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Found this RPG years ago, thought I'd share
I'm leaving /r/furry..
....I won't have electricity for few days. After that, I'll come back :3
Battery's at 53 %...and I only got 50 MB of data...gasp
submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun[link] [53 comments]
Hey All!
I might not be new per se seeing as I've been active a bit for about a month and some change, but I never did a proper introduction post like so. But yeah, you've probably seen me 'round here. I stopped lurking after threeish years and became active. Anywho, I stumbled upon the fandom in August of 2012 and immediately became attached. I am still looking for my niche within it though and hardly know anyone. Moving on, I hail from the SF Bay Area but I go to school in Seattle. I am currently double majoring in Criminology and Theatre. My interests include video games, nexflix, hiking, and snowboarding. I dabble a bit in photography and screenwriting, I hopefully have a major project coming for the latter. So yeah, that's all there is I guess, I'm always up for a chat :3
submitted by stolenlegos[link] [54 comments]
Something I drew while watching some movies
I'm glad I decided to be more outgoing!
Today, I decided to be more involved here and not be a lurker. I made a bunch of new friends and had some.... interesting conversations (you know who you are ;) ) I had a ton fun and helped some people out with their problems. It feels great to be involved here. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow!
Until then, Goodnight my fellow floofly butts :3
submitted by xVoltaire[link] [7 comments]
To "yiff" or not to "yiff"? That is the question...
I was browsing my Twitter account this evening when I ran across a post from a fellow furry. The disgruntled tweet stated that it is unfortunate that the fandom is more or less perceived as an internet culture centered around sexual deviancy. I agree with this to some extent due to the fact there is a great deal of media/news misinformation regarding the fandom. But as a collective, are we perpetuating these issues via acts of misconduct? This is an extraordinarily open and accepting fandom, which is fantastic, but is it to the extent that we don't draw the line and question certain behaviors? For example, wearing a t-shirt with the furry expletive "Yiff" on it. We all know what a simple Google search of the word would reveal. Is that the introduction or reputation of the fandom we want to instill in others? I speak for myself but I know that I don't want to be thought of as a sexual deviant because I appreciate anthropomorphic artwork and animal character costumes. We should be able to talk about furrydom without needing to feel ashamed.
What do you furs think? Are we our own worst enemies? Should we do more to curtail a positive image of the fandom and negate/disown deviant behavior when applicable?
Let's have a discussion! Be thoughtful, kind and have fun. I and my fellow Twitter furs can't wait to hear what you guys have to say!
submitted by superstylin_betamaxx[link] [32 comments]