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Just a reminder, there's a sub for all your AMA needs...
Hello from the mod of /r/furryama! I made that sub long ago, but it doesn't get much traffic. So feel free to abuse it if you'd like.
submitted by Red-Fox14[link] [13 comments]
S4 – Episode 15: Open Topic - Our guest canceled last minute, so we called Klik the Donkey, and had a deluxe length open topic episode! Listen as we discuss the topics of importance: Grilled cheese, convention badge policies, Nintendo's colossal **** ups,
Show Notes
Special Thanks
Klik, our guest
Leo the Artist
Opening theme: Fredrik Miller– Cloud Fields (Radio Mix). USA: Bandcamp, 2011. ©2011 Fur What It’s Worth. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Bumpers: Twink - Not Enough Crayons for Everyone, Bandcamp, 2004. ©2004 Twink. Used with permission. Thank you!
Space News Music: Fredrik Miller – Orbit. USA: Bandcamp, 2013. Used with permission. (Buy a copy here – support your fellow furs!)
Submitted Art
Next episode: Do you puppet? Do you know who does? Do you see others with puppets at meets? We explore one of the oldest branches of furry in our next episode on puppeteering! Send your questions and comments by June 18, 2015. S4 – Episode 15: Open Topic - Our guest canceled last minute, so we called Klik the Donkey, and had a deluxe length open topic episode! Listen as we discuss the topics of importance: Grilled cheese, convention badge policies, Nintendo's colossal **** ups,
Intro Post - Hello, I'm Remmy!
Been on Reddit for a little while now, I may have commented in here once but I can't recall so...Intro Time.
I go by "Remmy" or "Remmy Wolf", I am a female Wolf Fur that's been around for a little over a decade. I've been to FurIdaho 2012, RMFC 2012, RF 2012, FurIdaho 2013, RMFC 2013 and the first Biggest Little Fur Con in 2013.
I haven't had the funds to go to any more cons so my poor suit Mylo, the Chihuahua, has been sitting in my room staring at me for quite a while.
I'm into quite a few geeky things including but not limited to Video Games (PC & PS3 & Nintendo 3DS {Horror/Thriller, Survival Games, Harvest Moon, Open World RPG}), DnD, Anime, Magic the Gathering, etc. I also like dog training, running (around like an idjit), exploring, fursuiting, reading, campfires/fire pits, food, sweets, food, sweets... I like fewds >w<
I am currently going back to school, my second University semester this next Fall. I enjoy many things but I find it difficult to find something I am either Good at or Enjoy enough as a career. :s In the meantime, I am just enjoying doing basic math/English classes as I try to figure out what to do with my life.
I already moved out of my parents' and am living in my own home whilst working to get the bills paid. I have 4 rotten four legged companions and about 18 chickens out in the middle of butt f*** no where.
submitted by RemiliaSuzerain[link] [17 comments]
Not sure if r/furry is the right place to post, but I'm currently making a minotaur mask. Hope you enjoy.
To another amazing year together <3 (by Jarv)
I made a cute collage of my personal favorite, freeze-pop88's headshots! Enjoy the adorable Femboys!
Hey! New to the fandom
I've been friends with lots of furries for quite a while, months, but I recently joined the fandom myself as of around two weeks ago, and ventured to this subreddit around 2 days ago.
You might know me from the iOS jailbreak community as arcticsn0w, that guy who made the 6-line proof of concept that attracted attention and who hosts Minimal Hosts.
I wasn't going to make a "new here" post because I'm generally pretty shy about this stuff, but figured I should.
Ever since I joined the fandom, I've found myself not having to use my vent account on Twitter as much, mostly just having too much stuff to do that I don't have time to be depressed, which is good. That's partially what I've tried to achieve with this.
Anyway, hi I guess ;p
submitted by honestlyliar[link] [6 comments]
Since Scruffy's going through some technical difficulties, he asked me to post the Con Badge I made him.
Found this RPG years ago, thought I'd share
I'm leaving /r/furry..
....I won't have electricity for few days. After that, I'll come back :3
Battery's at 53 %...and I only got 50 MB of data...gasp
submitted by furrythrowawayaccoun[link] [53 comments]
Hey All!
I might not be new per se seeing as I've been active a bit for about a month and some change, but I never did a proper introduction post like so. But yeah, you've probably seen me 'round here. I stopped lurking after threeish years and became active. Anywho, I stumbled upon the fandom in August of 2012 and immediately became attached. I am still looking for my niche within it though and hardly know anyone. Moving on, I hail from the SF Bay Area but I go to school in Seattle. I am currently double majoring in Criminology and Theatre. My interests include video games, nexflix, hiking, and snowboarding. I dabble a bit in photography and screenwriting, I hopefully have a major project coming for the latter. So yeah, that's all there is I guess, I'm always up for a chat :3
submitted by stolenlegos[link] [54 comments]