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Get rid of that stupid dog and those meddling kids!

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A petition to get rid of SCOOBY DOO!

Think the CARTOON NETWORK runs too much SCOOBY DOO?

Here's your chance to be heard. Petition has a "Request for the Reduction of "Scooby-Doo" Programming".

It may be too late - with a live action feature film due this spring, a new animated series in production for this fall - and more direct-to-video movies in production (not to mention Scooby's continued high ratings on Cartoon Network) - someone out there must like the show.

If you've had enough Scooby Snacks to last a lifetime, click here to sign your name to this petition.




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New Scooby Doo! *purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*

I'd heard about the feature film but not the new series. This cat will love to see new Scooby Doo episodes - so long as they don't mangle the series.

Richard Reid
Captain; Webship Corwinda

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From what can be told so far, the live-action movie looks to be mangling the human characters of Scooby Doo. The casting for it should have been better.

I mean, c'mon, Shaggy is supposed to be lanky not muscular. Fred is supposed to be hunkier. Velma is supposed to be shorter than Daphne (and pudgier)... *throws arms up*

I think producers were just concerned with putting celebities in the roles. At least the CGI Scooby looks nifty.

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I would say they did an amazingly good job of matching live actors to cartoon characters; actually. I mean; when I looked at the movie 'poster' at the site I could recognize ALL the characters instantly.

Richard Reid
Captain; Webship Corwinda

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That's probably from the clothing.

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

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*heh* I'm signature 412!

Thank you Rigel!


- PunkTiger!

- PunkTiger!

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