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Animation: 'The Last Flight of the Champion'

Edited by GreenReaper
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I don’t quite believe this… Amid Amidi reports on the Cartoon Brew website that in just two days, The Last Flight of the Champion, a CGI theatrical feature that nobody (including him) ever heard of, will be released – in fifteen theaters across America.

Produced by Omnipulse Entertainment (who?), the 2’15” theatrical trailer makes this look like an embarrassingly bad ripoff of Star Wars: A New Hope, with funny animals replacing the Rebel Alliance and an anthro cricket in the Luke Skywalker role, against Darth Vader – sorry, General Disdain – and his Storm, er, Shock Troopers.

Like they say, I couldn’t make up anything like this. This trailer deserves a special place among the ranks of awesomely bad animated movies. Will the feature be any good? (Don't answer that…)


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Wow. Forget the animation, what about the embarrassing stereotypes and accents? If I had a kid, I'd be reluctant to bring them.

The video is not worth embedding on Flayrah; you'll have to click the link to watch, if you don't mind losing two minutes of your life.

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Oh, you should have embedded it. This trailer falls into the so-bad-it's-funny category; worse (though just barely) than the trailers for "Food Fight!" or "Sir Billi". Five years from now, when new fans want to know how bad this was, will the links still be unbroken?

Fred Patten

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Both links and video embedding depend (in this case) on Google's YouTube, and are used by uncountable websites, including the Cartoon Brew. It's unlikely that either will break; if anything, links might last slightly longer, as they can be easily redirected and do not depend on the browser being able to display a video.

Of course, if the owner of the video chooses to withdraw it, then neither links nor embedding will work.

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Sheesh, how they managed to get 15 theaters on board?

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I could make some guesses. The producers found 15 theaters cheap enough to rent? They found 15 theaters willing to gamble on attracting people to come see an animated feature that no other theater in their city is showing? There will be more than 15 animation fans who will want to see it just because they want to see EVERY animation feature made, no matter how bad; though probably not in one city.

The one theater listed for Los Angeles is actually in Ontario, which is a small city about 60 miles away.

Fred Patten

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I'll give them that at least they're self aware that there won't be a sequel given the title they chose.

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Don't rule a sequel out. Just recently we got "The Last Exorcism 2"

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Yeah, but it's incredibly easy to make back money on horror movies; it's why there are so many cheap horror movies out there. It's probably at least partially because, while a bad horror movie can be unintentionally entertaining, a bad comedy or drama is more likely to be just boring. They're also cheaper to make than other "so bad it's good" genres like sci-fi, fantasy or animation.

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Sure, but isn't it funny that a movie with the word "last" in it is given a sequel? The need to re-title the first movie as "The Second-to-Last Exorcism" now.

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Maybe it was the Last Exorcism of that particular devil. That's the trouble; you can never get rid of all of them!

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Actually, it was the last excorism of that particular exorcist. I got that from the trailer. I'm assuming the demon ate his head or something at the end; I never actually saw it.

Also, from The Excorsist:

"Don't you want to know the demon's name?"

"There is only one."

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(Someone had to explain to me why they thought Final Destination 5 was such a funny title, too.)

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This could be the last flight of the Champion, and its crew could survive to have more adventures.

Fred Patten

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Yarst!! I showed this trailer to my sister Sherry for laughs, and she thinks that it looks cute! Not enough to drive the 60 miles to Ontario, but she may get the DVD if it shows up around here.

Fred Patten

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$10 says the whole film was made using Blender in some guy's parent's basement.

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To me, this looks like a college animation film project done by a bunch of students with a C- in that class.

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