Newsbytes archive for April 2016
Contributors this month include Acton, brian577, crossaffliction, dronon, Fred, GreenReaper, Huskyteer, InkyCrow, Kakurady and RingtailedFox.
crossaffliction: A behind the scenes documentary on Zootopia.
GreenReaper: Thomas the Tank Engine's "The Great Race" to decide once and for all which culture's train is most relatable.
Acton: The Dandy Warhols’ ‘You Are Killing Me’ video stars Joe Dallesandro plus a bunch of furries.
dronon: Sofawolf seeking Kickstarter funds for an English translation of a Chilean comic with anthro-lions.
crossaffliction: The latest American deviancy they're trying to mainstream.
Fred: What baby wombats look like.
Fred: Genuine giant rats, not faked photographs.
crossaffliction: Cow by Bear; have your steak grilled by a mystery chef in a bear fursuit.
brian577 Boston Globe: The revenge of the furries.
crossaffliction: Dramatic trailer voice: Braixen is ... Furry Hermione!
Fred: Horse found beaten, shot to death.
RingtailedFox: Udderly disgusting: Hungry cow eats snake!
RingtailedFox: New Slack TV commercial suggests furries are taking over the world! Or the office world, at least... (Bloopers can be seen here.)
GreenReaper: A religious movement based on a cartoon mouse? Move over, Lapists - Lord Dinkan is in town.
crossaffliction: Guy can't get info from the government about cartoon animals even furries don't care about.
InkyCrow: After a January no-show the second Nut Job is set to drop in May 2017.
dronon: Guns are easier to acquire than an NRA eagle mascot costume.
GreenReaper: Furry print service InkedFur, recently featured on, resets site passwords after hack attack.
GreenReaper: Grotesque, X-rated furry art on display at the MASS Gallery in Austin, Texas.
GreenReaper: The OC Weekly reviews the competing visions of furry fandom's public representation in Fursonas.
GreenReaper: Voting for the 2015 Ursa Major Awards ends tomorrow - get your picks in before the polls close!
GreenReaper: In Japan, anime fans seek a more fantastic life.
dronon: The Muppets get existential. Plus with cows!
dronon: Bootleg copy of The Jungle Book appears on YouTube.
dronon: Russian 2017 superhero movie trailer has a bear-guy at the end.
Fred: Mountain lion wanders into Los Angeles school; they aren't always killed.
GreenReaper: Furry conventions multiply in South and Southeast Asia, as shown in this [a][s] infographic. [@RalphieRaccoon].
RingtailedFox: New hedgehog-themed cafe opens in Tokyo. I wonder if Sonic owns it? :P
RingtailedFox: No, that's not a fox ... animal shelter finds rare blonde raccoon.
crossaffliction: Disney's too smart to let this happen, right?
GreenReaper: Researchers reconsider dart-tagging after one orca turns up dead with fragments in its dorsal fin.
GreenReaper: Bilingual furry news site @FurryFandomES launches with interview of German fursuiter Keenora.
dronon: There's an anime short that was made for the Star Fox Zero game.
Fred: Tape a cat's paws together; go to jail.
Fred: L.A. bans pet stores from selling commercially-bred cats, dogs, rabbits.
crossaffliction: Happy Earth Day from Google!
Fred: Good news for tiger lovers - maybe.
crossaffliction: Studio Ghibli founder gives Zootopia the thumbs up. Can Japan push it over a billion?
crossaffliction: Another furry on air hack attack? [tip: @Huskyteer]
InkyCrow: The true "secret life of pets" is that they are planning for future careers, as shown in the new animated short "Dogtor".
GreenReaper: Fursuiters invited on-stage during set at Oakland, California's Fox Theatre by Scottish band CHVRCHΞS.
brian577 A Fox in Space: a Star Fox fan animation.
GreenReaper: A fox in less space: Arctic fox - and mink, and lynx - in a Russian fur farm.
Fred: A brown bear in my neighborhood. (Sylmar is where I live.)
GreenReaper: Who needs a parachute when you have ears?
Huskyteer: Augmented reality kids' T-shirts feature animated creatures.
dronon: 1973 horror/snake-TF film Sssssss has been released on Blu-ray.
Huskyteer: Birds Eye advertises frozen food using #boywithatail.
Huskyteer: New 4-part Watership Down animated miniseries from BBC/Netflix.
Fred: Is feeding a zebra to a hungry tiger in front of children okay?
crossaffliction: DreamWorks Animation purchased by Universal, making Illumination/DWA their Disney/Pixar.
GreenReaper: Weasel short-circuits Large Hadron Collider; fails to survive 66kV transformation.
Fred: Australian crocodile gnaws on camper.
InkyCrow: Zootopia 3D and regular Blu-ray editions announced with cover artwork and list of bonus content (including a selection of deleted scenes).
InkyCrow: ...also worth noting is a Target exclusive with unique cover art and 15 additional minutes of bonus content.
dronon: Curious academics visit FWA2016. (Tip: Patch Packrat)
dronon: Potential fan project to keep an eye out for: Thatch & Dial.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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