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It’s a Dream Job

One of those projects that’s not really furry per se, but it sure seems to have a lot of non-human characters in it! Hotel REM is a new full-color all-ages graphic novel, written by Zack Keller, with art by Gabriele Bagnoli and Valerio Alloro. “Rembrandt Somner is the happy-go-lucky new owner of Hotel REM, a place for all the fantastic people and creatures in our dreams to hang out when we wake up. Channeling his endless enthusiasm, Rem attempts to balance his unwieldy coworkers and wild guests in order to run a successful business that makes his parents proud. However, a demanding celebrity guest threatens to be the rude awakening that ruins everything!” The preview is up over at Dark Horse Comics.

image c. 2024 Dark Horse Comics

Eurofurence 27 to change dates, location

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Eurofurence 27 'Black Magic' logo by Fleeks European furry convention Eurofurence has announced that it will be changing its dates and venue for EF27:

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to change our venue and date in 2023. We fully understand that this means an inconvenience for those of you who have already made plans and we apologise for that. It was a choice made with the confidence that it will be best for EF in the long run, but we can assure everyone that the choice was not made lightly.

We are going to announce detailed information ASAP.

We will open a new chapter for Eurofurence so you can continue to enjoy all EF has to offer and we look forward to writing it with you.

Eurofurence 27 "Black Magic" had been scheduled for 2-6 August 2023 at Berlin's Estrel Hotel, its venue since 2014. [tip: Rakuen Growlithe]

Furpoclypse moves venues as Halloween convention's hotel became ghastly

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Furpcolypse, out of Connecticut, has always been an interesting Halloween gathering for furries. To fit the season, the convention usually picks themes dealing with decay or a haunted vibe. Over the last few years when the hotel they contracted with fell under new management, one thing started to become perfectly clear. The venue itself was dressing itself up to the themes, and it would not back down from one upping the attendees themselves.

What was once known as the Radisson was now the Red Lion, but its foundation had not moved from its spot off the 91 in Cromwell. The venue's story is one which is cursed. Clearly the architect was mad, as they had adorned it with a lovely indoor pool, however placed it smack dab in the middle of a building that was not prepared for the maintenance and moisture that it brought with it. As a result the costs of upkeep was high, and apparently unmanageable by their owner. What followed was a game of hot potato with the ownership.

Did you win the MFF Room lottery?

Jackpot! - (Won main hotel; or one sought after)
15% (16 votes)
A Boobie Prize - (won side hotel; or not preferred hotel)
4% (4 votes)
Can't lose what you don't enter
70% (75 votes)
I don't feel so good... (no)
11% (12 votes)
Votes: 107

Anthrocon fills Westin doubles, entire Courtyard hotel

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If you hoped to be in the Westin for Anthrocon 2011, you may be in for a surprise. Booking opened today at 9AM ET, and double bedrooms sold out online by 9:25AM.

Anthrocon also reports that the Courtyard hotel is completely booked for Sunday. The next closest with doubles – and also the most expensive – is the Omni William Penn. Meanwhile, the DoubleTree is cheaper but twice as far; the flood of fans initially broke their booking system. Suites at the Westin might also still be available.

Want to beat the crowds in 2012? Attend the charity auction and see if they have rooms on offer for next year. You might get a good deal and help out the ToonSeum.

Further Confusion 2012 to be held in convention center

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Further Confusion 2011 took place last weekend. Attendance was almost static at 2801, perhaps due to the continued weak state of the economy plus limited room; the Fairmont sold out by October. 477 participated in the fursuit parade, as verified by Flayrah in the dealers' room.

$31,900 was raised by the sale of nearly 500 pieces, in an art auction consisting of almost 1000, while 113 dealers were present in the Den. The show suffered from poor lighting, but con leaders promised this would not be an issue in future years.

As for 2012, the big news is that FC intends to move to the San Jose Convention Center.

Website seeks members to offer 'Welcome' to fellow furs

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Welcome, Fur mascot, by KnoxEver wondered if you could stay with a fur rather than pay through the nose for impersonal accommodation? Welcome, Fur intends to help.

Spanish developer Salmy – better known as creator of a Fur Affinity to Inkbunny transfer script and admin of Furry Madridexplains his motivation:

How many times you've seen [on FA] people writing journals about going somewhere and looking for lodging, or other people looking for roommates? I have given a place to stay to plenty of furs for many years, but most times I wanted to go somewhere I found out I had to pay for a hotel and, what's worse, I never knew if there were other furs in that place willing to meet other people. That's why I went for it and I'm developing this new site.

Currently in alpha testing, the site is open to interested users willing to give feedback.

Sonic turns hotel room into Green Hill Zone, also bans squirrel

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On February 13, Alton Towers, working with Sega Europe, unveiled a Sonic the Hedgehog-themed roller coaster ride, and a hotel room to match. Which might just be the closest thing to being inside a Sonic game.

The room features a colorful wallpaper that resemble opening stages of Sonic games — a tropical forest on a backdrop of blue sky and sea, complete with checkerboard platforms. The lamps are modeled after Emeralds and plushies of characters can be found in the bathroom. It also has a PS3, XBox 360 and Wii, complete with several Sonic games.

Anthrocon 2010 hotels open tomorrow; fees to rise on 15th

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Anthrocon 2010 hotel booking opens tomorrow at 9AM EST (UTC-5). This year, four hotels have an arranged rate for attendees.

Those with plans to attend may also wish to register by February 15th, when fees for members, sponsors, and super sponsors increase by $5.

Update 2: 24 hours in, the Westin and Courtyard had almost sold out (graph of science).

Each hotel has its own advantages and disadvantages . . .

Anthrocon has an overflow hotel now

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From Kage, on the AnthroCon livejournal

It took some doing, but we found a hotel that is (a) close to the Wyndham, (b) within our price range (after a bit of negotiation), (c) has space available, and (d) is not where the bums sleep.

Those who did not grab a Wyndham room fast enough can now go to the HOTEL WINDSOR just two blocks away. It's a very nice residential hotel, with each room being a fully-furnished suite with kitchenette.

Before you think of holding a party there, though, please be advised that the hotel has a "NO PARTIES" policy, since there are people who live there year-round. That means that when you get together with your friends, the noise must be controlled to avoid any complaints from the neighbors. Sorry, party-cats. We did the best we could without losing any of items A through D above.

More information is at Please note that the hotel's registration system is not yet set up for us. We expect that by the middle of next week (April 15 or so) you should be able to start making reservations.

Please do not call the Wyndham. They may still give you a reservation, but you will be charged the full room rate of $189 and may not have a guaranteed room. If you have already gotten a reservation outside of our block like that, send your name and confirmation number to and I will see what can be done.

CF2002 At-door Registration Discount!

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If you are staying at the Hilton Burbank Airport in the ConFurence 2002 room block, you can still buy your at-door membership at the pre-registration price of $35.

At-door memberhsips are normally $45 per person, but to send a SPECIAL THANK YOU to all the people who have been booking rooms at the hotel, we will roll back the At-Door registration price for Hotel guests at ConFurence 2002 to only $35 per person.