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Furry 4 Life

Furry 4 Life asks users to pack up, dig deep as they drop Ning

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Blotch Furry 4 Life bannerFurry social network Furry 4 Life is raising funds to leave the Ning social platform. Over $800 has been donated towards a $3000 goal of two years of hosting.

Established in 2008, Furry 4 Life boasts over 24,500 members, but has become hamstrung by an abandoned platform. Staff hope to complete the move by the end of the month, although they warn migration may last until January 2016.

Network creator Shy Matsi, who also founded adult-only furry social network FurriesXtreme, explained why the community was moving, while cautioning that some data would be lost:

Ning, back in 2008, was the best answer to the question "How can I build a social network for my niche community?". They really were the best option and still remain a powerhouse in hosted social software platforms. We really do owe a lot to them, but we are moving in different directions, and the Ning Platform is no longer a solid solution to our growing community.

Ning to drop free services; communities face fees

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Social networking platform Ning is to withdraw free services, disappointing many non-profit educational and social groups, including furs.

Furry 4 Life, FurNation, Furry United, Colombiafur and The Furry Den are based on Ning, with F4L and FurNation already paying for ad control.

Zenon Tigerpaw, founder of Furry United, had two words in response to the news: "Oh shit." He later announced plans to move to a new host.

See also: FurNation relaunched as Ning site - Colombiafur moves to Ning - other Ning-related stories

Fur sentenced in parent murder plot

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A man who attempted to murder his friend's parents has been incarcerated indefinitely, for a minimum of three-and-a-half-years; his friend has been placed under medical supervision.

Christopher Monks (Rox-Yin) and Shaun Skarnes (Kira) reportedly met through social networking website Furry 4 Life. The pair were found guilty of conspiracy to murder in July, but Monks - who promised to let Skarnes bite off his penis in return for the deed - was shown to have Asperger Syndrome.

UK law allows for indefinite imprisonment for public protection, subject to future parole.