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Call for donations for SportyPup's heart surgery

Edited by GreenReaper as of Fri 3 Feb 2012 - 01:42
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Sporty and his son KodaOne of our own greatly really needs our help.

SportyPup, a fur from Macon, Georgia, needs surgery due to a bad valve in his heart. This condition is called Valvular Heart Disease, and if not treated will cause heart failure. The surgery will cost $40,000, but he needs $16,500 up front, just to be able to have it.

The longer Sporty has to wait for the surgery, the greater the risk is of heart failure. The hope is to have enough to be able to have the surgery later this month in Asheville, North Carolina, but only if the doctor sees that the amount needed will come in quickly after.

Sporty will be 31 in March. Besides being a furry and occasional fursuiter, he is also a father of a 3 1/2-year-old boy named Koda.

Sporty and friends are asking for donations towards the surgery, and are putting items up on The Dealer's Den to help raise money (German Shepherd full fursuit - Dragon Fursuit head and fur). Almost $3000 was raised as of last week.

SportyPupEven with all the drama that goes on in this fandom, I have also seen us do a lot of good, and really come together when one of our own needs help, and I would hope this is no exception. I do not know Sporty personally, but the details of his current situation have been verified through several well respected community members. He is an awesome guy, and really needs our help.

Donations can be made via PayPal to or (mark as for Sporty), or via FNN.

Original story written by Lucky Wolf. You can read more about Sporty's condition at Sinabu's LiveJournal.

Update (Feb 23): SportyPup is feeling better after the surgery, although he still needs to pay a lot of it off: [tip: Furry News Network]

I feel sooooo awesome. I haven't felt this good in 1 1/2 years. I can actually breath now, my chest doesn't hurt, I have energy, I can feel myself gaining strength everyday, its wonderful. [...] Unfortunately I will still have a massive medical debt to take care of but I can make payments on that as soon as I can get back to work.


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Well, I already trusted someone who fooled around with such a thing. In the end it wasnt true and stuff. But that doesnt change my mind: We are a big family somehow, even when we have never seen each other and live on the other side of the world! Reason enough to help out! I mean, c'mon ppl, everyone can afford to give a few bucks away! So help Sporty! :3

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The thing with Num8 left a lot of people wary . . . and rightly so. I'm sure it's not the only scam that's been played.

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Well, Num8 was at our place aswell, in germany. We managed to make a big meeting at that weekend, getting alot of furs from germany and the netherlands together and have a good time.
Though it was a lie, it was still an awesome experience! Because we've seen, how much we can do as community together. And after all, this was, is and wont be a reason to say "NO!" to other situations like that. And even though, a few bucks aren't a problem for anyone ;3

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Artists are donating commission slots to support SportyPup.

Update: Looks like that closed for $225.50. I think Growly got a good deal for pieces by 16 other artists.

They were halfway to their initial target as of Feb 9.

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One of the ways you can help the most is letting people know it is legit. The way I know it is legit and FNN is a trusted source; is Greenreaper uses them for his site He also runs Wikifur. Another way Is FNN is run by Markos Sinister. The story originaly was on, posted by Lucky WOlf. Markos Sinister, Greenreaper and Luck Wolf are people I know and trust.

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SportyPup is feeling better after the surgery, although he still needs to pay a lot of it off: [tip: Furry News Network]

I feel sooooo awesome. I haven't felt this good in 1 1/2 years. I can actually breath now, my chest doesn't hurt, I have energy, I can feel myself gaining strength everyday, its wonderful. [...] Unfortunately I will still have a massive medical debt to take care of but I can make payments on that as soon as I can get back to work.

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Furry News Network (Markos Sinister)read storiescontact (login required)

an owner/operator and Wolf from Atlanta, GA, USA, interested in publishing, web design and blogging

Markos Sinister is a Furry Web Developer. His Fursona is a Dark Gray Were Wolf with blue eyes, dark browish/black hair with a white pentacle in his chest fur. He is most often seen wearing Victorian style clothing such as a waistcoat, cravat, and frock coat often with "Steampunk" adventuring gadgets.