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one of my fursona's, wolf/lion

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 03:43
Categories: News

head shot for Jack_Wolf_471

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 02:41
Categories: News

The furry community is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 01:48

It's been two weeks since I joined the Furry community. I just spent a night out with four furry friends and had an incredible time - I figured I'd write an entry in my journal about the whole thing.

Here are a few choice excerpts:

It’s so strange, how in two short weeks I’ve completely embraced something I tried to suppress and ignore for 15 years.

One sexy blue fox, one horny twelve year old mind and one internet connection led to the discovery of furry porn – which led to years of enjoying a really kinky fetish and being really terrified of anyone finding out about it.

A few times, I considered speaking out – to get dates, I tried a furry dating site without success. I told a couple girls, and they were generally okay with it.

But engaging with the furries at large?

Those weirdoes, those who pretend to be animals, talk about their (cringe) fursonas and how they have magical powers, while wearing animal ears and tails?

No way would I ever be caught dead with those guys.

And yet, thanks to having all the free time in the world, I decided I should try it at least once, indulge my furry side and go to a furry convention.


I showed up, and there I saw people wearing tails and ears and partial fursuits – and I knew I was in the right place. I smiled at the costumes, signed up for a 1-day pass (because by god I am not coming back here for a second day, I have real friends and a barbecue tomorrow) and went in.


I tried to engage, but simply found nothing I could connect with.


I excused myself and went to the hotel restaurant to eat, hiding my badge inside my jacket to avoid being recognized by the hotel staff as a furry.

Eating my 18$ sandwich alone, I engage a passing furry in conversation. He seems reasonably normal, and I express my newbishness. He has a generally welcoming attitude.


I find myself drifting towards the fursuiters – they’re impressive, and they’re approachable. I talk to a cute girl wearing a partial suit – she’s more talkative than the giant freaky black raven.

More fursuiters come out – more hugs are had. I stuff myself in between three fursuiters and motion for a group hug – it is warm and soft and fuzzy and nice. I’m starting to cheer up and smile.


Opening ceremony is mostly boring. But afterwards, the convention is in full swing – fursuits everywhere. I gravitate towards the cute ones – a big deer monster with heterochrome eyes, a big pink bunny rabbit – asking for hugs, following them around, calling them cute, petting them – until I end up in the headless lounge, where I meet Arguan and Anvil.

I am in full-on kid-in-disneyland mode, and these two normal, relatable people take the heads off of their suits, introduce themselves and engage me in conversation. They explain to me their motivation for suiting – namely, that it’s just plain fun. It’s a way to lose yourself in a character, to be anonymous, to have permission to do dumb shit, to cheer people up, to be cute, to be soft and huggable – wholesome, appealing things.

Gears turn in my head.

I tell them I’m only there for a day – they seem disappointed. They put their heads back on and go back to wandering around. I am energized in a way I have not felt in a long time – the friendliness is palpable, the hugs have mellowed me out, the suits have stapled a giant grin on my face and my cynicism has been replaced by giddy joy.

Furry dance. I head to the dance floor and dance my ass off, dance with one of the fursuiters (male, female, don’t care – I think she was female). I feel alive – more alive than usual. I feel the love of the world. I love the world, and the world loves me. Furries are fantastic.

I prepare to leave, and make my goodbyes – to the security husky, to anvil and arguan, to all the cute fursuiters. Hugs are had, and I leave happy and fulfilled – debating if I should come back for a second day.

On the way back I decide to call my sister – the open-minded one – and slowly ease her into what I went through that day. She seems cool with it…

Back home, I continue to debate going back, browsing the convention website. Lying in bed, I choose the fork in the road: screw the barbecue. Screw my mundane friends. I’m going to go hang out with the furries, at the biggest furry convention in Montreal.

Day 2 and 3 were rollercoasters of emotions – uncertainty, awkwardness, pure joy as I got out fursuiting in public, doing my best to support my heroes in the suits – but I will always remember Arguan literally jumping into my arms when he saw that I came back for a second day. As I posted on reddit after the second day:

Never have I felt so loved.


As day 2 went on, I knew this was my place. I wanted a suit. To get a suit, I needed a Fursona (still not using the word “fursona”, I stuck to the more normal sounding “character”). The Fursona was shockingly easy – I quickly settled on Red Panda, something I had hypothesized many years ago (If I were to make a fursona, what would I be?). My name was equally easy to find – Nitram, the opposite of me. My other side, my cheerful happy energetic side. My good side. My furry side. I told one person, and he was shockingly genuine in listening to my explanation, hugging me and telling me “Welcome, Nitram”.

I went back in for day 3 wanting nothing more than to hug every single furry in the building.


The convention ends after three days, but the story continues. I search for someone to design Nitram for me and I work hard on getting every detail right, finishing with an absolutely adorable character. I investigate fursuit makers to settle on a high quality one, and they promise to make my suit in time. I explore my furry obsession like never before, and it becomes my only subject of conversation. For a solid week, it is my life.


Two weeks later is our first unofficial get-together, an evening with four furry friends.

They’re the most wonderful people I’ve ever met, and I just had one of the best nights of my life.

This evening made me come alive – lets me show my true self: the joyful, hyperactive giggly jokester that I am inside. I may call that side Nitram, but in the end it is me. It is who I really am.

The furry community is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

submitted by Nitram_Hu
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Categories: News

Rummy here! How are my fellow fuzzbutts today?

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 01:02

I'm doing decently. Work is crazy busy, but I'm hanging in there!

What's going on with the rest of you? :3

submitted by pretzelbagel
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Categories: News

Mini /r/furry /r/askreddit Thread! ...Type...thing.

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 00:41

So, I just had this idea, and I decided to roll with it. In the light if the most current bandwagon, I present this!

This thread is like a mini /r/askreddit inside /r/furry.

Post questions in the comments-and let others answer them!

Let's see how this works out... =P

submitted by LOLKing395
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Categories: News

I had a nice cakeday~

Furry Reddit - Sat 6 Jun 2015 - 00:24
Categories: News

Panda Express

Furry Reddit - Fri 5 Jun 2015 - 21:50
Categories: News

Late-nite ask me anything!

Furry Reddit - Fri 5 Jun 2015 - 20:51

i'll be here for a while so I decided to do my own. No-holds barred just ask me anything you want. (NSFW just in case, it's all up to you).

There may/may not be sassy answers as well

submitted by Stratathefox
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Categories: News

What do we have here?

Furry Reddit - Fri 5 Jun 2015 - 19:55
Categories: News


Furry Reddit - Fri 5 Jun 2015 - 19:40

Just found out my grandmother has a hernia and I've got to take her to the ER. Send out some love and positive vibes for her you guys... I'll update when I can. nerves nerves

submitted by K_dart
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Categories: News

I am bored so ask me anything! I will answer 100% Truthfully.

Furry Reddit - Fri 5 Jun 2015 - 17:38

NSFW just in case.

submitted by toona666
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Categories: News