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Furnal Equinox

Digging Up Positivity - April 2023

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Welcome to a new episode of Digging Up Positivity! This month we feature Kijani, a truly wonderful role-model, and straight up lovely lion. We also cover a bit of animation, but first, all those wonderful charities the fandom has been supporting!

Furry convention evacuations and stand-in-place precautions becoming a more common occurrence

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March has been quite a maddening time for the hard working staff at furry conventions. Two of the gatherings, Vancouver’s Vancoufur and Detroit’s Motor City Fur Con, both came under attack during their respective activities when a false report of threat, known as swatting, was committed and caused the need to temporarily evacuate the facilities. Toronto’s Furnal Equinox, meanwhile, had a scare in the region of the convention during the early morning hours that caused witnessing staff to recommend sheltering in place.

We will start with what occurred during Furnal Equinox as it was a different situation than the other two. Then we will go over what occurred at Vancoufur and Motor City.

Furnal Equinox releases January 2013 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its January 2013 newsletter. Preregistration remains open for the 2013 convention, though it will close on February 18.

The convention has also released Meet the Fuzz, the first in a series of promotional videos profiling Furries in Uniform and featuring a selection of Toronto-area cast and crew.

Furnal Equinox releases December 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its December 2012 newsletter.

Though early bird preregistration for the convention has now ended, registration remains open, starting at $40 Canadian. Applications are also open for the convention's inaugural Art Show, and staff are seeking panel facilitators.

Furnal Equinox releases November 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its November 2012 newsletter.

Early bird preregistration for the convention concludes in only a few days, on November 30.

Furnal Equinox releases October 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its October 2012 newsletter.

Registration for the 2013 convention has begun, with a new Supersponsor tier on offer. Applications to the convention's Dealers Den and the inaugural Art Show are also open.

Opinion: [adjective][species] on furry's 'HIV problem'

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I recently posted an article on [adjective][species], Furries & HIV, that I think deserves wide attention. The furry community hasn't has a significant outbreak of HIV, but we're being placed at risk by attitudes towards safe sex.

I chatted with a HIV-positive furry (who was happy to be publicly quoted) and a furry porn actor, who both feel that the reluctance of furries to use condoms is a real problem. We also look at ways in which condom usage can be normalized within the community.

The article has generated a fair bit of interest in the couple of days since its publication, and at least one furry convention - Toronto's Furnal Equinox - is looking at adding a safe sex panel to their schedule as a result.

Furnal Equinox grows 40%, announces new venue for 2013

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Furnal Equinox fursuitersCanadian convention Furnal Equinox held its third edition on the weekend of March 16–18 in Toronto.

The 2012 convention attracted over 630 attendees over three days, a 40% increase over 2011, and maintained its status as Canada's largest furry convention by attendance.

Furnal Equinox releases March 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its March 2012 newsletter, with updates on the published schedule, restaurant discounts, and volunteers.

The convention starts this week at the Doubletree by Hilton Toronto Airport. Full memberships will be available at the door starting from $45 Canadian.

Furnal Equinox releases February 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its February 2012 newsletter, with details of sponsor benefits, DJ schedules and interviews with its guests of honour.

There are only two weeks remaining to preregister for the convention. The deadline is Sunday, March 4; memberships start at $40 Canadian.

Furnal Equinox releases January 2012 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its first newsletter of 2012.

The convention is actively seeking contributions from attendees in the last 50 days before the convention, including conbook submissions, panelists and volunteers.

Furnal Equinox releases December 2011 newsletter

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Just in time for Christmas, Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its December 2011 newsletter.

A convention-sponsored Christmas potluck took place December 17, attracting more than 75 attendees and raising over $500 for the convention's charity, the Mississauga Humane Society. Early bird pre-registrations closed November 30; dealers tables are now sold out. The con also continues to search for conbook submissions, volunteers, panelists and DJs.

Furnal Equinox releases November 2011 newsletter

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Toronto-based furry convention Furnal Equinox has released its November 2011 newsletter.

Early bird registration and submissions for the Infurnally Yours Video Competition close on November 30. The convention also seeks conbook submissions, panelists and volunteers.

Furnal Equinox hosts 'Infurnal' YouTube video competition

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Canadian furry convention Furnal Equinox has announced its first "Infurnally Yours" video competition. To enter, participants must create and post a YouTube video (max. two minutes) citing the con's website and answering the question 'Why come to Furnal Equinox 2012?'

The winning video producer will receive a sponsor membership to Furnal Equinox 2012. Entries will be judged based on originality, creativity, tastefulness and quality of the final product, as well as the number of views and likes received on the YouTube website.

Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET, November 30; finalists will be chosen soon after. Official contest rules and the entry form are available on Furnal Equinox's website.

Furnal Equinox opens 2012 registration

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Preregistration has opened for Furnal Equinox 2012.

The third iteration of the convention, with the heaven-and-hell theme of Infurnally Yours, is scheduled to take place March 16-18, 2011 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Featured at the convention will be artist Guests of Honour Dark Natasha and Canadian Marci McAdam.