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'Delhi Safari' "wows" Annecy audience; 'Jungle Book' series to come to the USA

Edited by GreenReaper as of 03:43
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Delhi Safari posterThere are two articles of Indian anthropomorphic animation interest in Friday's Animation Xpress (#305). One reports on the Hindi-language CGI animated feature, Delhi Safari, previewed at the Annecy Film Festival. Delhi Safari will be released in India later this year; an English dub with celebrity-actor voices will be released in the USA in 2013.
The Jungle Book game
The other covers an Indian Jungle Book CGI television series picked up by Disney XD for U.S. distribution, which debuts 11 June.


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I like how the Animation Xpress says that "The Jungle Book series is based on the archaic story by English author Rudyard Kipling". Archaic? The Jungle Book was originally published in two volumes in 1894 and 1895. Then how would you describe Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which is thirty years older? Antediluvian?

Fred Patten

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I've read the Jungle Book. I also bought both Alice books just a few weeks ago. I haven't read them yet. I'm unfortunately rather slow in my reading lately.

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~

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In my opinion, The Jungle Book -- both 1894-95 volumes, which include Kipling's other animal tales like "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" and "The White Seal", not just the Mowgli stories -- and Carroll's 1865 Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, and the 1871 Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There, are still very enjoyable and well worth reading today. If you are just now discovering them, you are in for a treat!

These have long outlasted most Victorian literature, which mostly (in my limited experience) featured "average man" protagonists who spent all day sleeping and all night at their clubs playing cards and getting drunk. If they should ever want to know what was going on in the world around them, which they almost never did, they would send out their butler to buy a newspaper. I have mentioned before Edgar Fawcett's 1889 Solarion: A Romance, which gets my vote as the worst anthropomorphic novel ever written. Aside from other modern howlers, its romantic interest is the pure young maiden Celia Effingham, the epitome of all that is good and holy of the fairer sex, who spends all day playing tennis while her servants care for her in the background. These and hundreds of non-'morphic Victorian novels are forgotten, while Carroll and Kipling live on. (Even Kipling wrote a lot that has been forgotten, though, like his Thy Servant, a Dog, which is a tale of how much jolly fun English foxhunting is, narrated by Boots, the dog. Even the fox enjoys such jolly good sport! Er, no; I don't think so. This novel was considered well-written but outdated when it was published in 1930.)

Fred Patten

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The Jungle Book series has been running for a while over here in Germany, and I must say it's pretty good for an afternoon kiddie series. I found both the writing and the character design quite pleasing.

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The Jungle Book series has aired in Canada on station CICA-DT (TVOntario) since 2010... how do I know this? i saw maybe 3 seconds total, while flipping between channels

~ The Legendary RingtailedFox

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