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Video: A teddy bear with a potty mouth

Edited by GreenReaper
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Coming in July from Universal: an R-rated comedy about a teddy bear who says s*** and f***. You are supposed to be 17 or older to watch this trailer.


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This movie looks kind of 'eh.' Parts of it look funny, but there's others it looks 'meh.'

I honestly don't see myself watching this anytime soon.

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The Cartoon Brew has a long article on how the animation in the largely live-action Ted was created. The teddy bear's character animation, motion-capture of Seth McFarlane's acting with CGI-enhancement of the body language, facial expressions and movement, was divided between two studios; Australia's Iloura and Berkeley, California's Tippett Studio.

The article also predicts that Ted will be Number One at the box office on the weekend of its release, June 29, 2012. Box Office Mojo reports its opening b.o. as $20,200,000.

Fred Patten

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I can confirm "Ted" was sold out at most screenings Friday and Saturday in the OK panhndle (which, admittedly, probably not the best bellwether for national box office, but we work with what we got).

I'll get around to writing and submitting reviews for it and Brave tonight, I promise.

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Two reviews in two minutes at 2 AM?

Damn you, crossie. Damn youuuuuu! ;-)

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Only two days later, and Ted's b.o. has shot up to an estimated $54.1 million and it is getting long articles in the New York Times.

Fred Patten

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The Cartoon Brew reports that Ted is the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time. Amid Amidi sees this as finally proof that "the suits" in Hollywood can understand that animation/fantasy is not just for kids, and that will hopefully lead to more adult-themed popular (as opposed to "art") animated - and anthropomorphic - features in the future.

Fred Patten

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I just saw Ted today. I respected it more than I liked it. The storyline left me bored, but I expected that. It is for college jocks with a college jock mentality, which is *not me*. But I went to see it for the animation of the teddy bear -- a "live" teddy bear in a live-action movie -- and that is superb! The movie treats him as a normal person who just happens to be really short, and, watching it, I could totally accept him as just that.

I also appreciated the fact that almost all the characters showed normal intelligence. I do not like the college jock mentality, but I knew lots of them when I was in college, and all of the characters in Ted seemed entirely believable to me. The movie is basically about John, a 35-year-old adult who got a magical teddy bear when he was eight years old. Now that John and Ted are 35 years old, John must decide whether he wants to remain palling around with his best-buddy teddy bear for the rest of his life, or get into a healthy, mature relationship with a woman. I could not help comparing Ted (the movie) with Pixar's Brave. I vastly preferred the CGI appearance of Brave, but let's face it, everyone in Brave acts like an idiot. If anyone in Brave showed any intelligence, the story would have been very different. With Ted, the only unreality was that everyone treated the magically living teddy bear as if he was a normal person. (Except for the two psychos who are determined to kidnap him because he is *a magical teddy bear*, but even they were believable as realistic child molesters.) Again, these were believable adults (if you can accept a movie in which everyone acts like a college jock) acting intelligently to the plot situations.

Go see Ted. You may have to grit your teeth at all of the testosterone, but from an anthropomorphic angle, Ted is perfect.

Fred Patten

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October 18. Ted is still setting new records. Hotel Transylvania isn't doing badly, either. This report is from Box Office Mojo.

"Ted grossed $14.4 million in 43 markets this weekend for a new foreign total of $251 million. That makes it Universal Pictures International's number one movie this year ahead of Snow White and the Huntsman ($241.3 million) and Battleship ($237.6 million), both of which are big budget, effects-driven movies that had guaranteed overseas appeal.

Worldwide, Ted has now earned $469 million, which makes it the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy ahead of the first Hangover's $467.5 million. With openings in Malaysia, India, Venezuela and Japan on the way, Ted will ultimately wind up above $500 million.

Hotel Transylvania had its best foreign weekend yet with $14.1 million. It bounced to $4.3 million in Brazil thanks in part to a national holiday there on Friday, and it also had a fine $2.8 million debut in the U.K. To date, the Sony Pictures Animation movie has earned $49.6 million in foreign markets."

Fred Patten

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Don't forget, Ted's director and voice actor Seth McFarland is also hosting the Oscars, a first for an animation guy.

I don't think he'll have to worry much about winning one for a while, though.

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Also, I thought Battleship was a Paramount movie... thought they were Hasbro's exclusive distributor.

Kind of puts the kibosh on my "Paramount having first shot at anything The Hub Puts a 'The Movie' prefix on" theory. And I'm not just talking that one show we're all thinking of; they've got a lot of properties that have cinematic potential, if by "cinematic potential" I mean you can attach the words "The Movie" to the end and it sounds okay.

Heck, I would not be surprised to see new theatrical Transformers animated movies in a few years.

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How they put the CGI teddy bear into the otherwise live-action movie. I assume that this is an excerpt from the DVD and Blu-Ray release, due out on December 11, my birthday. By the way, according to Box Office Mojo, Ted's domestic gross is currently $218,665,740, and it is still in release.

Fred Patten

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The Cartoon Brew has announced that "Ted" was so successful that "Ted 2" is in production for a June 2015 release.

Fred Patten

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