Famous Make-up Artist, John Chambers, Dies at 78
Posted by Crassus on Wed 5 Sep 2001 - 07:07
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Oscar-winning makeup pioneer John Chambers, who did everything from put the pointy ears on "Star Trek's" Mr. Spock to turn actors into simians for the original "Planet of the Apes," has died of diabetes complications. He was 78.
The CNN story is here

About the author
Crassus — read stories — contact (login required)a web designer from Southern California, interested in furries, tail designing, art, music and sociology
That man was a damned genius. I still find the make-up on the original "Apes" to be astounding, especially when you think about how old that movie is. It was really quite ahead of its time.
"We use them for divine retribution."
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