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There are 18 furry conventions this year. How many are you going to?

Edited by Aureth
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All of them
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None of them
40% (252 votes)
Votes: 624


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For those who answered 1-2, the "1" is Ohio Morphicon, right? ;)

(insert shameless "" plug)

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Make that 19 conventions then

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For those who answered 1-2, the "1" is Ohio Morphicon, right?

Nope, Conifur NW for me, along with Further Confusion this week as my two.

Sheryl Schopfer (also inserting shameless convention plug)

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18 conventions. Wow. That sure is going to dillute the available fan base.

Artists won't be able to attend these cons and will start to have to really pick and choose. It costs a good $500 to do a con for your hotel bill, transportation costs, and food. Since you're taking time off work, you lose that too. How many cons can artists and fans alike expect to take off?

You're forced to decide which ones you'll attend. And for me as an artist who needs to make money at a con, that means I'll be hitting the big ones pretty much only. AC, FC, ConiFur, etc. Even then only those on my own coast, so AC is out. Anything beyond that and I start actively losing money and I can't afford that.

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I'd like to make it up to Ohio for Morphicon but I don't think the budget can handle it this year. Best of luck to you on your first year, though. ;)

Rocket City FurMeet

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Yeppers. I had not been contacted by them yet to add them to the AFCIS....

Whats Morphicons expected attendance this first year BTW?

David Cooksey

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Thanks! We're going nuts trying. :) But I like to think it's "insane for a good cause"...

I'm certain I'm preaching to the choir. ;)


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Confur NW is the only one I'll be at. Others just don't interest me.

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In the small range, maybe 50 to 100 non-staff attendees. We're mostly a local event, and the proximity to AC this first year will keep attendance down.

I'd never heard of the AFCIS before. You can check out our webpage for more information about the con or else contact me or another staff member through the webpage.


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One more comment, in the off chance you return to read this. I finally found the AFCIS page after quite a bit of digging, but I was unable to locate any means by which to contact you. ^o.o^

I can be reached via trickster AT, or you can email any of our con staff through the website I'd take the initiative to offer information about the convention, but I don't have a way to reliably reach you. Most information about the con is easily accesible online in any case.


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I just spent all evening and all night editing the website and getting the newsletter up, it's 5:40 am and I have a Staff meeting at the hotel in 8 hours.

Yeah, I could say you're preaching to the choir. *ROFLMTO*

(Thinks insane thoughts and goes to bed...)


Rocket City FurMeet

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It's funny, becuase every little group wants to have their own con. Soon every state will have one. I mean theres one almost every month :p

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It''s funny, becuase every little group wants to have their own con. Soon every state will have one. I mean theres one almost every month :p

And the problem with this is?

Seriously, with a population base of 300-400M in north america, I think the fan base is large enough to support smaller local cons.

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Heh, you don't know about SF and Fantasy conventions, do you? There's at least 2-3 every weekend, just in North America. And they all do more than survive. A few big cons and many regional cons is absolutely fine, as long as each finds a niche and knows how to budget accurately.

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Well, to play Devil's advocate, the end result is that fans and artists don't meet other fans and artists from other locations as much, and that's bad for communication and diversity.

If an artist doesn't want to travel to a con that's further away, then you can't buy their stuff. And if you're maximizing profit, the less far an artist travels, the more money they'll save. And with more and more cons, you can only go to so many...

From the fan's point of view, if you want afford several cons, you go to the closest ones. So you tend to not meet other fans from further afield. Sure there's the internet, but not all fans are on the internet.

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As fandom grows, things change. It's inevitable.

Personally, I have absolutely no interest in attending furry cons halfway across the states. I'd rather meet people with similar interests that are closer to home.

I mean, it'd be really cool to meet in person some of the faraway folks I've met online over the years, but hey, email is good for that, otherwise. And the phone, if you like that route. :)

Just one point of view amongst many... ;)

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An update: in 2017, it's roughly one every week. In fact the weekend of May 26-28 will see five conventions running simultaneously, with three on neighbouring weekends.

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one convention of any kind a year is as much as i can afford to go to. the nearest furry con is FurCon. it's one of the best cons of any kind i've ever been to. had to skip this year though. next year i'll be either there or the sciffi BayCon also in the sf bay area (which i live 110 miles from the bay itself. the south end of the bay, down by san jose where the cons tend to be held is a bit further).
con membership is the smallest part of the cost of going. hotel and transportation are the biggest challange.

oh sure if i could i'd go to every kind of furry, sciffy and several other kinds of cons from the san francisco bay north to the canadian border and beyond on the pacific coast of north america.
i'd definately love to go to ConiFur as well as FurCon.

but i've got a lot of other things i like to do too. and very limited resources to do any of them. so it's one con a year for me. if that.


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Come on people were a fandom can't we do better than more than 1 or 2 cons a year. I mean if your really a fan you gotta get yourself to more than 1 or 2.

(actualy I myself can only make 1 or 2 a year. But I plan on changing that.)

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Well, some of us hold down 9-to-5 jobs with limited vacation time and limited finances available between bills and other obligations. We just might not be ABLE to make five or six cons a year. I don't see why that should make me any less of a fan.

Personally, I try to make one "long distance" con (where I would have to take a flight) and one "local" con (within comfortable driving distance). Last year, a second "local" con started up, so that will bump up my attendance to three cons.

For those interested, my cons this year are Megaplex, Anthrocon and FurFright.

- PunkTiger!

- PunkTiger!

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