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Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 21:03

what make all you furries so positive

submitted by felixfarn
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Categories: News

deer sonas

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 20:40

I'm thinking of making a deer sona would ya'll mind posting yours so I can get some ideas?

submitted by Samfiller
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Categories: News

Been here for a bit and it's been fun

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 20:08

Hey guys... so I've been around here for a couple weeks now and just wanted to give an update.

I really appreciated the supportive words and warm welcome after my first post ever. I hardly ever talk about my problems... but I felt like it helped a lot just opening up about what was going on in my life for once, and a lot of you guys were really supportive - thanks. Most of my interactions so far have been pretty positive and the rumors about the furries being a bunch of friendly folks definitely appear to be true. I still don't see myself identifying as a furry, and will probably just stay with the support role, but I'd be happy to stick around and hang out if you guys would have me.

On a side note... my buddy wanted to show me a Dota 2 Lycan video on Reddit... on my laptop. I'm 87.9% sure that he saw "" in my drop down menu when he was typing in the Dota reddit link. Meh. Yea dude, if you're reading this...lols, just let me know please... it'd feel less awkward for me haha.

But anyway, thanks again guys for being so cool.

submitted by Starfury103
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 19:34
Categories: News

Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 19:20

Hi everyone! I just found this place and thought I'd introduce myself. Also, I am very excited because I just got a tail and paw warmers today

EDIT:My tail and paws

submitted by toxicfox97
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Categories: News

Dangerous (Rukis)

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 18:58
Categories: News

Furry skype group and how to join!

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 18:08
  1. Add HoverFlyOfficial to your skype contacts

  2. Ask to join the furry skype group.

  3. You should be added a little later I don't know his hours.

End :3

submitted by _LoveX_
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Categories: News

What is suiting to you?

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 17:43

So I've been thinking about this for a bit, what is suiting to me? What makes you dress up and go in public as a character? For instance, while I don't have a fursuit, I do play airsoft, and when I am wearing all of my gear, I almost feel like a different person, I'm more confident, and I feel like I a more substantial person. So the question posed is, what is suiting to you?

Edit: great replies, its interesting to see everyone's differing outlook on the subject.

submitted by swankysandals
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Categories: News

Furries: Why do YOU like anthropomorphic animals?

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 17:30

For me, it was the idea of acknowledging that there is an animalistic side to human nature, and that we all have a certain animal that we feel similar to.

submitted by ABalancedBreakfast
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Categories: News

[JOKE] What do you call someone who killed multiple furries?

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 16:50

A Murr-derer

Welp,enough internet for today

EDIT:the score makes me feel i'd better stop posting...

submitted by will9900
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Categories: News

Fan Art for Intrufox! check him out :)

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 16:12
Categories: News

I'm ill, hope for a nice conversation :3

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 15:27

I have the flu or something like that, either I'm sleeping or browsing though /r/furry. But yeah I don't like to let me go. Also I was in Berlin on class trip and there I tumble two times, the last time I bruise my right wrist and now I got a gypsum. The last week was funny and unlucky at the same time. I don't know what I should think about it :D

submitted by TheGentlePanther
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Categories: News

[Question] Is there a place for people who can't draw in this fandom?

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 15:13

I love this fandom, but I am a terrible artist. I kinda feel left out a lot of the time. Any advice?

submitted by littlejigbuy61
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Categories: News

idle.JIF for /u/IntroIntroduction

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 14:41
Categories: News

Hey new furries! This is a discussion post for you to interact with the community; don't be shy and tell us a little about yourself!

Furry Reddit - Wed 13 May 2015 - 14:33

So I've noticed all the "new furry" posts, and I've graphed the number of furries that have joined /r/furry since I have over a month, (I'm a physics major, graphing is my thing. xD), and I've noticed we've been growing at a surprisingly very steady rate of 19 furries per day. That got me thinking; with all these new furries, we should be having more discussion!

So, new furries, tell us a little about yourself, and what got you into the fandom. And regulars, make some conversation! :3

EDIT: You guys are so awesome I love you all in like a non-sexual kinda way. x3 Lets keep this going! The conversation it fantastic and interesting! Hugz for everyone. x3

submitted by Asurium
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Categories: News