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'The Day of the Crows' is not anthropomorphic - or is it?

Edited by GreenReaper as of 17:04
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The Cartoon Brew website has posted the trailer for the forthcoming French animated feature, The Day of the Crows/Le Jour des Corneilles, directed by Jean-Christophe Dessaint, to be released on 24 October.

The synopsis says nothing about it being an anthropomorphic feature, but the end of the 1:56 minute trailer (at 1:31) shows brief glimpses of animal-headed people in the forest – a tiger-man, a lynx-man, a horse-man, a frog-man, a deer-woman - “the ghosts haunting the forest”? The film reportedly received a standing ovation at the 2012 Annecy Festival.

Going by the trailer in French, this animated cartoon feature does not have enough anthropomorphic scenes to be called an anthropomorphic feature, except by very diehard fans – but, as I always say, watch the trailer and decide for yourself. Nothing is said about a forthcoming English-language release.


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It would appear to be a human movie with an anthropomorphic segment. This would qualify it for an Ursa Major, and therefore inclusion in my list of titles of Furry interest. But, on the other hand, only the segment can properly be called Furry, not the movie as a whole.

This is a common situation with a fandom for what is essentially an element used in storytelling. An element is rarely the whole of a project. It can be an adjective to a project, or spice to a project.

The real question is, how long is this segment? If it's just a few seconds, and the rest of the movie is not at least animal themed, it might not be worth a Furry's time.

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