May 2013 Newsbytes archive
Contributors this month include crossaffliction, earthfurst, dronon, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, Kakurady, Patch Packrat, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious.
RingtailedFox: Bella the dog mourns Beavis the beaver. [Yahoo! News]
GreenReaper: Cannibalism among fruit fly larvae.
RingtailedFox: It's duck season in Ormond Beach, Florida. [WESH-TV 2]
RingtailedFox: Dog stands by owner, trapped in mud for 12 hours. [Yahoo! News/CKQM-FM Country 105]
GreenReaper: Erotic textual adventure game Trials in Tainted Space (entirely NSFW) just passed $175,000 on Offbeatr.
earthfurst: 2015 Pan American Games are running an online vote until May 5 to choose the 2015 Pan Am/Parapan Am Games mascot.
RingtailedFox: Be careful while driving! 3-foot-wide turtle causes truck-and-2-car accident in Amherstburg, Ontario! [AM 800 CKLW] (Maybe it was looking for some pizza?)
GreenReaper: Nyan Cat, Keyboard Cat creators sue Warner Bros over usage in Scribblenauts.
GreenReaper: Podcasters for Australian radio station Nova stumble across Furry Down Under. [8:55 onwards; tip: PsychoNerd91]
GreenReaper: Chinese mull mystery mutton; might be mink (or fox).
Higgs Raccoon: As it's May 4, that means it's Free Comic Book Day in the U.S.
GreenReaper: High marine mercury levels threaten Arctic fox conservation efforts.
dronon: Kickstarter for the post-production of an animated short, Dogonauts.
GreenReaper: Martial art pandas not enough to keep World of Warcraft users engaged.
GreenReaper: Regular Flayrah contributors' Newsbytes now auto-post to Twitter, including the first URL. Keep 'em brief!
GreenReaper: White tigress used by Pakistani political party in campaign rallies 'in rude good health', say BBC.
GreenReaper: Researchers put a market price on mice: about €5 (US$6.50).
GreenReaper: Inkbunny's t-shirt competition has concluded, with six winners from almost 100 entries.
GreenReaper: Zoo seeks mate for 'gorgeously ugly' fish.
GreenReaper: Queensland paper notes second instance of Bundaberg meet. [tip: Higgs Raccoon]
dronon: “The Safety Prance”, a music video put together by Hiker and gang at Furnal Equinox.
GreenReaper: My Little . . . Humans? The Equestria Girls trailer is out. [tip: Lingonius]
Sonious: Orange Coast College covers furry campus group.
RingtailedFox: NYPD cop gets stuck in tree while trying to rescue cat... Maybe they do things differently in the Big Apple, but I think it's safe to say he's doing it wrong... [ WDIV-TV Detroit]
RingtailedFox: Awww! Lucky the puppy gets rescued from a rail yard! [WDIV-TV Detroit]
GreenReaper: Today is your last chance to vote in the 2012 Ursa Major Awards.
GreenReaper: Keep track of furry crowdfunding with @FurStarter, authored by Corbeau.
GreenReaper: Forget The Lion King ... Russians turn Gadget Hackwrench of Chip 'n Dale into a religion. [tip: Skippyfox]
Higgs Raccoon: According to Forbes magazine, the most popular sports mascot in America is Benny the Bull.
GreenReaper: Scientists map "most distinct" endangered species for conservation purposes.
GreenReaper: Want to compare your suit to the Disney mascots? See these sites for park discounts and advice. (Just don't bring it along…)
Sonious: Portland Salon blogger mistakes Mystery Otter for a Fir Bear.
GreenReaper: Alien ladybirds 'wage war' on natives.
GreenReaper: Producers visit costume rental store for furry Taboo episode preview. [tip: cloudchaser_s]
GreenReaper: Coming May 24 on Steam: Dust: An Elysian Tail. [Lukar115]
RingtailedFox: Ontario turtle gets airlifted from Sarnia to Peterborough after a collision with an automobile. [Yahoo! News]
GreenReaper: Coming soon to @FlayrahNews: Large image summary cards.
