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Celebrate Furst Night Pittsburgh!! 12/31/02

Edited by GreenReaper as of Thu 7 Jan 2010 - 23:20
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Let me invite you to attend "Furst Night 2002," a furry gathering held on the coat tails of the Pittsburgh First Night Celebration on December 31, 2002.

Bark and a Lick furiends!

Let me invite you to attend "Furst Night 2002," a furry gathering held on the coat tails of the Pittsburgh First Night Celebration. First Night is a family oriented night of fun celebrating the visual and performance arts in in the Western Pennsylvania area. The fun begins the afternoon of New Year's Eve 2002 and climaxes with a stupendous fireworks display at midnight.

Come out, show off your floofy winter coats of fur, and howl in the New Year in true furry style!

For more information jump on over to and follow the link to Furst Night Pittsfurgh!

Or send an e-mail to to let me know you're interested in joining us.

Hope to see you there!

Swift Fox
Furry Event Coordinator for Western Pennsylvania and the Tri-state region.


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