Bad Dog Books now FurPlanet imprint
Posted by GreenReaper on Thu 15 Dec 2011 - 05:14

Bad Dog Books has become an imprint of FurPlanet, as announced yesterday by BDB founder Alex Vance. [Ryffnah]
BDB had already contracted printing to FurPlanet, and Alex expressed hope that the move would facilitate the distribution of BDB works as e-books:
This is something I’m personally very excited about, as it’ll make our portfolio of furry fiction more convenient and accessible to modern readers.
The change is not expected to impact the release of BDB's fiction anthologies FANG and ROAR #4, but does reduce the diversity of furry publishing venues.
FurPlanet is celebrating the deal with a $5 sale on existing BDB titles, which appears to stack with an existing 10% off coupon. gets familiar facelift, courtesy of Bad Karma
Posted by GreenReaper on Wed 27 Apr 2011 - 22:28Digg-style furry social news site marked this week's transition to its new home with a major user interface refresh.
The site – now using the latest version of Pligg, and a strangely familiar theme – was updated by its new host, Bad Karma Networks, better known for adult community Yiffy International and furry imageboard Ychan.
Eurofurence, ConFuzzled announce merger
Posted by GreenReaper on Fri 1 Apr 2011 - 10:00Popular European conventions Eurofurence and ConFuzzled have announced their intent to form a combined body: EuroFuzzled.
The merger made a lot of sense, as slippery convention spokesotter Tungro explained:
Running a convention involves a lot of logistics and expertise, as well as time and commitment. In order to reduce costs and overlap, it is in the interests of both conventions to pool resources together.
The UK and DE editions of EuroFuzzled will still be lead by Matt Lion and Cheetah respectively; however, art show panels, registration systems, badge printers, regualar guests, hired entertainers and gophers will be shared between the conventions.
The news goes some way towards explaining the recent notice of ConFuzzled's cancellation.
Update: A new announcement from ConFuzzled suggests the merger will not go ahead.
The big fat furpile: The, and Furrum merger
Posted by Alexander Grey on Sun 31 Aug 2008 - 19:00Yiffy International is the new kid on the adult furry block, a new merger of the three individually well known sites, and Furrum.
The news post following the merger described why it had occurred: “Yiffy.Tk was a vibrant site with a slow forum, Yiffy.Net was a vibrant forum but needed a full site and had recently been dropped by its web host due to attacks. We all came together to give our users a more robust and active venue than we could offer on our own, and to give those who lost their accounts on Furrum a new place to start.”
The same post quashed apparent rumours that the sites had been bought out by, the base for the combined site.