RingtailedFox: Baby Foxes caught spying on's Silicon Valley HQ! [Wall Street Journal]
GreenReaper: Russians kill half the rodent crew in month-long space ordeal. (All 15 lizards survived.)
GreenReaper: British TV comedian makes fun of furries. [lil_buddha]
Higgs Raccoon: A writer for The Guardian interviews the creators of Exterminatus Now.
RingtailedFox: Animals receiving tornado relief in Moore, OK (along with other important web links). [KTHV 11]
RingtailedFox: Oklahoma tornadoes take toll on animals [LA Times]
GreenReaper: Get Flayrah in Bing News on Win8: swipe up, click sources, add //
dronon: Indie game in development: Ghost of a Tale. (And a related article.)
GreenReaper: Our LJ syndication is back up after a hosting snafu; thanks to Skippyfox for the note!
GreenReaper: How the white tiger got its coat.
GreenReaper: Cockroaches evolve to lose sweet tooth in face of poison traps.
GreenReaper: Boy's death shows leashes are not a toy to be trifled with.
Kakurady: Mascot videos of the day: The Chevrolet Traverse has space for all your fuzzy friends, in a bin or otherwise . Also, the unexpected appearance of Donkey Kong. [Kotaku]
GreenReaper: Dog years revamped: try out the BBC's breed-specific age calculator.
Patch Packrat: NY Times contributor John Mooallem's new book: Wild Ones: a Sometimes Dismaying, Weirdly Reassuring Story About Looking at People Looking at Animals in America.
Kakurady: Dust: An Elysian Tail is now available on Steam!
GreenReaper: The Other Coast notes the dangers of tails. [tip: sarek_ca]
earthfurst: 18 hours left of crowd-fundraiser at Indiegogo for printing a book collection of Epiphany webcomic. Contributor perks include copy of book, name printed in Acknowledgements section of book, etc.
GreenReaper: Ever wondered what SoFurry's infrastructure looked like? Now you know. [tip: Stuart Otterson]
GreenReaper: Here's how WikiFur works (we now use Varnish, pound and CloudFlare for caching/SSL/DDoS mitigation).
GreenReaper: Floating plastic causes trouble for turtle.
RingtailedFox: Smudge the dog greets visitors at Edmonton's Hotel MacDonald.
Higgs Raccoon: The Redwall: The Warrior Reborn Kickstarter campaign was successful, with 434 backers pledging $17,618.
crossaffliction: Spoiler alert for MLP:EG: YOU MANIACS! YOU BLEW IT UP! [Sethisto/EQD]
GreenReaper: Dilbert's boss tries out the "furry lifestyle". [tip: @BlindWolf8]
Rakuen Growlithe: Why everything you know about wolf packs is wrong. Probably going to depress some furs.
Rakuen Growlithe: If you have some spare cash how about funding some science and helping conserve endangered kit foxes?
GreenReaper: Amy Wong makes a cute marmoset [tip: electricfoxx]
crossaffliction: Well, you can’t say Furry News Network isn’t occasionally hilarious.
Higgs Raccoon: discovers what we already know: Offbeatr is full of furry porn.
GreenReaper: Do U.S. wolves still need protection?
Patch Packrat: Brony and fan escapism through animation.
GreenReaper: Belarus man dies in beaver attack.
Patch Packrat: Frolic furry dance in San Francisco voted “Best Consent-Based Nightclub Petting Zoo”.
Sonious: Silvergun & Spleen's furry music video makes Room 366 look like a casual gathering. Video NSFW.
GreenReaper: Chimps are keener to gamble than bonobos; both throw tantrums when they lose.
Patch Packrat: Silicon Valley Costumer's Guild quarterly webzine, new issue: “Here Come the Furries!” ("a gentle introduction to the Furry fandom and fursuit costuming")- excerpt to be posted on Flayrah soon.

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
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