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Michael Bard passes away, aged 44

Edited as of Sat 20 Mar 2010 - 20:28
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Michael W. Bard

Michael W. Bard ("Morgan"), recently hospitalized, died early this morning at the age of 44. The author is survived by his parents and friends in Toronto and around the world.

Well-wishers can leave their memories on Michael's Shifti talk page. Donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. The funeral is to be private, but a dinner is planned for April 7.


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It's always a shame to see somebody so young pass away.

Will there be away for us to help cover the cost of the funeral and hospital bill?

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If I hear anything in that area, I'll update the article.

I could be wrong, but I doubt there will be a significant hospital bill. Canada has publicly-funded health care.

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OMG I met him at the islington furmeet, I had no idea he was sick till I read about it just now :<, my heart goes out to his family.

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