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Where's the Dragon? In Beijing.

Edited by crossaffliction as of Thu 15 Oct 2015 - 02:01
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Chinese animation is still getting erratic publicity in America. Despite the recent news about the forthcoming release of the Little Door Gods CGI movie on January 1, 2016, America has just learned of the theatrical release in Beijing on this October 14 of the family (children’s) CGI-animated feature Where’s the Dragon?, with a nationwide (in China) release on October 23.

The only news so far is from Animation World Network; it’s not even on IMDb yet. AWN’s announcement on October 12 says that Where’s the Dragon? is directed by Sing Choong Foo, co-produced by the DeTao Group and Treasure Tree Studios, Inc., plus Hong Kong's Where's the Dragon? Co., Ltd. and Colour Engineering Ltd., and distributed by a Hong Kong company, SMI Movie Distribution Company, Ltd.

The announcement quotes two synopses. One is the translation of the movie’s official synopsis:

The Zodiac Dragon is missing, and the World plunges into chaos. Jen, a righteous ten year-old girl, must join forces with the legendary Zodiac Animals to find Dragon, restore order to the world, and save humanity.

When the Jade Emperor hears of Dragon’s five hundred year disappearance, impetuously he declares he is hosting a race, opened to creatures of all kinds, to replace the existing Zodiac. Harmony on Earth is severely threatened.

But wait, behind the entire calamity is a demonic Roach King conspiring a coup d’état of the entire Zodiac. Cockroaches! Millions and millions of cockroaches, ready to rule the World!

On the day Jen inadvertently finds a Dragon scale, she encounters three talking animals -- a Pig, a Sheep, and a Horse - three of the twelve Zodiacs. Apparently, the scale is the only clue to Dragon’s whereabouts.  And to battle Roach King, Jen and the three have to find and unite the rest of the original Zodiac -- Rat, Cow, Tiger, Rabbit, Snake, Monkey, Rooster, and Dog.

Together, they embark on a journey that though dangerous, turns out to be rewardingly heartwarming.

And AWN’s synopsis:

The story follows a human girl, Zhen, or Jen, who must find the Dragon missing from the Chinese Zodiac in order to restore harmony on Earth, and in her own home. An entertaining mix of culture, myth and modern-day, real-world themes, Where’s the Dragon? is focused on relationships with family and friends.

Roach King; ewww! Frankly, “Where’s the Dragon?’ looks much more juvenile than other Chinese CGI theatrical features recently announced in America such as Monster Hunt, Monkey King: Hero is Back, and Little Door Gods. But check out the trailer in the AWN announcement - Where’s the Dragon? has lots more anthropomorphic animals than just the twelve of the Oriental zodiac. None of these Chinese animated features are scheduled for an American release yet, but keep your eyes peeled: events are happening fast in the international animation industry.

Fred Patten, born in the Year of the Dragon.


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Looks pretty terrible but... I like that they're using a phoenix as a villain, don't see that too often.

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About the author

Fred Pattenread storiescontact (login required)

a retired former librarian from North Hollywood, California, interested in general anthropomorphics