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Good Furry Awards

Good Furry Awards open for voting

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Good Furry Award logo The 6th Annual Good Furry Awards have completed the nomination process - you can read about the nominees. There will be four awards this year:

  • The Good Egg Award for volunteer work
  • The Image Award for promoting a positive image of the fandom through the media
  • The Furtastic Award for general pawsomeness, and
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award, selected by committee

Voting for the three popularly-selected awards is now open through the end of September.

The winners will be announced at Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno on October 15.

Good luck to all the wonderful nominees!

Digging Up Positivity March 2024

Your rating: None Average: 5 (2 votes)

Welcome to a packed episode of Digging Up Positivity! The convention season is gearing up and boy does it show!
In this episode:

  • Many charities in March, pushing us over the $400,000 raised this year!
  • A lovely memoriam for Mark Merlino, also known as Sy Sable.
  • Nomad Complex is able to return, backed by the fandom.
  • AnthroAir: Virtual airplanes for a real fandom!
  • And the Good Furry Award.

Also I am happy to work together with artwork-tee, and there is a new pawtastic T-shirt in the store, for more details on how to get one, stay with us till the end of the show!