kill themselves, I never tracked down anyone's home, I never called anyone's employer, I never threatened to kill, I never threatened to rape, I never mocked the dead, all these things they have done to me. There is not one way in which you can twist these events to justify their sick actions.
YOU, Perri, are detached. You call me a terrorist, you join a gang of people that has threatened to rape me to death and called my deceased grandfather a kike. You don't sewm to give a single shit about the horrendous actions of your new friends. Are you that desperate for some cause, to be important, or part of a group that you can ignore all these things? You don't care about my family, you twist sob stories about these poor boys who threaten to kill me and threaten to break into my home. You are the one detached and without empathy or conscience, otherwise how could you condone these things and defend these people? Just admit it, you are a parasite sucking at any group that may fan your ego and fill the lonely friendless void within yourself and you don't care who or what gets hurt. You can't take the high road when you are determined to stand in with the shit Perri.
I don't want your paltry fake pity, go mime human emotions at someone else. I am a communist because I care about people, I love people. 5 men own half the world's wealth and 20 million people will die this year alone from easily treatable conditions. 50% of all the food grown in America ia wasted, 30% of it is left to rot in the fields because it is not profitable to harvest and sell while we have one in 5 American kids going hungry. I am a communist because I care more about those 20 million people than I do about my material possessions.
Hahaha, you say I am indoctrinated and then say "we could red pill you". Red Pill is a toxic cult ideology. Bitter, angry, insecure men taking their rage and pouring it online as if it was gospel or scientific fact. I know what Red Pill is. It's toxic to men by being derogatory towards any man who does not fit strict hyper-gender-role criteria. Men who are short, men who are fat, men of color, men who have trouble growing their hair, men who have financial insecurity are mocked relentlessly as "betas", "cucks", and "manginas". It is toxic to women calling them "dogs", "children", "cattle" who cannot be allowed choices or personal autonomy. It tells people that there is no such thing as love, and relationships are solely an exchange of goods and services. (19, 20, 21)
Good riddance and take your racist slur spewing ethnostatist friends with you. Begone hyperbolic lying parasite.
1. https://furrytimes.net/2017/04/27/the-fandom-the-feared-itself-by-perri-rhoades/
2. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/851462631026196484
3. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/880578418466844677
4. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/882082139981979648
5. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/879540692531523584
6. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/882083677122985990
7. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/880235208381009920
8. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/879856354709692417
9. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/877694942579216384
10. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/857378505377624064
11. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/871677858355306500
12. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/856994938722103297
13. https://twitter.com/vappyflame/status/857107596913848320
14. https://twitter.com/JUNIUS_64/status/854373696424873984
15. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/870839860264882176
16. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/868167433898659840
17. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/855604541135478784
18. https://twitter.com/DeoTasDevil/status/877694942579216384
19. https://www.reddit.com/r/TheBluePill/comments/2nj2ed/my_compilation_of_posts_on_...
20. https://theguardian.com/technology/2016/apr/14/the-red-pill-reddit-modern-misogy...
21. http://www.newstatesman.com/science-tech/internet/2017/02/reddit-the-red-pill-in...
Good job. I'm joining AntiFA because people like Perri are so incredibly toxic.
I wouldn't be one to reccomend joining Antifa. It is a bit flooded now with idiots, trolls, Liberal wannabes, FBI agent honeytraps, and fake hoax events. Meeting comrades is tenuous at best without already having local connections before recent politics exploded.
However, I can recommend PSL as a good way to get active and meet others who are working and volunteering both in politics and in their local communities:
Was being facetious because everyone knows that Perri's loony "antifa" complaints are fiction, but that's a good recommendation, thanks. When she comes whining here, let's make sure it helps spread the real info.
Thanks for the well thought out and fact based response. It's sad that Peri seems to have fallen so far down the rabbit hole with this cult that she may never get out. I really hope she does. The more I have seen of the Furry Raiders, it is so clear they are a cult based loosely on various white nationalist/supremacist ideologies. The themes of ethnic grievances are common throughout their videos. I had actually seen the last video Peri linked to me before of the young-sounding person in the fur suit who was explaining why they had become a raider and it was so sad. It didn't take long into the video before he/she claimed that white people were under assault or somehow being oppressed by minorities. It's so sad to see young people's minds corrupted and twisted with ideologies that we fought and died to try and free the world from in World War 2, and it's 2017...
Maybe it makes sense that some furries who are struggling with acceptance in their own lives are falling prey to such cults. It makes them feel like they belong somewhere, but they fail to realize that they already have that with the furry community. They can already belong in a welcoming community. There is no need to join these cults, other than to become immersed in these destructive ideologies of racial supremacy. That path however will only lead to personal destruction and ruin their relationships with normal people...
We are talking here, post here. Don't sulk back into your e-journal just because you are afraid of people here on Flayrah reading your lies.
I invited you to talk on my journal. I do not wish to hi-jack this Flayrah comment section for a lengthy off-topic discussion that could potentially run on forever. If you want to continue, get your tail over to my journal. If not, I don't mind having the last word in the discussion. My reply to your last post is there. I will not be putting it here.
You absolutely wished to or you wouldn't have even posted in this thread in the first place dude
I think that the irony of this year will be summed up as follows:
Elderly individuals clinging to the past of when America and the Internet were great sell themselves to Russian services.
