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July 2002

That bulge in my pocket? Oh, that's just my computer!

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A new Yahoo! mailing has been formed for furs who use various forms of Personal Digital Assistants, or PDAs. Pawpilot and Pawket PC's are all the rage of late, and hints and tips are being shared on how to take these to new furry heights.

Dog Runs Against Katherine Harris in Florida

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Click here for FoxNews article

SARASOTA, Fla. — The newest candidate challenging Secretary of State Katherine Harris
in her bid for Congress is truly an underdog: a border collie mix.

Percy the dog is running as a write-in candidate in the Republican primary.

His official campaign bio describes Percy as a compassionate conservative
who takes a hard-line with social parasites, particularly fleas and worms.
His past is free of sex scandals, due to "timely neutering."

Great opportunity for exercise at Anthrocon!

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(How's that for trying to put a positive spin on bad news?)

According to an article posted to on Wednesday by Uncle Kage, the good news is that out of the bank of four elevators at the Adam's Mark Hotel, the one elevator that was supposed to be revamped and made much faster by Anthrocon will in fact be operational by that time, but because it won't be inspected until the following week it will not be available for use during the convention. See below for Kage's post, where he also mentions a bit of good news and makes a request of con attendees.

(Man, I hope my room is on the second or third floor...)

The perfect "Retirement House Warming" gift

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This article in The Sun gives a glimpse into the cold harsh future of elderly care. Robot kitties in Japan are programmed to recieve and speak voice and text messages, and engage Gramma in clever word games. Sorta takes the guilt off of leaving them in a nursing home. We hope.

I attend SF cons, as well as furry cons

49% (56 votes)
40% (46 votes)
What is 'SF'?
11% (13 votes)
Votes: 115

Yerf is coming back...

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.. as of this friday, the 12th. So until then, go and stare at the URL and look at the cute lil' mousie. Awwww!

Stalking Cat (Dennis Avner) to appear at CritterConDiego 3

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Stalking Cat (his lakota name; really Dennis Avner, aka "Cat man" "Cat" or "Tiger Man") recently sent us a message to let us know that he will be attending CritterConDiego 3.

Stalking Cat has recently appeared on several programs like Ripley's Believe it or Not, the Larry King Show, and several others because he is surgically and cosmetically altering his self into his totem animal. Visit for more information and to view pictures of his current state of trans-fur-mation.

Further Confusion Newsletter - July 2002

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Greetings friends, from the Further Confusion 2003 executive staff. July
is finally here, the warm Bay Area weather is upon us, and we're a week
away from AnthroCon, which historically is the halfway point in
preparation for Further Confusion. We're on schedule to make 2003 the best
FurCon ever, from the Madhatter's Tea Party on Thursday night until the
final Dead Dog on Monday evening.

Convergence Con Report

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Last weekend, your intrepid Flayrah editor-in-chief attended CONvergence in Bloomington, Minnesota. I had a smashing good time. I will also be attending Anthrocon this coming weekend, which will be an interesting excersize in comparisions, since both AC and CON are roughly the same size, but with very different focuses and philosophies. You can click on Read More to hear about my experiences at CONvergence.

Anthrocon in the Philidelphia Inquirer

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The article is entitled A wild hobby brings out the beast in them by Dianna Marder

Take a look.

Do animals deserve emergency care?

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The UK's Sun is carrying a story about a woman who called 911 after her dog collapsed, and is now being prosecuted for it, facing up to 30 days in jail.

An official is also quoted as saying "While we understand that many people regard their pets as members of the family, summoning lifesaving personnel via 911 is inappropriate to say the least." Am I the only one who thinks that this is definitely not the case?

Dog plays Darts!

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A border collie has taken up darts, according to an article in today's Sun newspaper (offline version only, it seems). Blue, a regular at the Boreatton Arms in Shropshire, has not yet mastered the technique of throwing them. But he has been allowed to join a pub team after diligently jumping on a chair, removing the darts from the board with his teeth and dropping them at the feet of the next player. "We save energy by not having to fetch our darts from the board," explains his owner, builder Geoff Davies. The collie has also shown a flair for pool: "He once potted a red from 12in away by hitting the cue ball with his nose."