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The power of Hugs! ~ by Nogitsunegabriel
Legacy, by Hugo Jackson – book review by Fred Patten.

If your fursona had a theme song, what would it be?
Leave a link to your sona, and to a youtube video of the song!
submitted by CeresSergal[link] [31 comments]
Episode 87 – Age Of The Avenging Mad Max From The Future - Holy bagoodles, we're finally back! - In this episode's most rambly of ramblecasts, we talk about Mad Max, Zootopia, Age of Ultron, Steam summer sales, Christopher Lee, Kung Fury, potential time t
Holy bagoodles, we’re finally back!
In this episode’s most rambly of ramblecasts, we talk about Mad Max, Zootopia, Age of Ultron, Steam summer sales, Christopher Lee, Kung Fury, potential time traveling DeLoreans, and heaps more! Killick is even pimping a new story that you can find here.
So lube up those headphone and get stuck into this shiny new episode of Furballd.
Bye for now, but not forever.
This week’s song is “Crimson Twilight” by Dr. Manhattan. You can find the song on OCRemix here.
Episode 87 – Age Of The Avenging Mad Max From The Future - Holy bagoodles, we're finally back! - In this episode's most rambly of ramblecasts, we talk about Mad Max, Zootopia, Age of Ultron, Steam summer sales, Christopher Lee, Kung Fury, potential time traveling DeLoreans, and heaps more!I made a Furry Fan fictions Subreddit!
I made this subreddit in about an Hour. It's basically a place where people who write furry Fan Fictions on Wattpad or FanFiction.net can show off there work to others and ask for advice/Feedback! The subreddit is /r/FurryFanFiction! If you need any help regarding the subreddit, feel free to drop me a PM or ModMail me!
submitted by IrishWolfy[link] [1 comment]
I really don't know how to explain this...
Dust: An Elysian Tail 80% off!
Rummy's cuddle thread!
Cuddles all of the fuzzbutts, scaliebutts, featherbutts, and smoothbutts
So how's everyone doing today/tonight? I've missed my checkup thread for a few days and I apologize. I had a few days off of work and discovered Bojack Horseman, so I kinda zoned out for awhile.
Feel free to share and cuddle with your friendly corvus gryphon. :D
submitted by pretzelbagel[link] [11 comments]
Complaining about Starfox.
Bitch Whine Moan.
Ok so Star Fox was the most AMAZING thing growing up. It has studly smooth talking foxes, amazing almost naked blue vixens, and I'm pretty sure there was some space shooting in there too. But as I grew up...I saw Star Fox after Star Fox come and go and aside from Adventures it just...never changed. Its all kinda Star Fox 64 on nex gen after next gen after next gen console. It must be the biggest video game franchise which has done NO character development whatsoever. I mean these guys are still paper thin after 20 years. The Furry in me WANTS to care about the new Star Fox game but I just...don't. I want to see Star Fox change. I want to be given decisions to make that have an impact in the game. I want to see these characters grow over time. I want to understand WHY we are fighting for Lylat and what is at stake, and what does Andross offer the system that Corneria does not. Flying through power ups just doesn't cut it anymore. Games have shown me they can be more than that. Nintendo... step up.
submitted by Hemms3[link] [5 comments]
Re: State of the Subreddit - What could be added to improve it?
As a follow-up from this post yesterday - where it sounds like things might be starting to get stale and uninteresting here for some/many/most (I don't know, I haven't ran a survey) - I think it's worth discussing and brainstorming some ideas about what could be added that interests newer users, veteran users or both.
So it generally looks like that after an initial rush of "post, comment and read ALL THE THINGS" that new users can sometimes have, they slow down once they start seeing similar things get posted multiple times. They start to post less, then be more selective in their reading, then practically fade away from the subreddit altogether. I think we need to identify the core reason people use this subreddit and try to add a bit more structure, rather than it being a wild-west, anything-goes, everything-is-awesome, free-hugs-for-everyone all the time.
That's not to say I would want anything banned from here - quite the opposite. I want more things to be added, but in a more structured and consistent way so that people can say "oh, it's that time of the week where X happens on the subreddit - I'll go check that out", instead of maybe finding something really interesting that's happening on a whim. We've had the occasional creative prompt recently and that's good, but the monthly theme died a death a while back now and that was the last consistent thing of its kind.
Apologies if I sound blunt or somewhat aggressive in this, but my brain is in "event planning"-mode with having to organise equipment for a convention this weekend (which I'm not talking about in the post). I will say though, once I'm done with it, I am planning on running something eventful for this subreddit. I've already talked it over with the moderators, but it still needs a little more work before it kicks off.
tl;dr: What do what to see more of here? What sort of regular event would you like to see? When and how often do you want to see it?
submitted by Big_Red_Hothead[link] [17 comments]
Find the Phoenix, Beat the Moo!
One of several Pokemon-wannabe series that appeared in the wake of that series’ massive success, Monster Farm (aka Monster Rancher for the US release) is one of a select few that made it to American shores in translated form. Now Discotek Media have release Monster Farm: The Complete Series on DVD. The story “… follows a boy named Genki Sakura, who is an avid player of the Monster Rancher video games. After winning a tournament hosted by the game’s creators, Genki wins a special CD that he can use to unlock a special monster in his game at home. However, upon using this disk in his game console, he finds himself transported to a world of monsters that, much like Genki’s game, are given life by scanning special stone disks within temples. There he meets a girl named Holly, who is seeking a stone disk containing a legendary Phoenix that will save the land from the tyranny of an evil ruler named Moo. While attempting to use the disk to try and release the Phoenix, they instead bring forth a different sort of monster, which Genki names ‘Mocchi’. Wanting to free the land from Moo’s rule, Genki, Holly, Mocchi and their other monster companions set forth on a quest to find the stone disk that contains the Phoenix!” Got all that? Good! Check it out over at Previews.

image c. 2015 Discotek Media