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Hotel selected for Anthrocon 2005.

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Anthrocon has a contract with the Wyndham Franklin Plaza in downtown Philadelphia for the same weekend, July 7-10, 2005.At 11:59 PM on December 6, 2004, after a marathon 5-hour negotiating session, Anthrocon board members approved a contract with the Wyndham Franklin Plaza in downtown Philadelphia.

- same weekend, July 7-10, 2005.
- The room rate will be the same as that offered at the Adams Mark: $106 per night.
- 600 rooms contracted in a single hotel, which means it is unlikely that there is a need to have any "overflow" hotels.

The Wyndham is slightly smaller convention space, which means possible reduction to the size of the Art show, Dealer Room, and/or Artist's Alley.

You can begin to register for hotel rooms, and for Anthrocon itself, on Thursday, December 9, 2004. Full information will be available on Anthrocon's web page then.


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