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Drew a shark lady!

Furry Reddit - Thu 28 May 2015 - 00:16
Categories: News

Gift for IntroIntroduction

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 22:21
Categories: News

Fursona name help?

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 21:19

I'm terrible at making names for characters. This is always the hardest part for me, especially in MMOs haha. Any ideas? :p

My ref sheet that I wrote up on notepad:

Name here

Species: Husky

Gender: Male

Fur Colour: Brown/White

Eye Colour: Blue

Height: 5' 11"

Weight: 205

General look: Long fur with a very bushy tail. Some distinctive markings on his face. ( A few white spots of fur on the left side of his forehead) and a small scar above his right eye.

Sexual orientation: Bisexual

Personality: Generally a good person. Very shy but opens up once he gets used to people. Friendly and enjoys hugs and cuddles, A little skittish, Worries way too much.

Likes: Swimming, Being outside(especially in forests where he feels most at home), Listening to music, Relaxing, Gaming, Movies/TV, Annoying friends.

Dislikes: Being angry, Someone being upset, Bees.

submitted by ItsNotImportant4
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Categories: News

streaming art

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 20:42

just switched to picarto for everyone's convenience, hopefully it's not laggy! come watch me pretend like i know what i'm doing and talk to eachother

just trying out some new things, i'll do some quick requests when i need a break!

submitted by sploggs
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Categories: News

Furries of Reddit, You Make the Fursona!

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 20:06

You, yes you, get to decide multiple aspects of s new fursona! Just put some details you think would be fitting(?) in the comments. Only 2 things you must follow: *It is male *No wolves Species has been decided and it is peacock. Ok, continue.

submitted by Metalworks13
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Categories: News

A really happy noodle dragon.

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 20:00
Categories: News

Incoming ref sheet!

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 19:47
Categories: News

well, How about a free request tread? in other words lemme do some sketches of your characters because i'm bored and want to do something productive.

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 19:36

just send me a picture of your character or something, also feel free to give details about what pose/scenario you want your characters in, more advanced/challenging stuff is always welcome. (really, just say you want your character riding godzilla while its skateboarding in the middle of a vulcano or idk, its just more fun to draw than mundane poses)

im gonna post a file with all of the drawings on it in this tread when im done, and also gonna send a PM to notify ya. Probably gonna make more of these treads so don't worry if you didn't get in, maybe next time. C:

submitted by retardcookie
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Categories: News

Daily Doodle: More cityscapes.

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 18:42
Categories: News

OMGGGG YASSS (YCH made by me <3)

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 18:17
Categories: News

Flying Sergal Tacklehugs! (SL)

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 17:30
Categories: News

Something I found randomly

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 17:24
Categories: News

Furry First Nations

Furry Reddit - Wed 27 May 2015 - 16:41

I thought that some of you might appreciate some traditional stories! Keep in mind there are as many variations on these myths as there are lakes in Canada. It isn't like we have a Bible of this stuff or anything. Almost all of these stories were made before any tribes had written language, so keep that it mind if you've heard a story differently. Edit: Also, if you know a different version or a story not listed here please share!

Coyote: We have a couple stones here that are a Coyote and his son who turned to stone while ogling women swimming/bathing in a river. One of the coyote's primary motivations is to behave badly to be an example to humans of how not to act. The quintessential bad boy.

Raven/Crow: There is a story that Raven used to be the most beautiful creature on earth, but the earth was dark. The raven, upset that it's fabulous rainbow feathers went unappreciated, flew into the sky to seek the sun. In his searching, he pecked holes in the sky which are the stars we see today. Eventually, he found the sun and stole a piece of it in his beak to bring back to earth. When he got back, the piece of sun had burned away his beautiful colors leaving him black. If you look at its feathers in the right light, you can still see remnants of the rainbow in it.

Thunderbird: A creator. When He blinks, storms come, and his wings cause thunder. Whenever there is a storm, bad spirits are driven to high mountains to escape it. He's a generally a pretty chill guy, but has occasional outbursts as you'll see in the duck story.

Beaver: The beaver was a giant that lived in it's lodge on a lake. Master craftsman, whose spears were renowned. One day his magic spears were stolen, and he was mocked when he said he'd made them. So he killed the chief with a spear, and dug tunnels under the village so that their homes would be swallowed up by the earth. Those who survived the attack became members of the Beaver clan. Beaver over reacted a bit.

The Heron/Crane: The Crane could turn into a man at will. One day, it saw a woman and turned into a man to sit with her. She offered him food, but he turned back into a crane, cracked her head open with his beak and ate her brains. The chief heard about this, trapped the crane and burned it alive. Crane is an psycho.

Wolf: One of the more tame stories. Basically, wolf came by a stranger's home and was really sick. They checked him out, and found a bone in his throat. They took it out, became BFFs and that was that. The people were in a famine at the time, so the wolf turned into a man and brought them to where he'd killed a bunch of stuff to share.

Otter: It was believed that all women had, or ought to have, the otter spirit. If a man somehow obtained one, it would be very dangerous and he would seek out a medicine women who would take it from him via a kiss.

Ducks: There was a big party, with fabulous spoons for eating with. The man of the party, a mallard to be married, was asked to entertain the guests. So he told an embarrassing story about the Thunderbird. The Thunderbird was there, heard what was said and wasn't pleased so he kicked the groom into the fire where his chest was burned. The other attending ducks, taking advantage of the commotion, stole the fabulous spoons mentioned above and made them into their beaks. Ducks are shifty and will steal your cutlery.

submitted by crush-n-mush
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Categories: News