Review: 'The Jackal Queen', by Roy Lisman
Posted by Fred on Tue 3 Jun 2014 - 03:11 The front cover blurb reads: An Erotic Historical Tale. It is rated NC-17. Isaac Ellison, a part-albino cheetah (with unusually pale fur and a beefy physique like a Marine), and his inventor buddy, Raziel, a humanoid reptile (“He looked quite draconic, but slender as opposed to the more bulky builds of lore. Small spines dotted his scalp where eyebrows would be, and two long, black horns swept back almost uniformly with his fire colored mane that consisted of fur and light feathering, before the mane started springing out wildly in any direction it damn well pleased.” –p. 7), go back in time to an anthropomorphic Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians mistake them for warrior and fertility gods, and a tremendous amount of enthusiastic sex is had by all. In fact, until the ending, The Jackal Queen hardly offers anything but. Isaac and Raziel worry about changing history, but not much.
This is a mature content book. Please ensure that you are of legal age to purchase this material in your state or region. (publisher's rating)
FurPlanet Productions, July 2013, trade paperback $9.95 (138 pages). Illustrated by Kadath.
Stinkpot turtle breathes through tongue
Posted by GreenReaper on Thu 20 May 2010 - 22:11The common musk turtle, Sternotherus odoratus, turns out to have an unusual ability: breathing underwater through its tongue.
In a paper, Austrian researchers describe how they noticed the turtle's curious eating habits under high-speed video, and used a scanning electron microscope to examine the lingual papillae.
The same group previously explained how a newt used its ribs as poisonous barbs, puncturing its own skin and that of animal hoping to consume it.
Also from the BBC: The "lost world" of Papua – Argonaut octopuses sail through sea