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SoCal FurBQ Jun 21st Irvine Regional Park

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Its Time for the annual Fur-B-Q! It will be held on Jun 21st at the usual location in Irvine Regional Park. Many furrs attend this event every year, bringing tons of food and drink and merryment: Most of the Cats tend to love hanging around in the local low-hanging trees, many artists love drawing under the Shade of such trees, and the plentiful amount of Oxygen given off by said trees keeps everyone purring along quite happily.

When you get in, hang a right after paying your parking fee and there should be some signs set up on the display boards along the road that point to where we are. We will stake our claim at the traditional spot, between Parking Lots 9 and 10 as shown on the park brochure, which can be seen here.

Show up whenever, we stay from park opening until park closing. If you want to wait until just before you get there to pick up food, the nearest supermarket is the Albertsons on Chapman & Jamboree.

This is a Pot-Luck event, feel free to bring whatever foodstuffs you would like to share with the group! The area has one large cooking grill, however if anyone is able to bring a second grill, please do so. We never seem to have problems with variety: Hamburgers and Hot Dogs are the traditional favorites, Some enjoy bringing Sushi and other ethnic tastes too. Vegetarian foodstuffs are always welcome! As always, Please Bring Trash Bags! As large as a group as we are, we would like to make sure that the MOOP (Matter Out Of Place, aka TRASH) is properly collected and disposed of, which will keep the park officials happy with us.

A flashlight would also be handy to have around, as well as a first-aid kit. Parking is $5 per vehicle and you have to pay again if you go out of the park.

By park rules, no alcohol, fireworks, or firearms are permitted within the park property, and all natural quadrupeds must be on a leash at all times.

Please be aware of your vehicle: Parking can be sparse at times, if you need help unloading your vehicle, have someone watch your vehicle while you unload, and then immediately move your vehicle into a designated parking space. There are some half-spaces which seem to accommodate small vehicles: Please do not use those for regular cars as they are designed for Motorcycles and other smaller vehicles.


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