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Coming in August to Japan: 'Rudolph and Ippaiattena' ... and Godzilla?

Edited by crossaffliction as of 05:34
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Toho Films has just released an aw-it’s-cute trailer for its August 6 CGI theatrical feature adaptation of author Hiroshi Saitō’s children’s book Rudolph and Ippaiattena. But Toho has also added a mention of one of its other big summer releases, Godzilla: Resurgence. Japan still has theatrical monopolies, so these features released by Toho Films will only play in the Toho Cinemas theatrical chain.

Anime News Network has news on the film’s voice actors, Saitō’s original children’s book series, and a translation of the trailer’s text.


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It's a mix of cute and weird looking. But I did think the environments looked really cool, especially where you saw through the kitten's eyes. Not too sure what the story is. It looked like a cat learning to read but the voices were like for some action thing. Or it's just overly dramatic.

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