Upcoming Furry Comics for November 2005
From Doodles, the upcoming furry comics list for November 2005.Another month, another list. Lots of large items come out from publishers
in preparation of the coming holiday season. There goes the rent money.
pg 25
DARK HORSE (www.darkhorse.com)
Usagi Yojimbo #89 - $2.99 - order #SEP050023
The conclusion of "The Treasure of The Mother of Mountains." A key
character is trapped in the mine, and others hurt. Who will survive, and
who won't, find out in this issue.
pg 90
DC COMICS (www.dccomics.com)
Looney Tunes #132 - $2.25 - order #SEP050275
Duck Dodgers conducts an inspection. There goes the neighborhood.
Scooby-Doo #102 - $2.25 - order #SEP050276
The gang visits the Amazon, and is killed by local coca farmers.
pg 220
ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC (www.aliascomics.net)
Pakkin's Land Vol. 2 #8 - $2.99 - order #SEP052676
Paul has arrived safely on the shores of the eastern lands, and he eagerly
awaits a party sent to retireve him. Meanwhile, someone has removed Aunt
Minnie's diary and is threatening to publish it on Livejournal unless she
gives up her secret recipie for deviled eggs.
Yenny #3 - $2.99 - order #SEP052681
Yenny and the gang are off to Sidny World, which is in no way shape or form
supposed to suggest any other theme parks you may have heard about.
pg 224
SLG PUBLISHING (www.slavelabor.com)
Ranklechick and his Three-Legged Cat SC - $19.95 - order #SEP052703
If you haven't seen this series from Rikki Simons and Tavisha Wolfgarth,
you're really missing out. It's got to be one of the sweetest tales of
demented horror you can ever read, and Europan ghoul Ranklechick and his
tripod-legged feline friend.
pg 225
ANTARCTIC PRESS (www.www.antarctic-press.com)
Gold Digger #69 - $2.99 - order #SEP052723
pg 228
Ninja High School Pocket Manga Vol. 7 TP - $9.99 - order #SEP052726
Ninja High School #133 - $2.99 - order #SEP052727
Ninja High School Yearbook 2005 - $4.99 - order #SEP052729
Oz the Manga #6 - $2.99 - order #SEP052730
pg 246
BLIND WOLF STUDIOS (www.blindwolfstudios.com)
Patrick The Wolf Boy Happy Birthday Special - $2.95 - order #SEP052829
It's Patricks's birthday, and this 48-page special celebrates it in style.
pg 281
GEMSTONE PUBLISHING (www.gemstonepub.com)
Donald Duck & Friends #334 - $2.95 - order #SEP052948
Donald Duck Adventures Vol. 15 TP - $7.95 - order #SEP052949
Mickey Mouse & Friends #283 - $2.95 - order #SEP052950
Mickey and the Gang Classic Stories in Verse SC - $29.95 - order #SEP052951
Mickey and the Gang Classic Stories in Verse HC - $149.95 - order #SEP052952
Uncle Scrooge #348 - $6.95 - order #SEP052953
Walt Disney's Comics & Stories #663 - $6.95 - order #SEP052954
Walt Disney's Christmas Parade #3 - $8.95 - order #SEP052955
pg 286
IBOOKS (www.komicwerks.net)
Penguins on Ice GN - $12.95 - order #SEP052974
Sergio Salma's tale of love on the ice.
pg 300
MIRAGE STUDIOS (www.ninjaturtles.com)
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #17 - order #SEP053017
pg 304
MORONIK COMICS (www.moronik.com/Comiks.htm)
Bug Girl #3 - $2.95 - order #SEP053025
MU PRESS (www.mupress.com)
Wild #18 - $3.75 - order #SEP053028
pg 312
NBM (www.nbmpub.com)
Sizzle #28 - $5.95 - order #SEP053048
ADULTS ONLY - Last month, NBM started releasing the first of the collected
"Omaha the Cat Dancer." This month, the pretty kitty starts the final part
of the story, which will be serialized until completion. Now, if you'll
excuse me I just have to go out and order an extra bottle of lube...
pg 314
RADIO COMIX (www.radiocomix.com)
Furrlough #154 - $3.50 - order #SEP053067
Greg Older & Style Wagner's "Licensed to Spell" continues, as does Christina
Hanson's "Ebin and May" and Rusty Haller's "Ace and Queenie."
pg 326
SPEAKEASY COMICS (www.speakeasycomics.com)
Strangeways #1 - $2.50 - order #SEP053097
A new series by Matt Maxwell & Luis Guarana. Werewolves in the old west.
Sounds like a job for the Lone Ranger. Cover by Steve Leiber.
pg 349
TOKYOPOP (www.tokyopop.com)
Sgt. Frog Vol. 10 - $9.99 - order #SEP053133
The Earth has been anesthetized, and the only ones who can stop the coming
invasion are... The Keroro Platoon? We're doomed.
pg 368
VIZ COMICS (www.viz.com)
Tuxedo Gin Vol. 15 TP - $9.99 - order #SEP053261
Final volume.
That's all for this month. See you in 30!

About the author
Aureth — read stories — contact (login required)an agronomist and Cornwuff from Northern Illinois, interested in sf, homebrewing, photography and running
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