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Furry performers TiHusky and ShiaCabbit routed from home by devastating fire

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This Tuesday, ShiaCabbit, a member of the comedy skit group DifFURently that is known for performances on YouTube, tweeted that he had been aroused early in the morning by a fire that had consumed a neighboring complex. He took a recording of the inferno after having been evacuated from their own building.

Furry artist Sebastian Rivers' home destroyed by fire

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On March 6th, 2015, furry artist Sebastian Rivers (known as "Lurid" or "Mori" in the furry fandom) and over 60 other people found their homes in Schenectady, NY engulfed in flames. Four people lost their lives in the blaze, and the rest became homeless overnight.

Besides losing his home and his four cats (who were like his children), Sebastian lost all of his sketchbooks, laptop and Wacom tablet: the tools he used for his digital painting, his sole source of income. For the time being, he has a place to stay, but it is temporary.

James Alexander Wolfe, who has been a friend of Sebastian's for a little over 2 years, has set up a GoFundMe Fundraiser account on his behalf. James has set the goal at $3,000, because with that money, Sebastian could buy a new laptop and tablet to re-establish his business, and have enough left over to help him get back on his feet.

As James puts it, "I hope you find it in your hearts to help my friend in his time of need, and I thank all of you that took the time to read this."

Update (June 6): If you prefer PayPal to GoFundMe, Sebastian wrote that "VGAcolor [at] is my Paypal email. even $1s help; i am really damn close!! so please help or [spread the word] if you can! thank you".

In addition to the GoFundMe, Sebastian is accepting commissions to do art (using pencil, ink and colored pencil) on 9x12 inches, 75 lb archival paper. Inked art is $20 (example) and colored pencil art is $50.

Essex county animals to breathe easier after house fires

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Seal of Essex CountyPets and their owners can breathe easier in the city of Windsor, and county of Essex, Ontario, as the Essex County Veterinary Association donated ten animal-friendly oxygen mask sets to the various fire departments in Windsor and the county on March 21.

The sets (which contain three pet masks, three sets of tubes, and a bag to carry them in) cost around CA$150 each.

Four furs lose home, posessions in fire

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Four furs' belongings lie in ruins today after a fire in Millvale, Pennsylvania.

The fire started early yesterday morning, possibly due to a faulty meter, and quickly spread through a common wall to the rented house of Thrashbear, Firefox, Fire Lupine and Landis.

The four-alarm blaze took two hours to quench. No injuries were reported, but the first house was gutted, and the second was badly damaged by smoke and fire suppression.

The Red Cross is assisting the occupants, and the furs have offers of temporary housing. Dobie is taking donations on the furs' behalf.

More coverage: KDKA - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review - WTAE