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What "backstory" if any, does your 'sons have?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 14:16

I get that a lot of peoples 'sonas are just anthro animal versions of themselves, but for those of you who treat them as a unique character as well (like me), what sort of backstory, if any, do you assign? Is it always the same, or changes depending on the setting? I'm curious.

submitted by Sciencedragon
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Categories: News

What is your fursona if it was based on your heritage?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 12:07

Sure we choose to be foxes and cats because we like them.

But what if it wasn't your choice? Consider your family's origins and locations. What would be your fursona if it was based on the local fauna of your ancestors? Hybrids applicable.

ex. you are from the northpole, thus your options would be penguins, walrus, polar bears etc.

submitted by VentKazemaru
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Categories: News

Sareii's Saturday Stream

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:50

K so my attempts at making a cool alliteration, eh. 4/10 at best.

Anyways, doing a commission, an art trade, some monster stuff, and possibly requests later. Looking to run about 4 hours today so I'm sure I can get a couple requests somewhere in there.


EDI2: Stream is offline, thanks all who came....and partook

submitted by Sareii
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Categories: News

Streaming .3.

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:30
Categories: News

Question about upvoting/downvoting on r/furry and reddit in general?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:21
Thanks for commenting everyone! It helped a lot!

SO.... I'm a bit new to reddit. And I'm comfortable asking this here because so far everyone I've met on /r/furry has been really nice and great! I suspect that if I asked this in other places I'd get some backlash (suspicious of reddit in general ahaha)

So my question is.... Why do people downvote nice things? I noticed on a lot of really cool stuff that there are like 30 votes but only 80% upvoted or something like that.

I understand if it's super offensive or just outright shitty behavior but... why downvote something that's absolutely fine?

Am I missing the point of downvoting entirely? I feel at a loss here.

submitted by dptt
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Categories: News

I'm the developer of a furry game (Furvilla). Ask me anything.

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 11:00

Hey all,

I'm the developer/programmer for Furvilla - an online furry game launching in July. This seemed like the most appropriate place to do an AMA/infodump thing about the game for any fans.

A quick info dump to explain the game (lots of people don't know what it involves) as follows:

What is Furvilla? It's kind of like furry Gaia Online/Neopets, or Flight Rising (in that it's NOT a 3D virtual world). You belong to one of our starting five villages (Olde Foxbury, Dragon's Maw Manor, Quetzal Palace, Oceandome, or Tiger Eye Peak), and you take the form of an anthropomorphic villager (our starting species right now include Wolf, Fox, Cat, Horse, Rabbit, and Dragon) with a job.

Jobs are crucial to the game, as each job relies on each other. For instance, Explorers go out and forage the area around the village for items that they can sell to other villagers (e.g. they can sell plant items to Herbalists, wood items to Builders, and so on) whilst Warriors protect the village from the dangerous animals nearby, and Doctors cure any villagers that have become ill.

There are also Alchemists (that make special potions, e.g. a potion to change your villager species, or restore health for Warriors, and so on), and Herbalists (that grow plants that Alchemists and Doctors need for their potions and medicines), Blacksmiths to make weapons and armour for Warriors, Crafters to make cool items, Tailors to make new costumes for villagers, Builders to build houses for villagers, and Animal Husbandry folk who breed animals as mini pets for villagers to adopt.

All in all, there are 10 careers to choose from, and each is vital to the game. Not enough Doctors in your village? Illnesses won't be cured as quickly. Not enough Warriors? Dangerous animals will approach the village, leaving everyone feeling stressed and unprotected.

You can unlock up to 10 villagers to play with (so in theory, you could have one villager for every career), and upload your own custom designs to personalise your villagers.

Village identity is a strong component of the game, too. Certain items will only be found in each village, so you'll have to build up ties to the other villages if you need an item for your villager that can only be found in another villager (e.g. by trading with another villager, or buying it from a villager's shop, etc.)

We want the game to have depth for people who'll invest a lot of time and effort into it, whilst also remaining accessible for people who may only have 10-30 minutes a week to play. I think we've struck a good balance for now.

I hope that's helped shed some light on what Furvilla is.

Don't go too wild with the questions now ;)

submitted by MatthewHG
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Categories: News

Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii, by T. S. McNally – book review by Fred Patten.

Dogpatch Press - Sat 30 May 2015 - 10:15
Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer. Light: A Tale of the Magical Creatures of Zudukii, by T. S. McNally. Syracuse, NY, Bounding Boomer Books, February 2015; trade paperback $9.99 (151 pages), Kindle $4.99. “Magical creatures” are the operative words here. I usually divide anthropomorphic fiction into either furry or funny-animal fiction, depending […]
Categories: News

New to the fandom. ^.=.^

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 06:48

Hi I'm a sixteen year old scalie and I am new to the fandom. So the reason I'm posting to reddit is because I live in Alaska and don't know any furries. If anyone has any advice on how to find local furs it would be very helpful. Here is a link to my DA if anyone wants to see my fursona

submitted by BassDragon09
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Categories: News

Let's make a glossary!

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 05:18

In essence, a collection of terms, words and expressions frequently used on this fluffy place.

  • Make a top reply to add a term.
  • Do not edit! make a double post or delete/repost if needed! Otherwise I won't notice.
  • NSFW is allowed, of course.

ASFO: (Omegle) stands for "Age Sex Fursona Orientation". Used for roleplay between furries and as a conversation starter.

