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Con Report: CanFurence 2023

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CanFurence.jpgRecently I attended CanFurence 2023 in Ottawa, Ontario. It was a good time! Previously I'd gone in 2016 for its first year, then later in 2021 and 2022. There's a really good established core of staff and volunteers that make it happen.

It's been growing at a decent pace, now with 1107 people, up from 863 last year, and it's the fourth-largest Canadian furry con. The cons up here are in two clusters. March is when Furnal Equinox and VancouFur happen; while Fur-Eh, CanFurence, Wild Prairie Fur Con and Camp Feral are all during July and August. We also may soon have another camping con, Camp Mani-Toebeans.)

Furry 'Fritter' charged with possession of child pornography

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Occasional furry artist Fritter, also known in the fandom as FrittMonster, FireLover343, and Anium, has been arrested in Ottawa, Canada, on a charge of possessing child pornography.

Known in real-life as Adam Boyko, 19-year-old Fritter was arrested on Wednesday, March 30, by the Ottawa police Internet Child Exploitation unit after they received a tip-off. Police seized a laptop they allege contains images and videos of child pornography.

Originally from Cranford, New Jersey, Fritter was in Ottawa on a temporary visa to study Information Technology at Carleton University.