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Flayrah is now happily running PostNuke .714. A few things were fixed, a few were broken, pretty much typical for alpha-level open source software. Click below to read more about the upgrade.One thing that definetly works again is the AvantGo module--all you users with various palm devices can point your AvantGo clients to this url, you and should be able to download the text of Flayrah stories into your device for reading on the go.

For anonymous users: Comments in the poll section are truncated for some reason. This is a known bug, fixed in the .72 release, which unfortunately has a raft of other problems at the moment, and I chose not to upgrade to it. You can always register for an account to make that problem go away.

User messaging and bulletin boards are not enabled on, though they are available in the PostNuke code. If there's a big demand for this sort of thing, I can look into setting them up.

If you see any other bugs, please let me know!.Otherwise, enjoy!


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Still has at least one of the old problems - when I first go to this site, everything is nice and readable, then when I log in, it changes to a completely different format that I don't really like.

I probably set some option somewhere in the past for it to do this - but I cannot find any configuration page to change it back now. It's not even easy to type this comment due to the odd font it's coming up in.

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Go to Your Account -> Select Theme. What theme are you on? Additionaly, what browser are you using?

"We use them for divine retribution."

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I had to troll through the database to do it, but I removed your custom theme setting. Things should show up as normal, now.

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I'm having to login every time I visit the site. Up until now it's always remembered who I am when I return to visit the site. (Checking the box in the login menu doesn't help.) It also used to remember that I prefer the nested view of posted comments, and that too is something that I now have to reenter every time.

I suppose either of these could have to do with the browser at my end, but they weren't happening before the upgrade.

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I'm having the same problem. Plus, it seems to log me off after I do something that requires a submission, like posting a news article or replying in a comment. Arg!

Melissa "MelSkunk" Drake

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Try clearing your cache and instructing your browser to clear all its stored cookies (Yes, you'll have to log in to all your favorite sites again). I can't guarantee that it'll work but it seems to fix the issue most of the time.

"We use them for divine retribution."

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With this new version it seems they fixed a bug that many people regarded as a feature or just didn't notice as a bug: HTML markups were being accepted and interpreted in comments without the poster choosing the HTML formatted mode.

With the upgrade the HTML markups are no longer being accepted by the software in "Plain Old Text" mode. You must choose "HTML formated" if you want to use markups such as bold, italic or anchors in your comments

"We use them for divine retribution."

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