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If your sona was at a Fur Con, how could we spot you out of the crowd?

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 16:48


  • "I'll be giving everyone hugs"

  • "I'm the tall one with 7 arms"

  • "I carry a really long golf club"

Edit: And when I say 'sona' I mean the real one, not you in a suit.

submitted by FreeThinkerComic
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Categories: News

Hey, multilingual furs! Come 'ere!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 15:57

Just out of curiosity, what languages do you speak?

I can speak a few actually. English, German, Croatian....and Slovenian, Bosnian, Serbian and Serbo-Croatian.

Deal with it..

submitted by VilkoVilka
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Categories: News

Pooltoy Dragon TF

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 15:56
Categories: News

Soap Opera. - by Leo_Magna

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 13:45
Categories: News

Anyone here like space stuff?

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 12:22
Categories: News

I have finally decided on a fursona!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 11:49
Categories: News

Philippines Anthro Festival Mascot

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 11:26
Categories: News

MY mum seems to like the idea of Furries.

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 10:46

So, we were scrolling down adverts on looking at Giant Continental rabbits and guess what was at the bottom of the ad for Furmeets. So she asked me what furries are and I briefly explained (I simply told her they're fans of anthropomorphic animals and mentioned a few cartoon characters to illustrate my point) but she did not seem to understand so what I did was, I googled some cool sfw art and showed her it and her reaction? "OH! SO IS ROCKET RACCOON A FURRY?"

I thought this was a nice change to the odd post about parents hating furries. My mother seems to think furries and anthro animals are pretty cool.

TL;DR: Mum asked what a furry is, I explained, she got excited about Rocket Raccoon and furries.

submitted by Foxes-in-space
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Categories: News

Catalyst and Catacombs – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Sat 16 May 2015 - 10:14
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Catalyst; A Tale of the Barque Cats, by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough NYC, Ballantine Books, January 2010, hardcover $26.00 (256 [+ 5] pages), Kindle $7.99. Catacombs; A Tale of the Barque Cats, by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough NYC, Ballantine Books, December 2010, […]
Categories: News

Planet Nakti subreddit is online!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 09:53
Categories: News

Planet Nakti - A community built furry/anthro universe. We're looking for people!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 07:53

Hello everybody! I'm looking for other anthro artists, writers, animators and other kinds of creative people for what I like to call "a global community project".

But what is this project? It's a furry fantasy universe called "Planet Nakti".

Planet Nakti has the ambition to become the first furry universe that is developed entirely by the community. It mustn't be made only by one person, but with the contribution of everybody, with their ideas, skills and creativity, it could become a truly awesome project.

Nakti can be expanded with artworks, stories, animations, poems, games, roleplay and whatever you have in mind. You can create a Naktian character, a race, or a civilization with its traditions, customs, religions, history and many other things. There is total freedom in the development, only a few guidelines are required to be followed in order to not make the Naktian project into a carbon-copy of planet Earth or avoid copyright infringement (using characters from existing franchises and trademarked franchises is strictly forbidden! By the Gods be original!)

The most particular aspect of planet Nakti, is that it's a young planet, so its civilizations have a very early grade of technological development. They basically live in the same way we Earthlings lived during the age of the Ancient Egyptians or the Sumerians, so their technology is quite limited, and they don't have magic, because the characteristic of Nakti is that it's imbued with realism in mind, making it something that can really exist in another solar system.

Myself, I'm working on one of the Naktian countries, the kingdom of Abun, located in the central-south Nakti.

So, I'm looking for other artists who can join me and my friends who are already working on it, in this creative adventure, with the hope to unite all the anthros of the world together and making something that can really be considered a truly global effort. We currently consist in a team made by 51 people working on the expansion of the planet.

As a long-term objective, we want to create a tabletop RPG set on Nakti, and then a real RPG videogame.

If you are interested to join the project, please feel free to drop me a note. I look forward to answer all your questions. :3

Some info links:

Official forum thread:

Nakti Wiki:

What not to do:

What is encouraged:

If you read this to the end: Congrats!

submitted by theoriginalvpn
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Categories: News

Confuzzled Hype!

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 07:06

In just under a week the main events of Europe's second biggest convention will be kicking off, and this year is going to be even more amazing than last!

Which of my reddit fur brethren shall be attending with me? Show off your suits and badges!

submitted by BalkorWolf
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Categories: News

shygirl sketches - jroy101

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 05:46
Categories: News

Anyone else feel like an outsider in this fandom?

Furry Reddit - Sat 16 May 2015 - 05:10

I haven't been on reddit for very long, so forgive me if I start defensively by saying I don't hate the fandom or the community. Quite the contrary. I've been a member of it for three years now, have met both friends and my LDR boyfriend online through the fandom, and have found many hours of enjoyment browsing furry related websites. Online, this community is a very warm and happy place for me as I know it is to many others.

No, the problem is when I try to meet people in person. As I'm sure many of you will agree with, making friends online who you can only contact through skype is just not the same thing as having a friend who is actually there. So, naturally, a few years ago, I tried to find a nearby community, and wouldn't you know it, I found one. Quite a large one, too. Like most furries, I was quite introverted when it came to meeting new people, so my first attendance to one of their meet-ups mostly consisted of me shrinking into a corner. Luckily someone took pity on me and pulled me into their group for some friendly conversation.

It's been two years since then, and that guy who pulled me out of my shy corner is still the only local friend I have, and even then, it feels like I don't have the kind of relationship with him that he has with others. And let me be clear, this is NOT from lack of trying. I may have been shy at first, but once I found my footing in the fandom, I was comfortable talking with people, making conversation and such, even found the courage to approach people that I thought were nice enough. They all make general small talk with me, but they're just being polite. I know they're just being polite because all they do is nod their head and give "Yeah"'s when I talk until they find an excuse to end the conversation. No one will give me the time of day.

But it wasn't until my last meet-up with the group that I realized just how bad it was. I was sitting next to my friend, the only one I have there, and we were having a good conversation. The entire time, we were sitting across from HIS friend, a guy I have made numerous attempts to talk to. In fact, my friend had tried to bridge the gap between the two of us before, and failed. It was a familiar face that I'd seen twice a month for two years and wouldn't have forgotten. And in the middle of the conversation, he jumps in and asks me "Is this your first time here?"

Both of us had no clue how to respond to that. I honestly thought that he was deliberately trying to be mean before I realized he was completely serious and hadn't even bothered to remember my face. I'm not that hard to forget, really. 6'5, 270 lbs, shaggy hair, goatee, and a deep booming voice regardless of how quiet I'm trying to be...I have pretty distinctive features, not a hard person to forget even in passing, let alone when we've met on countless occasions.

TL;DR/ conclusion: I've made plenty of friends online, but when I've tried to engage in the local community, which is fairly large where I'm from, no one gives me the time of day, ignoring me, avoiding me, and flat out forgetting me in some cases, DESPITE having one friend who has been trying desperately to to integrate me in (It hasn't been working). And it's not that they don't welcome newcomers, I've SEEN them do so to people who are a lot newer than I am and it's really starting to frustrate me. About ready to just give up on making Friends with local furs and stick to the online community even though I know that skyping with my friend halfway across the country is nowhere near as satisfying as having a friend I can actually see and do things with.

submitted by Morris_Archeltum
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Categories: News