Tai-Pan celebrates fifteen years of furry art and fiction
There's a new issue of Tales of the Tai-Pan Universe available! Issue #32 features a front cover by Jennifer Anderson, and back cover by Sky Rigdon. The issue contains "Suffer the Children" written by Chuck Melville and illustrated by Bill Koonts, "Kiss and Tell" written by Gene Breshears and illustrated by Sheryl Schopfer, "Chop Job" a graphic story by Bill Koonts, and "Fifteen furs on a dead man's chest, yo ho ho! And a bottle of rum" a little commemoration of Tai-Pan's fifteenth anniversary.
The issue contains artwork by 22 different artists! If you want to get a peek at the front cover, you can see it here. If you want to buy the issue, you can find it here. Issues of the Tai-Pan fanzine can be purchased from Rabbit Valley.
You may also notice that the Tai-Pan web site has undergone a re-design. Please join us in thanking Sky Rigdon for designing the new graphics, and webmistress Julie Rampke for overseeing the update.
There will be no Writer's Night this month. The third Saturday happens to fall on the same weekend as the Northwest Science Fiction Convention (April 17-20), and so instead of Writer's Night we'll be hosting our usual Tai-Pan party at the convention. Since the project was created 15 years ago at NorWesCon, this will be our 15th Anniversary Celebration. If you're attending NorWesCon, look for our posters announcing the room and time of the party, then come join the fun!

About the author
GeneBreshears — read stories — contact (login required)a typographer from Seattle, WA, interested in writing, dabbling, publishing, and analyzing
Congratulations guys! Thats an amazing run and I look forward to many more years in the future.
Wow, who else do we have in the 'zine world that is getting close to twenty years old?
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