Flayrah in 2014
In 2014, Flayrah published 189 stories from 36 contributors, including Fred (72 stories), crossaffliction (54 stories), GreenReaper (17 stories), Higgs Raccoon (5 stories), Rakuen Growlithe (4 stories), dronon, Isiah Jacobs and Sonious (each with 3 stories), Diamond Man, Voice and wyrmkeep (2 stories each) and AC_Fox, aquariusotter, Cubist, draconis, earthfurst, equivamp, Feli, fenrislorsai, Grisli, hi-jera, Huskyteer, jasper-bear, JoJoJoshua, Lightsen, Martes, Mister Twister, NeonBunny, AC_Fox, oldhans117, Patch Packrat, Pimlico, Potoroo, RingtailedFox and Snow (with one story each).
Update (March 23): Now with the most viewed stories of 2014.
The most-discussed stories of 2014
- Greymuzzle furry artist Ted Sheppard arrested, suspected of uploading child pornography, 80 comments
- Voting begins as 2013 Ursa Major Awards ballot released, 73 comments
- Furry websites face broad denial-of-service attacks, 69 comments
- Midwest FurFest hotel evacuated after 'intentional' chlorine release; 19 hospitalized, 58 comments
- Opinion: The New Furry, much like the Old Furry, 55 comments
- Doing the FA tango; one step forward, two steps back, 54 comments
- Fur Affinity announces Project Phoenix; Weasyl traffic spikes, 43 comments
- Bad Karma shutters Ychan, Yiffy International, 420furs.org, 43 comments
- A completely biased review of 'The Guardians of the Galaxy', 34 comments
- Review: 'Trick or Treat', edited by Ianus J. Wolf, 34 comments
Highest rated content in 2014
- Photographer Carmen Dobre seeks insights into furries via 360° home panoramas, 5 stars from 5 ratings
- Furry MMO "Antilia" Kickstarter In Progress, 5 stars from 5 ratings
- Furry convention history - can you help?, 5 stars from 5 ratings
- Reviews: Furry, anthro, and animal-related books of 2013, 5 stars from 4 ratings
- Newly published: Fred Patten's 'Funny Animals and More', 5 stars from 4 ratings
- 'This Furry Life' seeks producers, writers, correspondents, 5 stars from 4 ratings
- Review: 'Night of the Rabbit' for PC and Mac, 5 stars from 3 ratings
- Review: 'The Art of Henrieke', by Henrieke Goorhuis, 5 stars from 3 ratings
Most viewed stories of 2014
- 10. Fur Affinity announces Project Phoenix; Weasyl traffic spikes
- 9. Voting begins as 2013 Ursa Major Awards ballot released
- 8. Furry artist FilthyRotten dies from surgery complications
- 7. 'Star Fox' will return
- 6. Furry MMO "Antilia" Kickstarter In Progress
- 5. Midwest FurFest hotel evacuated after 'intentional' chlorine release
- 4. Greymuzzle furry artist Ted Sheppard arrested, suspected of uploading child pornography
- 3. Furries sought to appear on 'Dr. Phil'
- 2. Bad Karma shutters Ychan, Yiffy International, 420furs.org
- 1. Furry websites face broad denial-of-service attacks
Newsbytes in 2014
There were approximately 732 Newsbytes in 2014 from 17 contributors, including bastett, crossaffliction, Dahan, dronon, Echte Sinte, Equivamp, Fred, GreenReaper, Higgs Raccoon, InkyCrow, Kakurady, mwalimu, Patch Packrat, Poetigress, Rakuen Growlithe, RingtailedFox and Sonious.
In-Fur-Nation in 2014
Mink, a.k.a. Rod O’Riley, published 238 stories for In-Fur-Nation, which are also republished on Flayrah (meaning Mink technically had the most stories on Flayrah last year by a wide margin).
Both Flayrah and In-Fur-Nation are up for the Ursa Major award for Best Magazine; please consider voting for both of us!

About the author
crossaffliction (Brendan Kachel) — read stories — contact (login required)a reporter and Red Fox from Hooker, Oklahoma, interested in movies, horror, stand up comedy
Formerly Wichita's only furry comic.
GreenReaper sent me a link with the most viewed stories listed; unfortunately I seem to be having technical difficulties, so I'll add those in later when I get to a more reliable computer.
Only wrote four stories but two of them were in the most-discussed list. :)
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
I only got a glance before I got an error message, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were also on the most viewed list.
Edit: Or maybe not. Sorry to get your hopes up.
"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~
The furry fandom, where DDoS attacks turn more heads than chlorine attacks...
And Dr. Phil is somewhere in the middle.
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