Boop: Playfully touching another's nose with any body part. (Hand, nose, tail, etc.)

Commission: as a verb, to pay an artist to produce a piece of art. As a noun refers to the piece of art itself (a commission)



Freebie: A free priece of art that an artist made for someone/somebody.
Fursona: A usually anthromorphic character that represents a person in the furry fandom.
Fwingers: On avian species that do not have arms and hands, fwingers are the prehensile feathery finger-like appendages on the ends of the avian's wings used for picking up and holding things.

Glomp: a somewhat aggressive hugging maneuver, not unlike a tackle (to tackle somebody into a hug). Quite popular in anime culture too.

Homph: The action of grabbing your tail in your mouth and walking with it. Most frequently observed with cheetahs and snow leopards.
Hugs: De-facto currency of this place. Known subdivisions are "cuddles" and "Scritches".

Ink: A piece of line art left uncolored or unfinished.

Jingle: The sound of moving bells/tags attached to one's collar.

Knot: Entaglement of string. Base of the canine penis that swells during intercourse. Lame pun fodder.

*Lick*: A common sign of affection between two individuals, sometimes equivalent to a kiss.

Mrph: A non-word term for expressing discomfort or anxiety.

*Nom*: playfully, usually lightly, biting another individual. Sound of eating.
Nuzzling: Rubbing the side of the face/snout against someone else. Example.


Pounce: Playfuly tackle someone.
Preen: A social act of cleaning one self or another by use of tongue, beak, or fingers. (Note: Preening your or another's nether regions in public is frowned upon.)


Rawr!: A general callout with multiple meanings used by many species, generally predatory. In some species, such as Jaguars, it means; "I will eat you later." Rawr means "I love you." in Dinosaur, and Dragons pretty much rawr all the time.

Scritches: Scratching behind the ears/head.
Shep: German shepherd.
Snep: Snow leopard.
Sona: Shorthand for fursona. Also a League of Legends champion usually played as a support.

Tails: Those long, frequently fuzzy door magnets that trail behind some folk.



Wingyhugs: Pretty much the same as normal hugs, but with twice the warmth. Downside; only one party can give wingyhugs at a time due to... Well... Wings. Exclusive to species that have wings.
Wololo. the action of assimilating someone into /r/furry. Reference to Age of empires monk.



Xenos: All alien or extraterrestrial sona; Turian, Xenomorph, Grey, anything.

YCH: A type of commission where an artist draws a scene with a generic character/outline and people bid to have their character replace the generic thing there.
Yiff: Generally refers to any sexual act involving furries (or works depicting sexual acts). It comes from an onomatopoeia of the noise foxes make during intercourse. See /r/yiff (NSFW).

Zoophobia: An irrational fear of certain or all animals. A popular webcomic by Vivienne M. Medrano.

submitted by fa_mirror
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Categories: News

Anybody have any good music to listen too while going about my day?

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 04:45

I like most stuff I guess, I haven't ever really found once specific genre that I love yet though. I wan't to get you people's opinions on your favorite songs. Who knows, maybe you'll end up converting me to be a fan of your favorite band :3.

submitted by scratch741
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Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 03:24
Categories: News

Just graduated from Highschool yesterday! :D

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 03:20

...but I don't have any art or anything to make it furry related, so I guess that is all I have to say :P

submitted by Eddyoshi
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Categories: News

Prolly long ramble thread, come talk wit me~

Furry Reddit - Sat 30 May 2015 - 02:47

Hiya evrryfur, I wanted to start off by saying that this sub is one of the best I've been a part of. Like, seriously. I always feel welcome to voice my opinions, ask questions, ask for advice, make jokes, everything. I really value this as a place where I can come to be myself, with no holds barred, and be among people that understand me and what I might be going through. So I guess I kinda wanted to get on here and ramble about how.....difficult? my life is right now. Sure, it may be nowhere near as difficult as other peoples' situations, but it's hard for me in its way. It's hard being openly gay AND furry in Arkansas, a famously conservative state that gets crazies from neighboring Texas and Oklahoma both. I'm the only out person of any other non-heterosexual orientation among my peers, and it really sucks. The sense that I'm alone is so real, and it feels hopeless at times. I've been binge watching Glee again, and I totally sympathize with Kurt (for those that haven't watched, he's the only openly gay person in town, as far as I can rm, and he's hopelessly chasing straight guys, in the vain hope that he'll be able to seduce on of them). Now, my family and friends are accepting of me, they don't see me any differently at all. If anything, I'm the most fabulous queen up in here. But I can't shake the feeling that among all this support, I am actually alone. I don't really have anyone to sit down and talk with about the struggles I'm going through. Add on to all of this the fact that I'm only 18, paler than Casper, and an outspoken atheist and humanist in the bible belt, and being a burgeoning furry, and you have a horribly confused young guy that can't seem to align all the shit in his life. I apologize if it seems like I'm complaining, or if I sound naive, but idk. I was laying in bed (it's 2:40 am) with this sort of nagging sense in the back of my brain that was telling me I need to sort of lay everything out so I can try make sense of it all, so here I am. Rambling. I appreciate any comments, advice, war stories, different POV's, or just general conversation. Good old fashioned encouragement would be good too :) I love all you fuzz butts, i'ma shuddup now, and hopefully fall asleep to the Dark Souls soundtrack. If that fails, then I'll be here all night if anyone wants to talk

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