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What the hell is wrong with me?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 18:16

I don't get it, everyone I see has there own little groups of furry friends that they go to cons with, game with, draw for, etc. I try to make friends and shit( and I'm not an antisocial person or anything) but I seem to just fuck up every relationship I try to have with people. I don't understand what I'm doing to get everyone to dislike me so much? Am I annoying, am I too awkward, am I offending people in some way that I don't realize? Where did you guys find your friends and little fur cliques and what advice can you guys give me? I'd really appreciate any sort of feedback. Thanks

submitted by driftmeister
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We can get zanier!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 18:14
Categories: News

My new Sona icon <3

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 18:11
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What animal furry would you date besides your own kind? NSFW just in case

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 17:26

i didnt really know how to word the title that well. Fir me, it would be scalies because i love the look of them. They are so cool! 3^ anyways i put NSFW just in case. I will comment to lots of people too! Im a cat btw named Ken. :3

submitted by dylltwin1
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Furry Interpretations of classic literary characters?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 17:20

Hey, I was just wondering. If you could re-write any classic story, fable, or fairy tale as a Furry interpretation. What species would the famous characters be portrayed as?

Here's my thoughts.

Cinderella: Kangaroo. Because of the feet.

Sleeping Beauty: Maybe a sloth because she sleeps so much?

Robin Hood: Magpie maybe. Because they like to steal things (Sorry Foxes)

Pinocchio: Would a Woodpecker or a Beaver be too Ironic?

Snow White: Arctic Fox... Y'know... Because "white"

Pecos Bill: A wild horse... but still raised by coyotes.

Little Red Riding Hood: A cobra... because of the hood. (It might be funny)

Aladdin: I'm thinking maybe a Dhole or a Jackal. or if you want to go with the cliche, a Street Rat.

The Bremen Town Musicians: 4 Humans.

And that's all I can think of for now. Do any of you fuzzbutts have any other ideas?

submitted by Vexthra
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Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 16:15
Categories: News

random pooltoy gryphon

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 15:43
Categories: News

What "backstory" if any, does your 'sons have?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 14:16

I get that a lot of peoples 'sonas are just anthro animal versions of themselves, but for those of you who treat them as a unique character as well (like me), what sort of backstory, if any, do you assign? Is it always the same, or changes depending on the setting? I'm curious.

submitted by Sciencedragon
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Categories: News

What is your fursona if it was based on your heritage?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 12:07

Sure we choose to be foxes and cats because we like them.

But what if it wasn't your choice? Consider your family's origins and locations. What would be your fursona if it was based on the local fauna of your ancestors? Hybrids applicable.

ex. you are from the northpole, thus your options would be penguins, walrus, polar bears etc.

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Sareii's Saturday Stream

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:50

K so my attempts at making a cool alliteration, eh. 4/10 at best.

Anyways, doing a commission, an art trade, some monster stuff, and possibly requests later. Looking to run about 4 hours today so I'm sure I can get a couple requests somewhere in there.


EDI2: Stream is offline, thanks all who came....and partook

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Streaming .3.

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:30
Categories: News

Question about upvoting/downvoting on r/furry and reddit in general?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:21
Thanks for commenting everyone! It helped a lot!

SO.... I'm a bit new to reddit. And I'm comfortable asking this here because so far everyone I've met on /r/furry has been really nice and great! I suspect that if I asked this in other places I'd get some backlash (suspicious of reddit in general ahaha)

So my question is.... Why do people downvote nice things? I noticed on a lot of really cool stuff that there are like 30 votes but only 80% upvoted or something like that.

I understand if it's super offensive or just outright shitty behavior but... why downvote something that's absolutely fine?

Am I missing the point of downvoting entirely? I feel at a loss here.

submitted by dptt
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Categories: News

I'm the developer of a furry game (Furvilla). Ask me anything.

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:00

Hey all,

I'm the developer/programmer for Furvilla - an online furry game launching in July. This seemed like the most appropriate place to do an AMA/infodump thing about the game for any fans.

A quick info dump to explain the game (lots of people don't know what it involves) as follows:

What is Furvilla? It's kind of like furry Gaia Online/Neopets, or Flight Rising (in that it's NOT a 3D virtual world). You belong to one of our starting five villages (Olde Foxbury, Dragon's Maw Manor, Quetzal Palace, Oceandome, or Tiger Eye Peak), and you take the form of an anthropomorphic villager (our starting species right now include Wolf, Fox, Cat, Horse, Rabbit, and Dragon) with a job.

Jobs are crucial to the game, as each job relies on each other. For instance, Explorers go out and forage the area around the village for items that they can sell to other villagers (e.g. they can sell plant items to Herbalists, wood items to Builders, and so on) whilst Warriors protect the village from the dangerous animals nearby, and Doctors cure any villagers that have become ill.

There are also Alchemists (that make special potions, e.g. a potion to change your villager species, or restore health for Warriors, and so on), and Herbalists (that grow plants that Alchemists and Doctors need for their potions and medicines), Blacksmiths to make weapons and armour for Warriors, Crafters to make cool items, Tailors to make new costumes for villagers, Builders to build houses for villagers, and Animal Husbandry folk who breed animals as mini pets for villagers to adopt.

All in all, there are 10 careers to choose from, and each is vital to the game. Not enough Doctors in your village? Illnesses won't be cured as quickly. Not enough Warriors? Dangerous animals will approach the village, leaving everyone feeling stressed and unprotected.

You can unlock up to 10 villagers to play with (so in theory, you could have one villager for every career), and upload your own custom designs to personalise your villagers.

Village identity is a strong component of the game, too. Certain items will only be found in each village, so you'll have to build up ties to the other villages if you need an item for your villager that can only be found in another villager (e.g. by trading with another villager, or buying it from a villager's shop, etc.)

We want the game to have depth for people who'll invest a lot of time and effort into it, whilst also remaining accessible for people who may only have 10-30 minutes a week to play. I think we've struck a good balance for now.

I hope that's helped shed some light on what Furvilla is.

Don't go too wild with the questions now ;)

submitted by MatthewHG
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Categories: News

Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii, by T. S. McNally – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Sat 30 May 2015 - 10:15
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii, by T. S. McNally. Syracuse, NY, Bounding Boomer Books, February 2015; trade paperback $9.99 (151 pages), Kindle $4.99. “Magical creatures” are the operative words here. I usually divide anthropomorphic fiction into either furry or funny-animal fiction, depending […]
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