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December 2002

2002 Furry Recommended Reading List - 2nd update

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2002 Anthropomorphic Recommended Reading/Viewing List
2nd Update - December 1st, 2002

The 2002 Anthropomorphic Recommended Reading/Viewing List was first posted on November 1st. This is the second update, adding most of the new recommendations sent in. (There are problems with some of them; see below.) There were complaints that the 2001 Recommended List got confusing with too many separate updates, so this year all the additions are being added to the same List.

SciFi and Toons ask 'What if?'

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Both Science Fiction and the word of toons are connected. Michael Cassutt explores one of those connections in his latest column on Science Fiction Weekly. It's also a bit depressing in its view of the state of animation nowadays. For the full article, go here:

FC2003: November Newsletter

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FC2003 Newsletter November 2002 Edition

1. From the Head MadHatters
2. Hotel Reservation Cutoff Date Announcement
3. Pre-reg Cutoff Date Announcement
4. Con Book Submissions Cutoff Date Announcement
5. Final Call for Panels and Panelists
6. Important Times
A. Dealers Room
B. Artshow Hours
C. Registration Hours
7. Rabbit Tracks Zero: call for announcements
8. Call for Gophers

What holiday do you celebrate?

49% (145 votes)
1% (4 votes)
0% (1 vote)
0% (0 votes)
Winter Solstice
9% (25 votes)
Festivus (for the rest of us)
8% (24 votes)
At least two of the above
16% (47 votes)
11% (32 votes)
I celebrate Feren at home
5% (15 votes)
Votes: 293

UN, S&M, and Scotch Guarded Fursuits (or, why I love Dan Savage)

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This fits into so many categories, but...

UN Iraqi weapons inspector Jack McGeorge likes whips and chains and other ties that bind. In fact, he's a founding member of the Washington DC area Black Rose society and a former chairman of the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom. So, when the Washington Post discovered that he may not have a degree in weapons inspecting, they reported instead that he was a pervert.

The furry angle to all this is a very amusing interview that CNN did with Dan Savage discussing the situation. I guess we made a heck of an impression on Mr. Savage as somehow he and Anderson Cooper of CNN started discussing Plushophilia and furry conventions. You can read the transcript on CNN's web site.

Read more about why you should be outraged by the Washington Post (and not Dan Savage).

Sabrina On The Other Line

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Trying to find Sabrina Online and getting TCP errors? After the fourth
day of my ISP telling me "The system was unable to communicate with
the server," I tried the old address. Apparently, Eric W Schwartz is
moving to another server. The December comics can be found at --
...until is back ahem online.

FurBid mentioned in Canadian magazine

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Well, it wasn't good press, but it could've been worse...

A Canadian magazine called Shift ("Canada's Technology and Entertainment Magazine") (yeah, I'd never heard of it either) had their annual "100 best web sites for 2003" in their November/ December issue. Now, when I see "Entertainment" I immediately think "tabloid". But, holding my prejudices back I slogged on...

...until I came to the listing. Number four under the category "bizarre" (as I thought), with a snap-shot of the front page.

Synopsis reads: "eBay for furry-animal 'toon fetishists: Use this site to bid on the erotic squirrel prints you've never known you've always wanted. For the true connoisseur, only the creepy lifelike, full-body animal outfits will do. And if you can convince your lover to wear one of those, you're the man, dog. Cute, fuzzy, sexy dog."

Meh. Could've been worse. Mildly humorous, a bit biased, but I won't get inflamed about it.
A quick message off to the editor, pointing out the URL they have is old was all I was provoked into >:-) Hay, they did send me two free copies of the issue it appears in >:-)


Celebrate Furst Night Pittsburgh!! 12/31/02

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Let me invite you to attend "Furst Night 2002," a furry gathering held on the coat tails of the Pittsburgh First Night Celebration on December 31, 2002.

Humans and Mice share 99% of genes

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An article on the BBC's news site discusses how much similarity there is between men and mice.

I was quite taken with the quote from one scientist: "We share 99% of our genes with mice, and we even have the genes that could make a tail."

I wanna tail.


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Combining a love of poetry and quantum mechanics, a British writer is using sheep to create a living form of "random" poetry.

The members of a flock of sheep had words spray painted on their backs. As the sheep move around and come to rest again, they form poems. The quantum physics aspect refers to the uncertainty of how the sheep will arrange themselves.

A New York performance artist is doing a similar project using cows.

Upcoming "Day of the Horse" Events...

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Thanks to bill number ACR 175, which was passed by the State of California, December 14, 2002 has been designated as "Day of the Horse".
The text of the bill may be read here.

Be sure to check out a listing of upcoming
"Day of the Horse" events
, starting on December 7th.

Trigger Happy

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If you haven't caught Comedy Central's new show, Trigger Happy, you should check it out. It's a British show on Thursdays at 10:30EST. They show short clips of people playing gags on others, and many of them have a furry theme, such as squirrels (fursuited people) attacking someone in the park in front of walkers, or an exterminator coming to a guy's house only to find the 'huge rat' he'd reported is someone in a rat fursuit sitting on his couch. It's hilarious, you gotta see it.
Site here.