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Furnation down, possible permanently

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Furnation, probably the largest furry-specific free website provider, has gone offline. The administrator of the service is citing a debt load of upwards of $15,000, as well as a lack of time to continue trying to administer the site. Current website holders will be provided with a temporary FTP server to gain access to their website data, but it is not expected that the system will go back online anytime in the future. Further details are at Furnation's website.


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Ouch. First FurBid posts he's invested $6 grand, and now Nexxus says he's put $15 grand into FurNation and shutting it down. I'm sensing a very bad trend here... not that one is even remotely connected with the other.

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That's FurBuy, not Furbid, that spend $6,000.

Grace and Peace - Camstone Fox

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I followed the link in the article above and found no information on Furnation being closed or closing. I checked all over the site and couldn'ty find anything even hinting at it. Everything appears to be normal there.

The other difference between Furnation and FurBuy is that Furnation's debt is on a credit card and FurBuy's servers are already paid in full. So there's no debt continuing to grow for FurBuy except maybe their internet connection.

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That's because Nexxus put the system back online after many furs asked him to...

Grace and Peace - Camstone Fox

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What's with all these sites shutting down, due to apparent lack of funds, then reopening shortly thereafter? Has Nexxus managed to get $15k worth of donations already?

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To be fair, here's what Nexxus posted to several newsgroups:

OK. Too many furs are calling and emailing me with donations and support.

FurNation is back online (web and FurSearch). FTP access is still offline

until I can figure out this net glitch and correct it.

Now, furs, stop calling me! (grin) :) :) :)

Thanks for your support. I will try to get the finances under control


Please, no more donations to the FurNation PayPal account. I do appreciate

it, but I don't know how to do the taxes on it.

Sometimes it takes a few folks to let me know how much FurNation means to




FurNation Administrator

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Please, no more donations to the FurNation PayPal account. I do appreciate

it, but I don't know how to do the taxes on it.

Then please don't complain when your site tanks time and time again for lack of funds...

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Bloody wanker... Shut up or shut down.

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