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Review: 'Crash Bandicoot 4': It's About Freakin' Time!

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Crash Bandicoot 4 poster
Few popular furry mascots remain now in the video game industry for triple-A games. And, as those with similar sensibilities know, furry makes everything better. So when I stumbled upon the trailer for the new Crash Bandicoot 4, with sick track "The Rockafeller Skank" by Fatboy Slim, I could only drool and get HYPED. Yes, I'm a 90s kids. Yes, I love Bandicoot. Take my money!

Gaming Furever selects Alpha Game Awards for 2013

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Alpha Game Awards 2013 Gaming Furever has released their "Alpha Game Awards" for 2013. Winners include top hits from all platforms, and a special category chosen specifically for furry-focused titles. Voted on by the content contributing staff at GF, the awards reflect a years' worth of fantastic games.

2013 has been an exciting year, not just because of new video games, but new consoles as well! There's been plenty of great games (and some pretty terrible games) and as we move into 2014, what better way to bring in the New Year than by looking back?

'Humpday Gamedays' hosted by Gaming Furever

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Humpday will be hosting weekly game meetups with any furry that wants to participate, encouraging a coming together of the fandom over all consoles and platforms. They will be held on Wednesday evenings for the foreseeable future, and all gamers are invited to attend.

Highlighted games will be featured each week, so players looking for a specific challenge can know they'll find others to play with in certain games. The matches will be live-streamed from various gamers, and participants are invited to stream their games during the event as well.