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What other subreddits do you lurk about in?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 20:15

Hey fellow fuzzbutts!

I know I've seen a few of you around other subreddits, but I wonder where the rest of you have been! I thought this might be a good discussion topic to expose everyone to subreddits they might not know about. (Also, I'm genuinely curious where else you guys and gals are :P )

I'll get the ball rolling with a short list of my favorite subs (besides this one of course):

submitted by Jumbojet777
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Categories: News

Furries: It is time that the fandom has a theme song.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 20:05

And no. Not "Animals" by Maroon 5.

submitted by ABalancedBreakfast
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Categories: News

How do I let my friend know that I know that he's a furry and that's ok by me.

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 18:24

I found out that a guy I like is a furry and I don't know how to tell him that I know that he is. I'm not a furry myself, but I'm in no way offended or put off by this, in fact I find most of the furry culture quite cute.

If anything I just want to ask him a bunch of questions about what being a furry means to him, I just don't know how to bring it up.

submitted by lonewolfwoof424
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Categories: News

Canine Humor

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 18:11
Categories: News

Furry video games - have you played any, do they fulfill your requirements?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 18:05

I was wondering if any people in this sub play Furry video games, and if so, which ones, and are they any good? - are there better ways that you can suggest that furries could be catered for in the gaming world?

submitted by thetobester
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Categories: News

Weapons-Grade Cute

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 16:28
Categories: News

Hanging at the pool~

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 16:12
Categories: News

Drew my sona and her friend ^^

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 16:01
Categories: News

How did your sona take shape?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 15:49

So I'm kind of wondering about how everyone creates their sona(s). Are they similar to your personality? Different? Do you really identify with them or do you see them more as a creation but not necessarily 'you'. (Similar to how an author may feel about characters in a book)

I ask because I've never really had a real sona, the closest I get is the addition of ears/tail or features to my existing sprite of myself. When I think of creating a real sona, I don't really even know where to start. I see a lot of posts about how your sona would act in so and so situation, etc, so that got me wondering about personalities being different from your own real life personality.
When I think about creating a sona with a different personality from myself, it feels sort of disconnected, like it's not me, just a character. But on the other hand, it opens doors for creating multiple characters with pieces of my personality or even ideals I may have.

Anyone have thoughts? Or tips for me creating a sona? :)

Edit: Thanks so much for all the great responses so far! You guys have really inspired me. I think I'm going to start working on forming some ideas and maybe some initial drawings, so stay tuned folks. ;)

submitted by BBZZZZTT
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Categories: News

Ensnared 2

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 14:36

Well folks, its that time of the week again (by which I mean late on a Wednesday) and its time for the second edition of ensnared, your second favourite source of completely untrue facts (after the daily mail)

As always, for those of you who are new, or have some crippling memory problems, our guarantee/disclaimer:

warning: nothing in this post is true. it is full of half remembered events and blatant lies. we apologise if anything in this turns out to be any way correct .

Well then, onto the meat of this inaccurate sandwich.

our top story: Foxcoon kills 28 in ms paint terror

One of the greatest events this past week that has shocked the fibre of this gleeful little subreddit to the core is the horrifying thread made by TheCowardlyFox. After being goaded into producing an abomination by the cyanfootedferret, he proceeded to launch a request thread. However, any who posted on this thread were instantly presented with horrifying pictures of them self, so bad that they instantly succumbed to acute imagination cancer. Those who did not die outright were found wandering around aimlessly, babbling. One otter who we spoke to complained about suddenly feeling like he had too many legs. Thecowardlyfox, cyanfootedferret and all the other perpetrators still are at large. If you see them, do not approach. They are unarmed, and highly dangerous.

Transformation gun leaves everyone a jackal

Recently, known criminal NoahGoldFox (who is wanted for homicide, arson, grand theft auto (5), conspiracy to wear latex and having a misleading username) gave every member or /r/furry a gun which allowed people to transform others. Many used this to unleash chaos, with one user turning everyone within 10 miles into a jackal, for 'jackal hugs' (which we believe is a codename for some new sexual fetish. Its unknown where the gun comes from, but we suspect it was created by the furluminati non existent.

someone receives a nasty letter from someone.

A local furry, identified to us only as 'scruffy' recently received an angry pm from someone, complaining about him being 'to popufur'. Unfortunately we have no idea who sent it( or who received it) as they were both using throwaway accounts. We urge you, anyone with any information, email me at . the colour of the envelope the letter came in was persimmon, if that helps you.

unprotected snuggles results in unwanted eggs

Recently, a foxcoon and a dragon were caught snuggling in the comment thread of a post. It seems it somehow resulted in one person getting pregnant. For more info, here is our Science and Economics correspondent, John miles:

Dook Dook Dook, Dook Dook Dook interspecies Dook. This shows that Dook, Dook and Dook can all Dook to Dook Dook. Dook Dook Dook were both male, and Dook Dook its unclear Dook Dook. Personally, Dook Dook Margret Thatcher Dook Dook. This all means that Dook Dook Dook Dook.


Well thank you miles for that piece, I must say your the most knowledgeable ferret aroundwhich isn't saying much, but still.

And finally, the weather:

There is none, this is the internet you fishstick.

Yours editorially, Among Blotolf

submitted by amonbotolf
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Categories: News

Hey furries, what languages do you speak?

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 12:52

Just curious. I've been wondering what were the most common languages in the furry fandom, besides English. Language and region are not part of The Furry Poll.

I'm a native English speaker trying to become fluent in German. I'd consider myself a B2 on the CEFR scale in German right now. Months ago I discovered polyglotism and have decided to become at least a C1 in German before learning another language.

submitted by verve_dhole
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Categories: News

bunny muse

Furry Reddit - Wed 3 Jun 2015 - 12:33
Categories: News