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'Top Cat Begins' -- in Britain

Edited by GreenReaper as of 16:31
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Here is the British trailer for Top Cat Begins, directed by Andrés Couturier, that was released last October 30 in México as Don Gato: El Inicio de la Pandilla. It’s coming on May 27 in the U.K., distributed by Warner Bros. (so can the U.S. release be far behind?)

It was produced for only $8,000,000 (estimated). While I’m tempted to say that it looks it, it’s really not bad for only $8 million these days. It was produced by Ánima Estudios in Ciudad México, the makers of that Oz movie with the Day of the Dead look, Wicked Flying Monkeys. Haven’t seen that yet? Don’t worry; you will.

Look at the lip sync. Was this movie made for English or Spanish dialogue? What do you think?


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Aww, this looks lovely!

And Top Cat gets to keep his name in the UK this time round? On his original airing, the title card read 'Boss Cat' due to trademark issues with Top Cat cat food :)

~ Huskyteer

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We need another criminal called Mr Big?

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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There is also a “Mr. Big”/”The Godfather” parody (the Don Alfonso character) in the “Un Gallo con Muchos Huevos” Méxican animated feature that was released in the U.S. last September.

Fred Patten

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It was just a cheap Godfather joke. Who cares.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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I liked the first one so I'll see this when it comes out.

I'm a different furry with different opinions.

Debut Album out now go stream it plz

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