Guess some day we'll find it is one's actions that matter more than their words.
Why did you delete this? Gonna issue a public apology for your libel?
I am sitting here cracking up because I keep reading Perri's posts in the Stephen Colbert/Trevor Noah voice they use to impersonate Donald Trump with.
It fits so well for some reason.
If Foxler could speak for himself in text, and if there were any Raiders who could produce anything more substantial than a tweet, they wouldn't have asked me to speek for them.
#Sad :ok_hand:
I still cannot get over the explicit underage father/daughter rape scene that kept being derailed by discussions of why social justice was created by a demon that was in your last few chapters. Just why.
edgy teenager stupidity, and it's from a 55 year old woman, LMAO
It really is. The story's a mishmash of OC donut steels and already existing characters with name-changes clumsily mortared together with rants about whatever is bothering the author at the time. If a 13 year old wrote it, it would be silly, but a normal phase. Once the author is an adult you'd hope there would be something more to a work.
If you're going to talk about stuff you should put a link to it.
And you get super butthurt about how nobody pays attention. Because it's bad perri. Really really bad. You are a terrible writer with delusions of being better than 13 year olds who at least have the excuse of being fresh and just trying something new and none of your miserable ego about trash. Stop linking it, we know, we just don't care much.
Actually, you fool, what it is, is boring as all hell. But you can't read enough to even get that right. I'm the writer. I know how bad it is. I know how f--king impractical it is. Why do you think I don't want to redo it on another site? I'd have to read the whole thing again. ACK!
Don't try to tell me how f__king bad my work is. The worst you've had to suffer is a couple of episodes. I've had to read all 300 episodes as many as 87 times. And I never get to the end of one without falling asleep.
When you've subjected yourself to that kind of torture, then you can talk about how bad it is. Till then you're just a pansy making a snap judgement. You haven't begun to suffer the true horror of my writing.
Seek help and try popping less pills.
and yet you continue to write it.
Is this comment supposed to be ironic? Because if it isn't, it's simply frightening.
Seriously, seek help. Quickly.
You deleted where I normally read it. This doesn't seem to have the newer chapters with the metal dad rape :(
It's there. You must be logged in and have mature settings activated. But, my heavens, why would you want to suffer through that horrible thing again? Read it not, lest your intestines leap up through your throat to strangle you in self-defense.
Oh I see. I don't have an LJ.
Wait Spectral Shadows will turn me into a Penanggalan? Sounds fun.
Deo, you have an invitation! I think even Ahmar's getting sick of Perri's shit.
He was nice to me when I have spoken with him publicly on twitter, but he still hosted an unsourced hit piece that calls me a terrorist involved in terrorist attacks and was written by a lady who was part of a group that has threatened to kill me numerous times and publicly orchestrates organized harrassment campaigns against me. Ahmar may be nice, but "nice" does not mean I can ignore his egregiously unethical articles and journalistic standards. I won't be participating on his site or donating my time writing free articles for his clicks and site traffic.
Nice people don't steal content from others then have meltdowns when they get caught doing it. He likes to blame his head injury, but he was an asshole long before it.
I got blocked by him on twitter for asking if he had permission to post all the videos and cartoons and stuff he posts.
I even showed him where Mr Patten said he didn't talk to Ahmar, didn't allow him to quote him, etc.
all that got me blocked.
He has also stolen articles and content? >:I
It seems like separating the American furs from the global furry community would fix 90% of current drama. Dunno if it's just American furs are more visibly "dramatic" and other furs keep it more private or if it's an American thing or if it's just an extension of the messed up political situation in the US.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
To be fair, the messed up political situation in America is also happening in Europe, and in some places in Europe is far worse. The global repercussions from the 2008 recession are still causing nationalistic zealotry in many countries, which is causing depressed people to fall back on ethno-supremacist ideologies and ethnic scapegoating. The rise of the Furry Raiders is definitely part of that story like other similar groups. Admittedly, the Nazi-like armbands is an extreme form of expression that probably wouldn't have arisen outside of the U.S. in today's world.
Don't they realize that the 2008 recession was 100% caused by GWB??? Greedy ass White Boys??
to TL;DR what Cody said this is a Post-WWI world right now, and some people are falling for the charismatic though dumb as a load of bricks leader while proclaiming they want "peace in our times"
I don't know, Apartheid was pretty dramatic.
Happens to the best and worst of countries. You should see the recent drama in the Canadian parliament around the Prime Minister. It's like, erph. Canada for crying out loud.
Canada has drama? I just thought ya'll said "Sorry" a lot.
Nah, they say "I would be happy to answer any questions that the ethics commissioner..." alot, apparently.
This also applies to CodyFox.
I'm not denying that there are messed up political situations in other countries. Just that those don't seem to be spilling into the furry fandom in a big way. The same can not be said for American politics. It could just be that American furs make up a huge amount of the English speaking furry community but maybe it's something else.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
I would say it is the probably the quantity.
Well, Americans are ~56% of furs, so excluding them would certainly have an impact… but it doesn't say a huge amount about their dramatic nature. Having seen plenty of drama originating from both sides of the Atlantic, I'm not convinced there are significant differences.
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